CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_EnableExplicit #PDF_ENABLE_EXPLICIT = 1 EnableExplicit CompilerElse #PDF_ENABLE_EXPLICIT = 0 EnableExplicit CompilerEndIf CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_IsMainFile ; CompilerError "Please run main file" CompilerEndIf #PDF_NEWLINE = Chr(10) #PDF_FONTSUP = -100 #PDF_FONTSUT = 50 #PDF_FONT_TIMES = "Times-Roman" #PDF_FONT_TIMESI = "Times-Italic" #PDF_FONT_TIMESB = "Times-Bold" #PDF_FONT_TIMESBI = "Times-BoldItalic" #PDF_FONT_HELVETICA = "Helvetica" #PDF_FONT_HELVETICAB = "Helvetica-Bold" #PDF_FONT_HELVETICAI = "Helvetica-Oblique" #PDF_FONT_HELVETICABI = "Helvetica-BoldOblique" #PDF_FONT_COURIER = "Courier" #PDF_FONT_COURIERB = "Courier-Bold" #PDF_FONT_COURIERI = "Courier-Oblique" #PDF_FONT_COURIERBI = "Courier-BoldOblique" #PDF_FONT_SYMBOL = "Symbol" #PDF_FONT_ZAPFDINGBATS = "ZapfDingbats" #PDF_VER = "2.26" CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Version>=430 CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor=#PB_Processor_x86 #PUREPDF_VERSION = "PurePDF v"+#PDF_VER+" For PureBasic X86" CompilerElse #PUREPDF_VERSION = "PurePDF v"+#PDF_VER+" For PureBasic X64" CompilerEndIf Macro m_read Read.w vCharWidth EndMacro CompilerElse Structure i l.l EndStructure #PB_Long=#Long Macro ListSize CountList EndMacro Macro m_read Read vCharWidth EndMacro #PUREPDF_VERSION = "PurePDF v"+#PDF_VER+" For PureBasic" CompilerEndIf CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_OS=#PB_OS_MacOS Macro pdf_CallFunction CallFunctionFast EndMacro CompilerElse Macro pdf_CallFunction CallFunctionFast EndMacro CompilerEndIf CompilerIf Defined(PurePDF_Include,#PB_Constant) XIncludeFile "PurePDF_res.pb" CompilerEndIf Structure TTF_Header sfnt_version.l numTables.w searchRange.w entrySelector.w rangeShift.w EndStructure Structure TTF_Header_Table tag.l checkSum.l offset.l length.l EndStructure Structure TTF_head_Header version.l fontrevision.l checkSumAdjustment.l magicNumber.l flags.w unitsPerEm.w created.q modified.q xMin.w yMin.w xMax.w yMax.w macStyle.u lowestRecPPEM.u fontDirectionHint.w indexToLocFormat.w glyphDataFormat.w EndStructure Structure TTF_hhea_Header Version.l Ascent.w Descent.w LineGap.w AdvanceWidthMax.u MinLeftSideBearing.w MinRightSideBearing.w XMaxExtent.w CaretSlopeRise.w CaretSlopeRun.w CaretOffset.w Reserved.w[4] MetricDataFormat.w NumberOfHMetrics.u EndStructure Structure TTF_maxp_Header version.l numGlyphs.u maxPoints.u maxContours.u maxCompositePoints.u maxCompositeContours.u maxZones.u maxTwilightPoints.u maxStorage.u maxFunctionDefs.u maxInstructionDefs.u maxStackElements.u maxSizeOfInstructions.u maxComponentElements.u maxComponentDepth.u EndStructure Structure TTF_NameRecord platformID.u platformSpecificID.u languageID.u nameID.u length.u offset.u EndStructure Structure TTF_name_Header format.u count.u stringOffset.u NameRecord.TTF_NameRecord[0] EndStructure CompilerIf Defined(FIXED,#PB_Structure)=0 Structure FIXED fract.w Value.w EndStructure CompilerEndIf Structure TTF_post_Header format.FIXED italicAngle.FIXED underlinePosition.w underlineThickness.w isFixedPitch.l minMemType42.l maxMemType42.l minMemType1.l maxMemType1.l EndStructure Structure TTF_longhormetric advanceWidth.w lsb.w EndStructure Structure TTF_cmap_Header version.w numTables.w EndStructure Structure TTF_cmap_Header_Table platformID.w encodingID.w offset.l EndStructure Structure TTF_cmap_subtable format.w length.w language.w EndStructure Structure TTF_cmap_Format_0 Extends TTF_cmap_subtable glyphIdArray.a[256] EndStructure Structure TTF_cmap_Format_4 Extends TTF_cmap_subtable segCountX2.w searchRange.w entrySelector.w rangeShift.w EndStructure Structure TTF_Segment segment.w[0] EndStructure #GF_USED = 1 #GF_FLOAT = 2 #MAXLEGALWIDTH = 10000 Structure TTF_CharacterMap List char_no.i() xMin.i yMin.i xMax.i yMax.i lsb.i ttf_pathlen.i Width.w flags.w ;oldwidth.i scaledwidth.i EndStructure Structure PDF_ImageStructure pMem.i MemSize.i Pal.MEM_DataStructure Datapic.MEM_DataStructure N.l ImageN.l Bpc.l x.l y.l Width.l Height.l FileName.s ColSpace.s Parms.s Filter.s ActualText.s EndStructure Structure PDF_FontStructure N.l FontN.l FontEmbed.l ; 1=Font embedding unicode.l numglyphs.l n_hmetrics.l indexToLocFormat.l unitsPerEm.l scale_factor.d original_scale_factor.d Ascent.l Descent.l CapHeight.l ItalicAngle.l StemV.l bbox.l[4] *cidtogidmap.TTF_Segment Array glyph_list.TTF_CharacterMap(0) Subfamily$ Name$ Style$ FontKey$ CharWidth.w[256] EndStructure Structure PDF_ObjectStructure Buffer.i ; Buffer Buflen.i ; Bufferlength pdfN.i ; when ipdf_Put...() is called this is the pointer to the object vStyle.i ; style Name$ ; Name of an object Desc$ ; Description (optional) CreationDate$ ; The date and time when the embedded file was created. ModDate$ ; The date and time when the embedded file was last modified. EndStructure Structure PDF_PageLinkStructure Type.l pdfN.l Page.l DestPage.l fA0.f fA1.f fA2.f fA3.f x.f y.f w.f h.f Flags.l ; Annotation Flags ; Bit positions : ; 1 = Invisible ; 2 = Hidden ; 3 = Print ; 4 = NoZoom ; 5 = NoRotate ; 6 = NoView ; 7 = ReadOnly ; 8 = Locked ; 9 = ToggleNoView File.l ; listindex of embedded file FilepdfN.l Option1$ ; url$ / Filename$ / Text$ Option2$ ; Dir$ / Icon$ Option3$ ; Action$ / Title$ Option4$ ; Parameter$ / DateTime$ ;Title$ = The text label to be displayed in the title bar of the annotation’s ; pop-up window when open And active. By convention, this entry identifies ; the user who added the annotation. ;DateTime$ = The date and time when the annotation was most recently modified EndStructure Structure PDF_TocStructure Level.l Page.l Text$ EndStructure Structure PDF_OutLineStructure Level.l Y.f wPage.l lParent.l lLast.l lFirst.l lPrev.l lNext.l Text$ EndStructure Structure PDF_Pagestructure PMem.MEM_DataStructure OrientationChanges.l pdfN.l pdfWPt.f pdfHPt.f EndStructure ;Internal function declarations Declare ipdf_PutBookMarks() Declare ipdf_PutCatalogBookMark() Declare ipdf_EndDocBookMark() Declare ipdf_PutCatalogDisplay() Declare ipdf_PutJavaScript() Declare ipdf_PutCatalogJavaScript() Declare ipdf_SetProcPutResources(ProcAddress) Declare ipdf_SetProcPutCatalog(ProcAddress) Declare ipdf_SetProcEndDoc(ProcAddress) Declare ipdf_SetProcEndPage(ProcAddress) Declare ipdf_angle_endpage() Declare ipdf_Transform(p1.f, p2.f, p3.f, p4.f, p5.f, p6.f) Declare ipdf_ActualText(objlink,text$="") Global pdfBuffer.MEM_DataStructure Global pdfState.l Global pdfPage.l Global pdfError.l Global pdfFontSize.f Global pdfWs.f Global pdfK.f Global pdfFontSizePt.l Global pdfH.f Global pdfN.l Global pdfX.f Global pdfY.f Global pdfLMargin.f Global pdfTMargin.f Global pdfDefOrientation$ Global pdfFontFamily$ Global pdfCurOrientation$ Global pdfWPt.f Global pdfFwPt.f Global pdfHPt.f Global pdfFhPt.f Global pdfW.f Global pdfFw.f Global pdfFh.f Global pdfPageBreakTrigger.f Global pdfBMargin.f Global pdfZoomMode.l Global pdfLayoutMode$ Global pdfTitle$ Global pdfSubject$ Global pdfAuthor$ Global pdfKeywords$ Global pdfCreator$ Global pdfAliasNbPages$ Global pdfRMargin.f Global pdfCMargin.f Global pdfAutoPageBreak.l Global pdfInFooter.l Global pdfLasth.f Global pdfFontStyle$ Global pdfUnderline.l Global pdfDrawColor$ Global pdfFillColor$ Global pdfTextColor$ Global pdfColorFlag.l Global pdfLineWidth.f Global pdfNumbering.l Global pdfNumberingFooter.l Global pdfNumPageNum.l Global ASCII85_Width Global ASCII85_Pos Global pdfOBJNames Global pdfMultiCellNewLines Global pCompress Global pHeader Global pFooter Global pHeaderParamPtr Global pFooterParamPtr Global pAcceptPageBreak Global vLocalDecimal.s Global vpdfTimeZoneOffset.s Global pdfOutlineRoot.l Global pdfDisplayPreferences$ Global pdfJavaScript$ Global pdfJSNum.l Global pdfAngle.f ;Merge of Mem.pb 9.11.2007 ABBKlaus #PDF_MEMBLOCKMINSIZE=2048 Procedure MEM_DataInit(*aData.MEM_DataStructure, aSize) Protected vReturn,vCurSize,vTmp ;aSize = (Int(aSize/64000)+1)*64000 If aSize % #PDF_MEMBLOCKMINSIZE aSize=((aSize/#PDF_MEMBLOCKMINSIZE)+1)*#PDF_MEMBLOCKMINSIZE EndIf vReturn = #True If *aData\pData = 0 vCurSize = 0 *aData\pData = AllocateMemory(aSize) If *aData\pData = 0 pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; luis CallDebugger vReturn = #False EndIf Else vCurSize = *aData\lCurSize vTmp = ReAllocateMemory(*aData\pData, aSize) If vTmp *aData\pData = vTmp Else pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY ; luis CallDebugger vReturn = #False EndIf EndIf If vReturn = #True *aData\lMaxSize = aSize *aData\lCurSize = vCurSize EndIf ProcedureReturn vReturn EndProcedure Procedure MEM_DataAdd( *aDest.MEM_DataStructure, *aSource.MEM_DataStructure) Protected vSourceSize,vDestSize,vDestMaxSize vSourceSize = *aSource\lCursize vDestSize = *aDest\lCurSize vDestMaxSize = *aDest\lMaxsize If vDestMaxSize < (vSourceSize + vDestSize) If MEM_DataInit(*aDest, vSourceSize + vDestSize) = #False pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY CallDebugger ProcedureReturn #False EndIf *aDest\lCursize = vDestSize EndIf CopyMemory(*aSource\pData, *aDest\pData + vDestSize , vSourceSize) *aDest\lCursize = vSourceSize + vDestSize ProcedureReturn #True EndProcedure Procedure MEM_DataAddString(*aData.MEM_DataStructure, aString.s, Mode=#PB_Ascii) Protected vLen,vTmp.MEM_DataStructure,vReturn,*mem vLen = StringByteLength(aString,Mode) Select Mode Case #PB_UTF8 *mem=AllocateMemory(vLen+1) If *mem PokeS(*mem,aString,vLen,#PB_UTF8) EndIf Case #PB_Unicode *mem=AllocateMemory(vLen+2) If *mem PokeS(*mem,aString,vLen,Mode) EndIf Default ; ASCII *mem=AllocateMemory(vLen+1) If *mem PokeS(*mem,aString,vLen,Mode) EndIf EndSelect If *mem vTmp\pData = *mem vTmp\lCurSize = vLen vTmp\lMaxSize = vLen vReturn = MEM_DataAdd(*aData, vTmp) FreeMemory(*mem) EndIf ProcedureReturn vReturn EndProcedure ;Constructor ;=========== ProcedureDLL pdf_Init() Global NewList Pages.PDF_Pagestructure() Global NewList Images.PDF_ImageStructure() Global NewList Fonts.PDF_FontStructure() Global NewList FontList.PDF_ObjectStructure() Global NewList FileList.PDF_ObjectStructure() Global NewList Offsets.l() Global NewList PageLinks.PDF_PageLinkStructure() Global NewList pEndPage() Global NewList pPutCatalog() Global NewList pPutResources() Global NewList pEndDoc() Global NewList pdfTOC.PDF_TocStructure() ;Bookmarks Global NewList OutLines.PDF_OutLineStructure() ;Bookmark variable Global NewList Lru.l() ;Bookmark variable ipdf_SetProcPutResources(@ipdf_PutBookMarks()) ipdf_SetProcPutResources(@ipdf_PutJavaScript()) ipdf_SetProcPutCatalog(@ipdf_PutCatalogBookMark()) ipdf_SetProcPutCatalog(@ipdf_PutCatalogDisplay()) ipdf_SetProcPutCatalog(@ipdf_PutCatalogJavaScript()) ipdf_SetProcEndDoc(@ipdf_EndDocBookMark()) ;Draw ipdf_SetProcEndPage(@ipdf_angle_endpage()) EndProcedure Procedure MEM_DataReplace(*aData.MEM_DataStructure, aSource.s, aDest.s) ; MOVE THIS PROCEDURE TO BE AFTER pdf_Init() Protected vSourceLen,vDestLen,vCurSize,vMaxSize,vCount,vFind,*tmp,vReturn,i,j,*vaSource Protected vLen,*vaDest,vaDestString,fontU ; Needed for Unicode to ASCII ;MEM_DataStructure is ASCII so we have play a bit with footer fonts() is declared in pdf_Init(), plan accordingly fontU= fonts()\unicode ; find out if Unicode or ASCII FONT vLen = SizeOf(Character) ; find out if Unicode or ASCII program vSourceLen = StringByteLength(aSource); changed to StringByteLength for Unicode *vaSource = AllocateMemory(vSourceLen); created a temp buffer for Unicode If fontU=0 PokeS(*vaSource,aSource,vSourceLen,#PB_String_NoZero|#PB_Ascii); font is ASCII Else PokeS(*vaSource,aSource,vSourceLen,#PB_String_NoZero);saved Unicode string to mem to compare mem not string ; vSourceLen - 1 EndIf If vlen=1 Or fontU=0 vSourceLen=(vSourceLen/vlen); ASCII font or ASCII program, resize source EndIf vDestLen = StringByteLength(aDest) ; changed to StringByteLength If fontU=0 And vlen=2 vDestLen=(vDestLen/vlen)+1 ;ASCII font Unicode program EndIf *vaDest=AllocateMemory(vDestLen) If fontU=0 PokeS(*vaDest,aDest,vDestLen,#PB_Ascii|#PB_String_NoZero) ; ASCII FONT Else PokeS(*vaDest,aDest,vDestLen,#PB_Unicode|#PB_String_NoZero); Unicode EndIf vCurSize = *aData\lCursize vMaxSize = *aData\lMaxsize vFind = 0 vReturn = #True If (vDestLen > vSourceLen) For i = vCurSize To 0 Step -1 vCount= 0 If CompareMemory(*aData\pData + i - vSourceLen,*vaSource,vSourceLen) vFind = vFind + 1 Break EndIf Next If (vFind > 0) vReturn = MEM_DataInit(*aData, vMaxSize + (vFind*(vDestLen - vSourceLen))) ; = #False EndIf EndIf If vReturn = #True *tmp = AllocateMemory((vDestLen + vCurSize) - vSourceLen) If *tmp For i = vCurSize To 0 Step -1 If CompareMemory(*aData\pData + i - vSourceLen,*vaSource,vSourceLen) CopyMemory(*aData\pData + i, *tmp, *aData\lCurSize - i) CopyMemory(*vaDest, *aData\pData + i - vSourceLen , vDestLen ) ; CopyMemory(*tmp, *aData\pData + (i-fontU) - vSourceLen + vDestLen, *aData\lCurSize - i) ; COPY according to ASCII or UNICODE font *aData\lCurSize = *aData\lCurSize + (vDestLen-vSourceLen) Break EndIf Next FreeMemory(*tmp) Else vReturn = #False EndIf EndIf FreeMemory(*vaSource) ; used to search as memory and not string FreeMemory(*vaDest) ; Temp change to ASCII ProcedureReturn vReturn EndProcedure ;Destructor ;========== ProcedureDLL pdf_End() If pdfBuffer\pData FreeMemory(pdfBuffer\pData) EndIf pdfBuffer\pData=0 EndProcedure ;28/12/2006 : define decimal seperator Procedure.s ipdf_LocalDecimal() Protected Buff.s="",cchData,Res,*Buffer CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_OS=#PB_OS_Windows cchData=GetLocaleInfo_(#LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, #LOCALE_SDECIMAL, 0, 0) If cchData *Buffer=AllocateMemory(cchData*SizeOf(Character)) If *Buffer Res=GetLocaleInfo_(#LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, #LOCALE_SDECIMAL, *Buffer, cchData) If Res Buff=PeekS(*Buffer,Res) EndIf FreeMemory(*Buffer) EndIf EndIf CompilerElse ; Workaround for other OSīs : return Komma Buff="," CompilerEndIf ProcedureReturn Buff EndProcedure Procedure.s ipdf_StrF(Value.f, NbDecimals) Protected vReturn.s If vLocalDecimal = "." vReturn = StrF(Value, NbDecimals) Else vReturn = ReplaceString(StrF(Value, NbDecimals),vLocalDecimal, ".") EndIf ProcedureReturn vReturn EndProcedure ;Thanks to Rescator / skywalk / wilbert for the Procedures EndianW() / EndianL() / EndianQ() Procedure.l ipdf_EndianL(value.l) ; Rescator : EnableASM MOV Eax,value BSWAP Eax DisableASM ProcedureReturn EndProcedure CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor=#PB_Processor_x64 Procedure.q ipdf_EndianQ(value.q) ; Rescator : EnableASM MOV rax, value BSWAP rax DisableASM ProcedureReturn EndProcedure CompilerElse Procedure.q ipdf_EndianQ(value.q) ; Wilbert : Protected addr.l=@value EnableASM MOV edx, addr MOV eax, [edx + 4] MOV edx, [edx] BSWAP eax BSWAP edx DisableASM ProcedureReturn EndProcedure CompilerEndIf Procedure.w ipdf_EndianW(value.w) ; skywalk/wilbert : EnableASM ROL value, 8 DisableASM ProcedureReturn value EndProcedure Procedure.s HexView(*Memory,flags) ; only used to debug memory locations Protected String.s Select flags Case #PB_Byte ; 0 String="$"+RSet(Hex(PeekB(*Memory),#PB_Byte),2,"0") Case #PB_Word ; 1 String="$"+RSet(Hex(PeekW(*Memory),#PB_Word),4,"0") Case #PB_Long ; 2 String="$"+RSet(Hex(PeekL(*Memory),#PB_Long),8,"0") Case $102 ; #PB_Integer is the same as #PB_Long ! we have to created something unique ;-) CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor=#PB_Processor_x64 String="$"+RSet(Hex(PeekI(*Memory),#PB_Long),16,"0") CompilerElse String="$"+RSet(Hex(PeekI(*Memory),#PB_Quad),8,"0") CompilerEndIf Case #PB_Float ; 3 String="$"+RSet(Hex(PeekI(*Memory),#PB_Long),16,"0") Case #PB_Quad ; 4 String="$"+RSet(Hex(PeekQ(*Memory)),16,"0") Case #PB_String ; 5 Case #PB_Double ; 6 String="$"+RSet(Hex(PeekQ(*Memory)),16,"0") Case #PB_Character ; 7 String="$"+RSet(Hex(PeekC(*Memory)),2*SizeOf(Character),"0") Case #PB_Ascii ; 8 String="$"+RSet(Hex(PeekA(*Memory),#PB_Ascii),2,"0") Case #PB_Unicode ; 9 String="$"+RSet(Hex(PeekU(*Memory),#PB_Unicode),4,"0") EndSelect ProcedureReturn String EndProcedure Procedure.s HexViewEndian(*Memory,flags) ; only used to debug memory locations Protected String.s Select flags Case #PB_Byte String="$"+RSet(Hex(PeekB(*Memory)),2,"0") Case #PB_Word String="$"+RSet(Hex(ipdf_EndianW(PeekW(*Memory)),#PB_Word),4,"0") Case #PB_Long String="$"+RSet(Hex(ipdf_EndianL(PeekL(*Memory)),#PB_Long),8,"0") Case #PB_Integer CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Processor=#PB_Processor_x64 String="$"+RSet(Hex(ipdf_EndianQ(PeekI(*Memory)),#PB_Integer),16,"0") CompilerElse String="$"+RSet(Hex(ipdf_EndianL(PeekL(*Memory)),#PB_Long),8,"0") CompilerEndIf Case #PB_Quad String="$"+RSet(Hex(ipdf_EndianQ(PeekQ(*Memory)),#PB_Quad),16,"0") EndSelect ProcedureReturn String EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_TTF_CalcTableChecksum(*Table,Length.l) Protected Sum.l Protected *Endptr = *Table+Length While (*Table < *EndPtr) Sum+(ipdf_EndianL(PeekL(*Table))) *Table+4 Wend ProcedureReturn Sum EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Handle_MS_Encoding(Array glyph_list.TTF_CharacterMap(1),cmap_n_segs,*cmap_seg_start.TTF_Segment,*cmap_seg_end.TTF_Segment,*cmap_idDelta.TTF_Segment,*cmap_idRangeOffset.TTF_Segment,*cmap_glyphIndexArray.TTF_Segment,nglyphs,Buffer,Buflen) Protected j, k, kk, set_ok, *glyphIndexAddress.TTF_Segment Protected s_start.u,s_end.u,ro.u,delta.w,n.u For j=0 To (cmap_n_segs-1) s_start=ipdf_EndianW(*cmap_seg_start\segment[j])&$FFFF s_end=ipdf_EndianW(*cmap_seg_end\segment[j])&$FFFF delta=ipdf_EndianW(*cmap_idDelta\segment[j]) ro=ipdf_EndianW(*cmap_idRangeOffset\segment[j])&$FFFF ;Debug "j="+Str(j)+" s_start="+StrU(s_start,#PB_Unicode)+" s_end="+StrU(s_end,#PB_Unicode) For k = s_start To s_end If (ro=0) n=k+delta Else ;If ro>=nglyphs ; Debug "Font contains a broken glyph code mapping, ignored" ; Continue ;EndIf *glyphIndexAddress = (ro + 2 * (k - s_start) + @*cmap_idRangeOffset\segment[j]) If delta<>0 n+delta Debug "rangeoffset and delta both non-zero" CallDebugger EndIf If (*glyphIndexAddress >= Buffer) And *glyphIndexAddress =< (Buffer+Buflen-1) n=ipdf_EndianW(*glyphIndexAddress\segment[0])&$FFFF Else Debug "*glyphIndexAddress out of range error" CallDebugger EndIf EndIf If n<0 Or n>=nglyphs Debug "Font contains a broken glyph code mapping, ignored" CallDebugger Continue EndIf If n<>0 AddElement(glyph_list(n)\char_no()) glyph_list(n)\char_no()=k Else ; missing glyph ;Debug Str(j)+","+Str(k)+","+Str(n) EndIf Next Next EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Handle_MAC_Encoding(Array glyph_list.TTF_CharacterMap(1),*subtable_F0.TTF_cmap_Format_0,Buffer,Buflen) Protected i,j,n,size.i=ipdf_EndianW(*subtable_F0\length)-6 For j=0 To size-1 n=*subtable_F0\glyphIdArray[j] ;If n=0; Or n=1 ; Continue ;EndIf AddElement(glyph_list(n)\char_no()) glyph_list(n)\char_no()=j Next EndProcedure Procedure.i ipdf_TTF_SearchTagName(*TTF_Memory.TTF_Header,TagName.s) Protected Version,numTables,searchRange,entrySelector,rangeShift Protected *OffsetTable.TTF_Header_Table Protected tag.s,checkSum.l,offset.l,Tlength.l If *TTF_Memory Version = ipdf_EndianL(*TTF_Memory\sfnt_version) numTables = ipdf_EndianW(*TTF_Memory\numTables) searchRange = ipdf_EndianW(*TTF_Memory\searchRange) entrySelector = ipdf_EndianW(*TTF_Memory\entrySelector) rangeShift = ipdf_EndianW(*TTF_Memory\rangeShift) If Version = $10000 ; 0x00010000 for version 1.0 / can be 'true' or 'typ1' on Apple Systems *OffsetTable=*TTF_Memory+SizeOf(TTF_Header) While numTables>0 tag = PeekS(@*OffsetTable\tag,4,#PB_Ascii) checkSum = ipdf_EndianL(*OffsetTable\checkSum) offset = ipdf_EndianL(*OffsetTable\offset) Tlength = ipdf_EndianL(*OffsetTable\length) ;Debug "tag="+tag ;Debug "checkSum="+Hex(checkSum,#PB_Long) ;Debug "offset="+Hex(offset,#PB_Long) ;Debug "Tlength="+Hex(Tlength,#PB_Long) ;Calc.l = ipdf_TTF_CalcTableChecksum(*TTF_Memory+offset,Tlength) ;Debug "Calc="+Hex(Calc,#PB_Long) ;If checkSum <> Calc ; Debug Hex(checkSum,#PB_Long) + "<>" + Hex(Calc,#PB_Long) ;EndIf If tag = TagName ProcedureReturn *TTF_Memory+offset EndIf *OffsetTable+SizeOf(TTF_Header_Table) numTables-1 Wend EndIf EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.i ipdf_TTF_Searchcmap(Array glyph_list.TTF_CharacterMap(1),*cmap.TTF_cmap_Header,nglyphs,Buffer,Buflen,platform=-1,encoding=-1,format=-1) Protected cmap_Version,cmap_numTables,i Protected *cmap_Table_Header.TTF_cmap_Header_Table,*subtable.TTF_cmap_subtable,*subtable_F0.TTF_cmap_Format_0 Protected *subtable_F4.TTF_cmap_Format_4,*ptr.Word Protected platformID,encodingID,formatID,cmapoffset,formatF0,formatF0_length,formatF0_language Protected formatF4,formatF4_length,formatF4_language,formatF4_segCountX2,formatF4_segCount,formatF4_searchRange Protected formatF4_entrySelector,formatF4_rangeShift Protected cmap_seg_end,cmap_seg_start,cmap_idDelta,cmap_idRangeOffset,cmap_glyphIndexArray If *cmap cmap_Version = ipdf_EndianW(*cmap\version) cmap_numTables = ipdf_EndianW(*cmap\numTables) ;Debug "cmap_Version="+Hex(cmap_Version,#PB_Word) ;Debug "cmap_numTables="+Hex(cmap_numTables,#PB_Word) *cmap_Table_Header=*cmap+SizeOf(TTF_cmap_Header) While cmap_numTables>0 platformID = ipdf_EndianW(*cmap_Table_Header\platformID) encodingID = ipdf_EndianW(*cmap_Table_Header\encodingID) cmapoffset = ipdf_EndianL(*cmap_Table_Header\offset) *subtable=*cmap+cmapoffset formatID = ipdf_EndianW(*subtable\format) ;Debug "platformID="+Hex(platformID,#PB_Word) ;Debug "encodingID="+Hex(encodingID,#PB_Word) ;Debug "cmapoffset="+Hex(cmapoffset,#PB_Long) ;Debug "formatID="+Hex(format,#PB_Word) Select platformID Case 1 ;Debug "platformID=Macintosh" Case 3 ;Debug "platformID=Windows" EndSelect Select encodingID Case 0 ;Debug "encodingID=Symbol" Case 1 ;Debug "encodingID=Unicode BMP (UCS-2)" Case 2 ;Debug "encodingID=ShiftJIS" Case 3 ;Debug "encodingID=PRC" Case 4 ;Debug "encodingID=Big5" Case 5 ;Debug "encodingID=Wansung" Case 6 ;Debug "encodingID=Johab" Case 7,8,9 ;Debug "encodingID=Reserved" Case 10 ;Debug "encodingID=Unicode UCS-4" EndSelect If platform<>-1 And (platform<>platformID) *cmap_Table_Header+SizeOf(TTF_cmap_Header_Table) cmap_numTables-1 Continue EndIf If encoding<>-1 And (encoding<>encodingID) *cmap_Table_Header+SizeOf(TTF_cmap_Header_Table) cmap_numTables-1 Continue EndIf If format<>-1 And (format<>formatID) *cmap_Table_Header+SizeOf(TTF_cmap_Header_Table) cmap_numTables-1 Continue EndIf Select formatID Case 0 ; Format 0: Byte encoding table ;Debug "Format 0: Byte encoding table" *subtable_F0=*subtable formatF0=ipdf_Endianw(*subtable_F0\format) formatF0_length=ipdf_EndianW(*subtable_F0\length) formatF0_language=ipdf_EndianW(*subtable_F0\language) ;Debug "formatF0="+Hex(formatF0,#PB_Word) ;Debug "formatF0_length="+Hex(formatF0_length,#PB_Word) ;Debug "formatF0_language="+Hex(formatF0_language,#PB_Word) ipdf_Handle_MAC_Encoding(glyph_list(),*subtable_F0,Buffer,Buflen) ProcedureReturn #True Case 4 ; Format 4: Segment mapping to delta values ;Debug "Format 4: Segment mapping to delta values" *subtable_F4=*subtable formatF4=ipdf_Endianw(*subtable_F4\format) formatF4_length=ipdf_EndianW(*subtable_F4\length) formatF4_language=ipdf_EndianW(*subtable_F4\language) formatF4_segCountX2=ipdf_EndianW(*subtable_F4\segCountX2) formatF4_segCount=formatF4_segCountX2>>1 formatF4_searchRange=ipdf_EndianW(*subtable_F4\searchRange) formatF4_entrySelector=ipdf_EndianW(*subtable_F4\entrySelector) formatF4_rangeShift=ipdf_EndianW(*subtable_F4\rangeShift) ;Debug "formatF4="+Hex(formatF4,#PB_Word) ;Debug "formatF4_length="+Hex(formatF4_length,#PB_Word) ;Debug "formatF4_language="+Hex(formatF4_language,#PB_Word) ;Debug "formatF4_segCountX2="+Hex(formatF4_segCountX2,#PB_Word) ;Debug "formatF4_searchRange="+Hex(formatF4_searchRange,#PB_Word) ;Debug "formatF4_entrySelector="+Hex(formatF4_entrySelector,#PB_Word) ;Debug "formatF4_rangeShift="+Hex(formatF4_rangeShift,#PB_Word) *ptr=*subtable+SizeOf(TTF_cmap_Format_4) cmap_seg_end=*ptr cmap_seg_start=*ptr+formatF4_segCountX2+2 cmap_idDelta=*ptr+((formatF4_segCountX2*2)+2) cmap_idRangeOffset=*ptr+((formatF4_segCountX2*3)+2) cmap_glyphIndexArray=*ptr+((formatF4_segCountX2*4)+2) ;Debug "cmap_seg_end="+Hex(ipdf_EndianW(PeekW(cmap_seg_end)),#PB_Word) ;Debug "cmap_seg_start="+Hex(ipdf_EndianW(PeekW(cmap_seg_start)),#PB_Word) ;Debug "cmap_idDelta="+Hex(ipdf_EndianW(PeekW(cmap_idDelta)),#PB_Word) ;Debug "cmap_idRangeOffset="+Hex(ipdf_EndianW(PeekW(cmap_idRangeOffset)),#PB_Word) ipdf_Handle_MS_Encoding(glyph_list(),formatF4_segCount,cmap_seg_start,cmap_seg_end,cmap_idDelta,cmap_idRangeOffset,cmap_glyphIndexArray,nglyphs,Buffer,Buflen) ProcedureReturn #True EndSelect *cmap_Table_Header+SizeOf(TTF_cmap_Header_Table) cmap_numTables-1 Wend EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.l ipdf_TTF_Create_cidtogidmap(Array glyph_list.TTF_CharacterMap(1)) Protected *cidtogidmap.TTF_Segment,cidtogidmapSize=256*256*2,nsize=ArraySize(glyph_list()),i ;-* cidtogidmax If nsize *cidtogidmap=AllocateMemory(cidtogidmapSize) If *cidtogidmap For i=0 To nsize ForEach glyph_list(i)\char_no() If glyph_list(i)\char_no()>=0 And glyph_list(i)\char_no()<$FFFF ;Debug "i="+Str(i)+" / Char="+Str(glyph_list(i)\char_no()) *cidtogidmap\segment[glyph_list(i)\char_no()]=ipdf_EndianW(i)&$FFFF EndIf Next Next CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Debugger ; If CreateFile(1,"cidtogidmap.txt") ; WriteData(1,*cidtogidmap,cidtogidmapSize) ; CloseFile(1) ; EndIf ; CallDebugger CompilerEndIf EndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn *cidtogidmap EndProcedure Procedure.i ipdf_TTF_iscale(unitsPerEm.l,val.i) Protected res.i If val>0 ProcedureReturn Int((1000/unitsPerEm) * val + 0.5) Else ProcedureReturn Int((1000/unitsPerEm) * val - 0.5) EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.l ipdf_TTF_Handle_Head(List Fonts.PDF_FontStructure(),*Head.TTF_head_Header) Protected indexToLocFormat,unitsPerEm If *Head ;Debug "version="+HexViewEndian(@*head\version,#PB_Long) ;Debug "fontrevision="+HexViewEndian(@*head\fontrevision,#PB_Long) ;Debug "checkSumAdjustment="+HexViewEndian(@*head\checkSumAdjustment,#PB_Long) ;Debug "magicNumber="+HexViewEndian(@*head\magicNumber,#PB_Long) ;Debug "flags="+HexViewEndian(@*head\flags,#PB_Word) ;Debug "unitsPerEm="+StrU(ipdf_EndianW(*head\unitsPerEm),#PB_Word) ;Debug "created="+HexViewEndian(@*head\created,#PB_Quad) ;Debug "modified="+HexViewEndian(@*head\modified,#PB_Quad) ;Debug "xMin="+Str(ipdf_EndianW(*head\xMin)) ;Debug "yMin="+Str(ipdf_EndianW(*head\yMin)) ;Debug "xMax="+Str(ipdf_EndianW(*head\xMax)) ;Debug "yMax="+Str(ipdf_EndianW(*head\yMax)) ;Debug "macStyle="+HexViewEndian(@*head\macStyle,#PB_Word) ;Debug "lowestRecPPEM="+HexViewEndian(@*head\lowestRecPPEM,#PB_Word) ;Debug "fontDirectionHint="+HexViewEndian(@*head\fontDirectionHint,#PB_Word) ;Debug "indexToLocFormat="+HexViewEndian(@*head\indexToLocFormat,#PB_Word) ;Debug "glyphDataFormat="+HexViewEndian(@*head\glyphDataFormat,#PB_Word) Fonts()\indexToLocFormat = ipdf_EndianW(*Head\indexToLocFormat) Fonts()\unitsPerEm = ipdf_EndianW(*head\unitsPerEm)&$FFFF Fonts()\scale_factor = 1000 / Fonts()\unitsPerEm Fonts()\bbox[0] = ipdf_TTF_iscale(Fonts()\unitsPerEm,ipdf_EndianW(*head\xMin)) Fonts()\bbox[1] = ipdf_TTF_iscale(Fonts()\unitsPerEm,ipdf_EndianW(*head\yMin)) Fonts()\bbox[2] = ipdf_TTF_iscale(Fonts()\unitsPerEm,ipdf_EndianW(*head\xMax)) Fonts()\bbox[3] = ipdf_TTF_iscale(Fonts()\unitsPerEm,ipdf_EndianW(*head\yMax)) If Fonts()\indexToLocFormat=0 Or Fonts()\indexToLocFormat=1 ProcedureReturn #True EndIf EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.i ipdf_TTF_Searchhmtx(List Fonts.PDF_FontStructure(),*hmtx.TTF_longhormetric) Protected *hmtx_entry.TTF_longhormetric,*lsblist.TTF_Segment,i *hmtx_entry=*hmtx For i=0 To Fonts()\n_hmetrics-1 Fonts()\glyph_list(i)\Width=ipdf_EndianW(*hmtx_entry\advanceWidth) Fonts()\glyph_list(i)\lsb=ipdf_EndianW(*hmtx_entry\lsb) *hmtx_entry+SizeOf(TTF_longhormetric) Next *lsblist=*hmtx_entry *hmtx_entry-SizeOf(TTF_longhormetric) For i=Fonts()\n_hmetrics To Fonts()\numglyphs-1 Fonts()\glyph_list(i)\Width=ipdf_EndianW(*hmtx_entry\advanceWidth) Fonts()\glyph_list(i)\lsb=ipdf_EndianW(*lsblist\segment[i-Fonts()\n_hmetrics]) Next For i=0 To Fonts()\numglyphs-1 If Fonts()\glyph_list(i)\Width>0 Fonts()\glyph_list(i)\scaledwidth=ipdf_TTF_iscale(Fonts()\unitsPerEm,Fonts()\glyph_list(i)\Width) EndIf ;glyph_list(i)\xMin= ;glyph_list(i)\xMax= ;glyph_list(i)\yMin= ;glyph_list(i)\yMax= Next EndProcedure Procedure.s ipdf_TTF_Handle_Name(List Fonts.PDF_FontStructure(),*name.TTF_name_Header,PID,PSID,LID,NID) Protected count=ipdf_EndianW(*name\count)&$FFFF Protected stringOffset=*name+ipdf_EndianW(*name\stringOffset)&$FFFF Protected platformID,platformSpecificID,languageID,nameID,offset,length Protected i,j,name$,res$ ;Debug "count="+Str(count) If count>0 For i=0 To count-1 platformID=ipdf_EndianW(*name\NameRecord[i]\platformID)&$FFFF platformSpecificID=ipdf_EndianW(*name\NameRecord[i]\platformSpecificID)&$FFFF languageID=ipdf_EndianW(*name\NameRecord[i]\languageID)&$FFFF nameID=ipdf_EndianW(*name\NameRecord[i]\nameID)&$FFFF offset=ipdf_EndianW(*name\NameRecord[i]\offset)&$FFFF length=ipdf_EndianW(*name\NameRecord[i]\length)&$FFFF ;Debug "platformID="+Str(platformID) ;Debug "platformSpecificID="+Str(platformSpecificID) ;Debug "languageID="+Str(languageID) ;Debug "nameID="+Str(nameID) ;Debug "offset="+Str(offset) ;Debug "length="+Str(length) If length>0 If platformID=3 name$="" For j=0 To Int(length/2)-1 name$+Chr(ipdf_EndianW(PeekU(stringOffset+offset+2*j))&$FFFF) Next Else name$=PeekS(stringOffset+offset,length,#PB_Ascii) EndIf ;Debug "ipdf_TTF_Handle_Name:["+Str(Len(name$))+"]"+name$ ;CallDebugger Else Debug length CallDebugger EndIf If PID=platformID And PSID=platformSpecificID And LID=languageID And NID=nameID res$=name$ Break EndIf Next EndIf ProcedureReturn res$ EndProcedure ; Procedure.l ipdf_Get_CharWidth(hDC,*Buffer,*Bufferlen) ; Protected Len1,Len2,Mem1,Mem2,i ; ; CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_OS=#PB_OS_Windows ; ; ; ; ;BOOL GetCharABCWidths( ; ; HDC hdc, // handle To DC ; ; UINT uFirstChar, // first character in range ; ; UINT uLastChar, // last character in range ; ; LPABC lpabc // array of character widths ; ;); ; If *Buffer=0 Or *Bufferlen=0 ; ProcedureReturn #False ; EndIf ; ; Len1=256*12 ; Len2=256*2 ; Mem1=AllocateMemory(Len1) ; Mem2=AllocateMemory(Len2) ; ; If Mem1>0 And Mem2>0 And GetCharABCWidths_(hDC,0,255,Mem1) ; ;Debug "GetCharABCWidths_ Success" ; For i=0 To 255 ; PokeW(Mem2+(i*2),(PeekL(Mem1+((i*12)+0))+PeekL(Mem1+((i*12)+4))+PeekL(Mem1+((i*12)+8)))&$FFFF) ; Next ; ; PokeL(*Buffer,Mem2) ; PokeL(*Bufferlen,Len2) ; ; FreeMemory(Mem1) ; ; ProcedureReturn #True ; Else ; Debug "GetCharABCWidths_() Failed" ; EndIf ; CompilerElse ; ; Place other OSīs code here ; ProcedureReturn #False ; CompilerEndIf ; EndProcedure Procedure.l ipdf_Get_Font(hDC,*Buffer,*Bufferlen) Protected Len,Mem CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_OS=#PB_OS_Windows ; ;DWORD GetFontData( ; HDC hdc, // handle To DC ; DWORD dwTable, // metric table name ; DWORD dwOffset, // offset into table ; LPVOID lpvBuffer, // buffer For returned Data ; DWORD cbData // length of Data ;); If *Buffer=0 Or *Bufferlen=0 ProcedureReturn #False EndIf Len=GetFontData_(hDC,0,0,#Null,#Null) If Len=#GDI_ERROR Or Len=-1 Debug "GDI_ERROR" CallDebugger Else ;Debug Str(Len)+" Bytes needed for FontData" Mem=AllocateMemory(Len) If Mem And GetFontData_(hDC,0,0,Mem,Len)<>#GDI_ERROR ;Debug "GetFontData Success" PokeL(*Buffer,Mem) PokeL(*Bufferlen,Len) ProcedureReturn #True EndIf EndIf CompilerElse ; Place other OSīs code here ProcedureReturn #False CompilerEndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_ASCII85_Tuple(*NewData.MEM_DataStructure,Tuple.q,Count.l) Protected i,j Protected Dim buf(4) ;Debug "ASCII85_Tuple()" buf(0)=Tuple%85:Tuple/85 buf(1)=Tuple%85:Tuple/85 buf(2)=Tuple%85:Tuple/85 buf(3)=Tuple%85:Tuple/85 buf(4)=Tuple%85:Tuple/85 i=Count j=0 Repeat PokeB(*NewData\pData+*NewData\lCurSize,buf(4-j)+33) *NewData\lCurSize+1 ;Result$+Chr(buf(4-j)+33) ASCII85_Pos+1 If ASCII85_Width And ASCII85_Pos>=ASCII85_Width PokeB(*NewData\pData+*NewData\lCurSize,#LF) *NewData\lCurSize+1 ;Result$+#LF$ ASCII85_Pos=0 EndIf If i>0 i-1 j+1 Else Break EndIf ForEver EndProcedure Procedure.l ipdf_ASCII85_Encode(*aData.MEM_DataStructure,WidthP.l=73) Protected NewData.MEM_DataStructure,Count,Tuple.q,i,c.l ASCII85_Width=WidthP ASCII85_Pos=0 If *aData\pData=0 Or *aData\lCurSize=0 ProcedureReturn 0 EndIf NewData\lCurSize=0 NewData\lMaxSize=(*aData\lCurSize * 4) NewData\pData=AllocateMemory(NewData\lMaxSize) ;EncodedData$="<~" ;PokeB(NewData\pData+NewData\lCurSize,'<') ;NewData\lCurSize+1 ;ASCII85_Pos+1 ;PokeB(NewData\pData+NewData\lCurSize,'~') ;NewData\lCurSize+1 ;ASCII85_Pos+1 For i=0 To *aData\lCurSize-1 c=PeekB(*aData\pData+i) & $FF Select Count Case 0 Tuple|(c<<24) Count+1 Case 1 Tuple|(c<<16) Count+1 Case 2 Tuple|(c<<8) Count+1 Case 3 Tuple|c Count+1 If Tuple=0 PokeB(NewData\pData+NewData\lCurSize,122) NewData\lCurSize+1 ;EncodedData$+"z" ASCII85_Pos+1 ;Debug "---------z------------" If ASCII85_Width And ASCII85_Pos>=ASCII85_Width ASCII85_Pos=0 PokeB(NewData\pData+NewData\lCurSize,#LF) NewData\lCurSize+1 ;EncodedData$+#LF$ EndIf Else ipdf_ASCII85_Tuple(NewData,Tuple,Count) ;EncodedData$+ipdf_ASCII85_Tuple(Tuple,Count) EndIf Tuple=0 Count=0 EndSelect Next If Count>0 ipdf_ASCII85_Tuple(NewData,Tuple,Count) ;EncodedData$+ipdf_ASCII85_Tuple(Tuple,Count) EndIf If ASCII85_Width And ASCII85_Pos+2>ASCII85_Width PokeB(NewData\pData+NewData\lCurSize,#LF) NewData\lCurSize+1 ;EncodedData$+#LF$ EndIf PokeB(NewData\pData+NewData\lCurSize,126) NewData\lCurSize+1 PokeB(NewData\pData+NewData\lCurSize,62) NewData\lCurSize+1 ;EncodedData$+"~>" FreeMemory(*aData\pData) *aData\pData=NewData\pData *aData\lCurSize=NewData\lCurSize *aData\lMaxSize=NewData\lMaxSize ;ProcedureReturn EncodedData$ ProcedureReturn #True EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_ASCII85_Free(*aData.MEM_DataStructure) If *aData And *aData\pData FreeMemory(*aData\pData) *aData\pData=0 EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.l ipdf_ASCII85_Decode(*InputBuffer,InputLength,*OutputBuffer,*OutputLength) Protected tuple.q,c.l,count.l,err.l,*IPos,*OPos,i.l Protected Dim pow85.q(4) pow85(0)=85*85*85*85 pow85(1)=85*85*85 pow85(2)=85*85 pow85(3)=85 pow85(4)=1 *IPos=*InputBuffer *OPos=*OutputBuffer Repeat If (*IPos) >= (*IPos+InputLength) err=-4 Break ; end reached ! EndIf c=PeekB(*IPos) & $FF *IPos+1 Select c Case 'z' If count<>0 err=-1 ; z inside ascii85 5-tuple Break EndIf PokeL(*OPos,0) *OPos+4 Case '~' If PeekB(*IPos)='>' If count count-1 tuple+pow85(count) For i=0 To count-1 PokeB(*OPos,PeekB(@tuple+3-i)) *OPos+1 Next EndIf PokeL(*OutputLength,*OPos-*OutputBuffer) Break ; Finished decoding ! Else err=-2 Break ; ~ without > in ascii85 section EndIf Case 0,8,9,10,11,12,13,177 Default If c<'!' Or c>'u' err=-3 ; bad character in ascii85 region Break EndIf tuple+(c-'!')*pow85(count) ;Debug Str(count)+" "+Str(c) count+1 If count=5 PokeB(*OPos+0,PeekB(@tuple+3)) PokeB(*OPos+1,PeekB(@tuple+2)) PokeB(*OPos+2,PeekB(@tuple+1)) PokeB(*OPos+3,PeekB(@tuple+0)) *OPos+4 count=0 tuple=0 EndIf EndSelect ForEver ProcedureReturn err EndProcedure Procedure.f ipdf_GetFontSize() ProcedureReturn pdfFontSize EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_GetNumberingFooter() ProcedureReturn pdfNumberingFooter EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_SetNumberingFooter(Value.l) pdfNumberingFooter = Value EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_GetNumbering() ProcedureReturn pdfNumbering EndProcedure Procedure.f ipdf_GetCMargin() ;Get cell margin. ProcedureReturn pdfCMargin EndProcedure Procedure.f ipdf_GetRMargin() ;Get right margin. ProcedureReturn pdfRMargin EndProcedure Procedure.f ipdf_GetLMargin() ;Get left margin. ProcedureReturn pdfLMargin EndProcedure Procedure.f ipdf_GetWs() ;Get word spacing. ProcedureReturn pdfWs EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_SetWs(WordSpacing.f) ;Set word spacing. pdfWs = WordSpacing EndProcedure Procedure.f ipdf_GetW() ;Get current width of page. ProcedureReturn pdfW EndProcedure Procedure.f ipdf_GetH() ;Get current height of page. ProcedureReturn pdfH EndProcedure Procedure.f ipdf_GetK() ;Get scale factor. ProcedureReturn pdfK EndProcedure Procedure.l ipdf_GetN() ;Get object number ProcedureReturn pdfN EndProcedure Procedure.l ipdf_GetFontSizePt() ProcedureReturn pdfFontSizePt EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Out(String$) ;Add a line to the document. If pdfState = 2 SelectElement(Pages(), pdfPage - 1) MEM_DataAddString(Pages()\PMem, String$ + #PDF_NEWLINE) Else MEM_DataAddString(pdfBuffer, String$ + #PDF_NEWLINE) EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_OutStream(*aData.MEM_DataStructure) If pdfState = 2 SelectElement(Pages(), pdfPage - 1) MEM_DataAdd(Pages()\PMem, *aData) Else MEM_DataAdd(pdfBuffer, *aData) EndIf ipdf_Out("") EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_PutStream(*aData.MEM_DataStructure) ipdf_Out("stream") ipdf_OutStream(*aData) ipdf_Out("endstream") EndProcedure Procedure.s ipdf_Dec2Oct(n.l) ; ; made by F. Weil ; modified by ABBKlaus Protected Res.l Protected R8.l Protected OUT.s OUT = "" While n > 0 R8 = n >> 3 Res = R8 << 3 OUT = Str(n - Res) + OUT n = R8 Wend If OUT = "" OUT = "0" EndIf ProcedureReturn OUT EndProcedure Procedure.s ipdf_Escape(String$) ;Add \ before (, ) And \. Protected Char.c,Result$,i Result$="" For i=1 To Len(String$) Char=Asc(Mid(String$,i,1)) Select Char Case 8 ; BS Result$+"\b" Case 9 ; TAB Result$+"\t" Case 10 ; LF Result$+"\n" Case 12 ; FF Result$+"\f" Case 13 ; CR Result$+"\r" Case '\' Result$+"\\" Case '(' Result$+"\(" Case ')' Result$+"\)" Case 128 To 511 ;Debug Str(i)+":"+StrU(Char,#PB_Word) Result$+"\"+ipdf_Dec2Oct(Char) Default Result$+Chr(Char) EndSelect Next ProcedureReturn Result$ EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_EscapeU(First$,Last$,Text$,*MEM.MEM_DataStructure,UnicodeHeader=#False) Protected i,j,sLen=Len(Text$),Char.u,PChar.b,*Ptr,Unicode,FUnicode If ListIndex(Fonts())<>-1 If Fonts()\unicode=#True FUnicode=#True EndIf EndIf If UnicodeHeader=#True Or FUnicode=#True Unicode=#True EndIf *MEM\lCurSize=Len(First$)+StringByteLength(Text$)*4+Len(Last$)+SizeOf(Character) If UnicodeHeader *MEM\lCurSize+2 EndIf *MEM\lMaxSize=*MEM\lCurSize *MEM\pData=AllocateMemory(*MEM\lMaxSize) If *MEM\pData *Ptr=*MEM\pData PokeS(*Ptr,First$,-1,#PB_Ascii):*Ptr+Len(First$) If UnicodeHeader PokeU(*Ptr,ipdf_EndianW($FEFF)):*Ptr+2 EndIf For i=1 To sLen Char=Asc(Mid(Text$,i,1)) If Unicode Char=ipdf_EndianW(Char)&$FFFF EndIf For j=0 To Unicode PChar=PeekB(@Char+j) Select PChar Case 8 ; BS = \b PokeB(*Ptr,'\'):*Ptr+1 PokeB(*Ptr,'b'):*Ptr+1 Case 9 ; TAB = \t PokeB(*Ptr,'\'):*Ptr+1 PokeB(*Ptr,'t'):*Ptr+1 Case 10 ; LF = \n PokeB(*Ptr,'\'):*Ptr+1 PokeB(*Ptr,'n'):*Ptr+1 Case 12 ; FF = \f PokeB(*Ptr,'\'):*Ptr+1 PokeB(*Ptr,'f'):*Ptr+1 Case 13 ; CR = \r PokeB(*Ptr,'\'):*Ptr+1 PokeB(*Ptr,'r'):*Ptr+1 Case 92 ; \ = \\ PokeB(*Ptr,'\'):*Ptr+1 PokeB(*Ptr,'\'):*Ptr+1 Case 40 ; ( = \( PokeB(*Ptr,'\'):*Ptr+1 PokeB(*Ptr,'('):*Ptr+1 Case 41 ; ) = \) PokeB(*Ptr,'\'):*Ptr+1 PokeB(*Ptr,')'):*Ptr+1 Default PokeB(*Ptr,PChar):*Ptr+1 EndSelect Next Next PokeS(*Ptr,Last$,-1,#PB_Ascii) *Ptr+Len(Last$) *MEM\lCurSize=*Ptr-*MEM\pData EndIf If *MEM\pData ProcedureReturn #True EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.s ipdf_TextString(String$) ProcedureReturn "(" + ipdf_Escape(String$) + ")" EndProcedure Procedure.l ipdf_FileReadInt(MemoryID) Protected vResult.l vResult = (PeekB(MemoryID) & $FF) << 24 vResult = vResult + (PeekB(MemoryID + 1) & $FF) << 16 vResult = vResult + (PeekB(MemoryID + 2) & $FF) << 8 vResult = vResult + (PeekB(MemoryID + 3) & $FF) ProcedureReturn vResult EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_ParsePNG(*aData.MEM_DataStructure) Protected vReturn,vCt,vCount,vNum,vType.s,trans$ vReturn = #True Images()\Width = ipdf_FileReadInt(*aData\pData+16) Images()\Height = ipdf_FileReadInt(*aData\pData+20) Images()\Bpc = PeekB(*aData\pData+24) & $FF If Images()\Bpc>8 pdfError=#PDF_ERROR_16BIT_DEPTH_PNG_NOT_SUPPORTED vReturn = #False Else vCt = PeekB(*aData\pData+25) & $FF Select vCt Case 0 Images()\ColSpace = "DeviceGray" Images()\Parms = "/DecodeParms <>" Case 2 Images()\ColSpace = "DeviceRGB" Images()\Parms = "/DecodeParms <>" Case 3 Images()\ColSpace = "Indexed" Images()\Parms = "/DecodeParms <>" ; Case 4 ;-TODO ADDING TRANSPARENCY TO PNG ; Images()\ColSpace = "DeviceGray" ; Images()\Parms = "/DecodeParms <>" ; Case 6 ; Images()\ColSpace = "DeviceRGB" ; Images()\Parms = "/DecodeParms <>" Default: pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_ALPHA_CHANNEL_PNG_NOT_SUPPORTED vReturn = #False EndSelect If vReturn = #True If (PeekB(*aData\pData+26) & $FF)<>0 pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMPRESSION_PNG_METHOD vReturn = #False Else If (PeekB(*aData\pData+27) & $FF)<>0 pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_UNKNOWN_FILTER_PNG_METHOD vReturn = #False Else If (PeekB(*aData\pData+28) & $FF)<>0 pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_INTERLACING_PNG_NOT_SUPPORTED vReturn = #False Else ;Scan chunks looking for palette, transparency and image Data vNum = 0 : vCount = 33 Repeat vNum = ipdf_FileReadInt(*aData\pData+vCount) vCount = vCount + 4 vType = Chr(PeekB(*aData\pData+vCount)) + Chr(PeekB(*aData\pData+vCount + 1)) + Chr(PeekB(*aData\pData+vCount + 2)) + Chr(PeekB(*aData\pData+vCount + 3)) Select vType Case "PLTE" If MEM_DataInit(Images()\Pal, Images()\Pal\lCurSize + vNum) CopyMemory(*aData\pData+vCount+4, Images()\Pal\pData + Images()\Pal\lCurSize, vNum) Images()\Pal\lCurSize = Images()\Pal\lCurSize + vNum Else pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY vReturn = #False Break EndIf Case "IDAT" If MEM_DataInit(Images()\DataPic, Images()\DataPic\lCurSize + vNum ) CopyMemory(*aData\pData+vCount+4, Images()\DataPic\pData + Images()\DataPic\lCurSize, vNum) Images()\DataPic\lCurSize = Images()\DataPic\lCurSize + vNum Else pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY vReturn = #False Break EndIf Case "IEND" Break Default EndSelect vCount = vCount + vNum + 8 Until (vNum<=0) If (Images()\ColSpace="Indexed" And Images()\Pal\lCurSize = 0) If Images()\Pal\pData FreeMemory(Images()\Pal\pData) EndIf If Images()\DataPic\pData FreeMemory(Images()\DataPic\pData) EndIf pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_MISSING_PALETTE_IN_PNG vReturn = #False EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn vReturn EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_ParseJPG(*aData.MEM_DataStructure) Protected vLength,vFound=#False,vResult=#False,vByte.b,*PTR.Unicode,vTest ;Debug "ipdf_ParseJPG()" *PTR=*aData\pData Repeat vTest=ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u) & $FFFF Select vTest Case $FFD8 ;Debug "Start of Image Tag" *PTR+2 Case $FFE0 ;Debug "JFIF tag" ;Debug PeekS(*PTR+4,5,#PB_Ascii) ; JFIF ;Debug "v"+Str(PeekB(*PTR+9))+".0"+Str(PeekB(*PTR+10)) ;Debug "units="+Str(PeekB(*PTR+11)&$FF)+" (0=none/1=dots per inch/2=dots per cm)" ;Debug "Xdensity="+Str(ipdf_EndianW(PeekW(*PTR+12))) ;Debug "Ydensity="+Str(ipdf_EndianW(PeekW(*PTR+14))) ;Debug "Xthumbnail="+Str(PeekB(*PTR+16)&$FF) ;Debug "Ythumbnail="+Str(PeekB(*PTR+17)&$FF) *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFC0 ; Baseline DCT ;Debug "Baseline DCT Tag" vFound = #True vResult = #True Images()\Bpc = PeekB(*PTR+4) Images()\Height = (PeekB(*PTR+5)&$FF)*$100 + (PeekB(*PTR+6)&$FF) Images()\Width = (PeekB(*PTR+7)&$FF)*$100 + (PeekB(*PTR+8)&$FF) ; Gray = 1/Color = 3 Select PeekB(*PTR + 9) & $FF Case 1 Images()\ColSpace = "DeviceGray" Case 3 Images()\ColSpace = "DeviceRGB" Default: Images()\ColSpace = "DeviceCMYK" EndSelect Images()\DataPic\pData = *aData\pData Images()\DataPic\lCurSize = *aData\lCurSize *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFC1 ; Extended sequential DCT ;Debug "Extended sequential DCT Tag" vFound = #True vResult = #True Images()\Bpc = PeekB(*PTR+4) Images()\Height = (PeekB(*PTR+5)&$FF)*$100 + (PeekB(*PTR+6)&$FF) Images()\Width = (PeekB(*PTR+7)&$FF)*$100 + (PeekB(*PTR+8)&$FF) ; Gray = 1/Color = 3 Select PeekB(*PTR + 9) & $FF Case 1 Images()\ColSpace = "DeviceGray" Case 3 Images()\ColSpace = "DeviceRGB" Default: Images()\ColSpace = "DeviceCMYK" EndSelect Images()\DataPic\pData = *aData\pData Images()\DataPic\lCurSize = *aData\lCurSize *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFC2 ; Progressive DCT ;Debug "Progressive DCT Tag" vFound = #True vResult = #True Images()\Bpc = PeekB(*PTR+4) Images()\Height = (PeekB(*PTR+5)&$FF)*$100 + (PeekB(*PTR+6)&$FF) Images()\Width = (PeekB(*PTR+7)&$FF)*$100 + (PeekB(*PTR+8)&$FF) ; Gray = 1/Color = 3 Select PeekB(*PTR + 9) & $FF Case 1 Images()\ColSpace = "DeviceGray" Case 3 Images()\ColSpace = "DeviceRGB" Default: Images()\ColSpace = "DeviceCMYK" EndSelect Images()\DataPic\pData = *aData\pData Images()\DataPic\lCurSize = *aData\lCurSize *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFC3 ; Lossless (sequential) ;Debug "Lossless (sequential) Tag" CallDebugger *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFC5 ; Differential sequential DCT ;Debug "Differential sequential DCT Tag" CallDebugger *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFC6 ; Differential progressive DCT ;Debug "Differential progressive DCT Tag" CallDebugger *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFC7 ; Differential lossless (sequential) ;Debug "Differential lossless (sequential) Tag" CallDebugger *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFC8 ; Reserved for JPEG Extensions ;Debug "Reserved for JPEG Extensions Tag" CallDebugger *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFC9 ; Extended sequential DCT ;Debug "Extended sequential DCT Tag" CallDebugger *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFCA ; Progressive DCT ;Debug "Progressive DCT Tag" CallDebugger *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFCB ; Lossless (sequential) ;Debug "Lossless (sequential) Tag" CallDebugger *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFCD ; Differential sequential DCT ;Debug "Differential sequential DCT Tag" CallDebugger *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFCE ; Differential progressive DCT ;Debug "Differential progressive DCT Tag" CallDebugger *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFCF ; Differential lossless (sequential) ;Debug "Differential lossless (sequential) Tag" CallDebugger *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFC4 ; Define Huffman Table(s) ;Debug "Define Huffman Table(s) Tag" *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFCC ; Define arithmetic encoding(s) ;Debug "Define arithmetic encoding(s) Tag" *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFDB ; Define Quantization Table(s) ;Debug "Define Quantization Table(s) Tag" *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFE1 ; Exif Data ;Debug "Exif Data Tag" *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFEE ; Copyright ;Debug "Copyright Tag" ;Debug "Copyright="+PeekS(*PTR+4,-1,#PB_Ascii) *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFE2,$FFE3,$FFE4,$FFE5,$FFE6,$FFE7,$FFE8,$FFE9,$FFEA,$FFEB,$FFEC,$FFED,$FFEF ; ;Debug "Application-specific Tag" *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFFE ; Comments ;Debug "Comments Tag" ;Debug PeekS(*PTR+4,-1,#PB_Ascii) *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFDA ; Start Of Scan ;Debug "Start of Scan Tag" *PTR+2 *PTR+(ipdf_EndianW(*PTR\u)&$FFFF) Case $FFD9 ;Debug "End of Image Tag" Break Default *PTR+1 EndSelect Until (vFound=#True) Or (*PTR >= (*aData\pData+*aData\lCurSize)) If vFound=#False pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_JPEG_FILE_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED EndIf ProcedureReturn vResult EndProcedure #META_EOF = $0000 #META_REALIZEPALETTE = $0035 #META_SETPALENTRIES = $0037 #META_SETBKMODE = $0102 #META_SETMAPMODE = $0103 #META_SETROP2 = $0104 #META_SETRELABS = $0105 #META_SETPOLYFILLMODE = $0106 #META_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE = $0107 #META_SETTEXTCHAREXTRA = $0108 #META_RESTOREDC = $0127 #META_RESIZEPALETTE = $0139 #META_DIBCREATEPATTERNBRUSH = $0142 #META_SETLAYOUT = $0149 #META_SETBKCOLOR = $0201 #META_SETTEXTCOLOR = $0209 #META_OFFSETVIEWPORTORG = $0211 #META_LINETO = $0213 #META_MOVETO = $0214 #META_OFFSETCLIPRGN = $0220 #META_FILLREGION = $0228 #META_SETMAPPERFLAGS = $0231 #META_SELECTPALETTE = $0234 #META_POLYGON = $0324 #META_POLYLINE = $0325 #META_SETTEXTJUSTIFICATION = $020A #META_SETWINDOWORG = $020B #META_SETWINDOWEXT = $020C #META_SETVIEWPORTORG = $020D #META_SETVIEWPORTEXT = $020E #META_OFFSETWINDOWORG = $020F #META_SCALEWINDOWEXT = $0410 #META_SCALEVIEWPORTEXT = $0412 #META_EXCLUDECLIPRECT = $0415 #META_INTERSECTCLIPRECT = $0416 #META_ELLIPSE = $0418 #META_FLOODFILL = $0419 #META_FRAMEREGION = $0429 #META_ANIMATEPALETTE = $0436 #META_TEXTOUT = $0521 #META_POLYPOLYGON = $0538 #META_EXTFLOODFILL = $0548 #META_RECTANGLE = $041B #META_SETPIXEL = $041F #META_ROUNDRECT = $061C #META_PATBLT = $061D #META_SAVEDC = $001E #META_PIE = $081A #META_STRETCHBLT = $0B23 #META_ESCAPE = $0626 #META_INVERTREGION = $012A #META_PAINTREGION = $012B #META_SELECTCLIPREGION = $012C #META_SELECTOBJECT = $012D #META_SETTEXTALIGN = $012E #META_ARC = $0817 #META_CHORD = $0830 #META_BITBLT = $0922 #META_EXTTEXTOUT = $0a32 #META_SETDIBTODEV = $0d33 #META_DIBBITBLT = $0940 #META_DIBSTRETCHBLT = $0b41 #META_STRETCHDIB = $0f43 #META_DELETEOBJECT = $01f0 #META_CREATEPALETTE = $00f7 #META_CREATEPATTERNBRUSH = $01F9 #META_CREATEPENINDIRECT = $02FA #META_CREATEFONTINDIRECT = $02FB #META_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT = $02FC #META_CREATEREGION = $06FF Structure STR_GDIOBJECTS ;Idx.l deleted.l Type.l Style.l width.f dummy.l r.a g.a b.a a.a hatch.u EndStructure Procedure.i ipdf_AddGDIObject(List GDIObjects.STR_GDIOBJECTS()) Protected found.l=#False If ListSize(GDIObjects())=0 AddElement(GDIObjects()) Else ForEach GDIObjects() If GDIObjects()\deleted=#True GDIObjects()\deleted=#False found=#True Break EndIf Next If found=#False AddElement(GDIObjects()) EndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn ListIndex(GDIObjects()) EndProcedure Procedure.f ipdf_Point_Distance(X1.f, Y1.f, X2.f, Y2.f) Protected a.f, b.f a = Abs(X2 - X1) b = Abs(Y2 - Y1) ProcedureReturn Sqr(a * a + b * b) EndProcedure Procedure.f ipdf_GetAngle_Points(X1.f, Y1.f, X2.f, Y2.f) Protected n1.f,n2.f,angle.f n1.f = Sqr((x1*x1)+(y1*y1)) n2.f = Sqr((x2*x2)+(y2*y2)) angle.f = (ACos((x1*x2+y1*y2)/(n1*n2)) * 180) / #PI ProcedureReturn angle EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_ParseWMF(*aData.MEM_DataStructure) ;-* WMF Protected vResult,*WMF_PTR=*aData\pData Protected NewList GDIObjects.STR_GDIOBJECTS() Protected wo_x,wo_y ; window origin Protected we_x,we_y ; window extend Protected polyfillmode Protected nullPen = #False Protected nullBrush = #False Protected endRecord = #False Protected bkMode.w,bkColor.l,textalign.w Protected size.l,func.w,idx.w,funcidx.l,DrawMode.w,databuffer.s Protected numpoints,i,j,px,py,x,y,w,h,numpolygons,adjustment,da.s Protected x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4 Protected fCenterX.f,fCenterY.f,fRadialX.f,fRadialY.f,fPosX1.f,fPosY1.f,fPosX2.f,fPosY2.f,fAngle1.f,fAngle2.f If PeekL(*WMF_PTR)&$FFFFFFFF=$9AC6CDD7 *WMF_PTR+40 Else *WMF_PTR+18 EndIf While (*WMF_PTR < (*aData\pData + *aData\lCurSize)) And (endRecord = #False) funcidx+1 size=PeekL(*WMF_PTR+0) func=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+4) Select func Case #META_SETWINDOWORG ;Debug "SetWindowOrg $"+Hex(#META_SETWINDOWORG) If Not Len(databuffer) wo_y=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+6) wo_x=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+8) ;Debug "wo_x="+Str(wo_x) ;Debug "wo_y="+Str(wo_y) EndIf Case #META_SETWINDOWEXT ;Debug "SetWindowExt $"+Hex(#META_SETWINDOWEXT) If Not Len(databuffer) we_y=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+6) we_x=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+8) ;Debug "we_x="+Str(we_x) ;Debug "we_y="+Str(we_y) EndIf Case #META_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT ;Debug "CreateBrushIndirect" ipdf_AddGDIObject(GDIObjects()) GDIObjects()\Type='B' GDIObjects()\Style=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+6) ; BrushStyle (2 Bytes) GDIObjects()\r=PeekA(*WMF_PTR+8) ; ColorRef (4 Bytes) GDIObjects()\g=PeekA(*WMF_PTR+9) GDIObjects()\b=PeekA(*WMF_PTR+10) GDIObjects()\a=PeekA(*WMF_PTR+11) GDIObjects()\hatch=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+12)&$FFFF ; BrushHatch (2 Bytes) ;Debug "CreateBrushIndirect $"+Hex(#META_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT)+" "+Str(ListIndex(GDIObjects()))+" : S="+Str(GDIObjects()\Style)+" R="+StrU(GDIObjects()\r,#PB_Ascii)+" G="+StrU(GDIObjects()\g,#PB_Ascii)+" B="+StrU(GDIObjects()\b,#PB_Ascii) Case #META_CREATEPENINDIRECT ;Debug "CreatePenIndirect" ipdf_AddGDIObject(GDIObjects()) GDIObjects()\Type='P' GDIObjects()\Style=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+6) GDIObjects()\width=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+8) / (20 * pdfK) GDIObjects()\r=PeekA(*WMF_PTR+12)&$FF GDIObjects()\g=PeekA(*WMF_PTR+13)&$FF GDIObjects()\b=PeekA(*WMF_PTR+14)&$FF GDIObjects()\a=PeekA(*WMF_PTR+15)&$FF ;ShowMemoryViewer(*WMF_PTR,size*2) Debug "CreatePenIndirect $"+Hex(#META_CREATEPENINDIRECT)+" "+Str(ListIndex(GDIObjects()))+" : S="+Str(GDIObjects()\Style)+" W="+StrF(GDIObjects()\width,2)+" R="+StrU(GDIObjects()\r,#PB_Ascii)+" G="+StrU(GDIObjects()\g,#PB_Ascii)+" B="+StrU(GDIObjects()\b,#PB_Ascii) Case $06fe ; CreateBitmap ;Debug "CreateBitmap" ipdf_AddGDIObject(GDIObjects()) GDIObjects()\Type='D' ; dummyobject CallDebugger Case $02fd ; CreateBitmapIndirect ;Debug "CreateBitmapIndirect" ipdf_AddGDIObject(GDIObjects()) GDIObjects()\Type='D' ; dummyobject CallDebugger Case $00f8 ; CreateBrush ;Debug "CreateBrush" ipdf_AddGDIObject(GDIObjects()) GDIObjects()\Type='D' ; dummyobject CallDebugger Case #META_CREATEFONTINDIRECT ;Debug "CreateFontIndirect $"+Hex(#META_CREATEFONTINDIRECT) ;Debug "size=$"+Hex(size) ;Debug "*WMF_PTR=$"+Hex(*WMF_PTR-*aData\pData) ;Debug PeekW(*WMF_PTR+6) ; Height ;Debug PeekW(*WMF_PTR+8) ; Width ;Debug PeekW(*WMF_PTR+10) ; Escapement ;Debug PeekW(*WMF_PTR+12) ; Orientation ;Debug PeekW(*WMF_PTR+14) ; Weight ;Debug PeekB(*WMF_PTR+16) ; Italic ;Debug PeekB(*WMF_PTR+17) ; Underline ;Debug PeekB(*WMF_PTR+18) ; StrikeOut ;Debug PeekB(*WMF_PTR+19) ; CharSet ;Debug PeekB(*WMF_PTR+20) ; OutPrecision ;Debug PeekB(*WMF_PTR+21) ; ClipPrecision ;Debug PeekB(*WMF_PTR+22) ; Quality ;Debug PeekB(*WMF_PTR+23) ; PitchAndFamily ;Debug PeekB(*WMF_PTR+24) ; FaceName ;Debug PeekS(*WMF_PTR+24,size*2-24,#PB_Ascii) ;Debug *WMF_PTR+size*2 ipdf_AddGDIObject(GDIObjects()) GDIObjects()\Type='D' ; dummyobject ;CallDebugger Case #META_CREATEPALETTE ;Debug "CreatePalette" ipdf_AddGDIObject(GDIObjects()) GDIObjects()\Type='D' ; dummyobject ;CallDebugger Case #META_CREATEPATTERNBRUSH ;Debug "CreatePatternBrush" ipdf_AddGDIObject(GDIObjects()) GDIObjects()\Type='D' ; dummyobject CallDebugger Case #META_CREATEREGION ;Debug "CreateRegion" ipdf_AddGDIObject(GDIObjects()) GDIObjects()\Type='D' ; dummyobject CallDebugger Case #META_DIBCREATEPATTERNBRUSH ;Debug "DibCreatePatternBrush" ipdf_AddGDIObject(GDIObjects()) GDIObjects()\Type='D' ; dummyobject CallDebugger Case #META_SETPOLYFILLMODE ;Debug "SetPolyFillMode $"+Hex(#META_SETPOLYFILLMODE) polyfillmode=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+6) Debug "polyfillmode="+Str(polyfillmode) Case #META_DELETEOBJECT ;Debug "DeleteObject" idx=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+6) If SelectElement(GDIObjects(),idx) ClearStructure(@GDIObjects(),STR_GDIOBJECTS) GDIObjects()\deleted=#True ;Debug "DeleteObject $"+Hex(#META_DELETEOBJECT)+" idx="+Str(idx)+" ok" Else ;Debug "DeleteObject idx="+Str(idx)+" failed!" CallDebugger EndIf Case #META_SELECTOBJECT ;Debug "SelectObject" idx=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+6) If SelectElement(GDIObjects(),idx) ;Debug "SelectObject $"+Hex(#META_SELECTOBJECT)+" idx="+Str(idx)+" ok T="+Chr(GDIObjects()\Type)+" S="+Str(GDIObjects()\Style) da="[] 0 d" Select GDIObjects()\Type Case 'B' nullBrush=#False If GDIObjects()\Style=1 ; BS_NULL nullBrush=#True Else databuffer+StrF(GDIObjects()\r/255,3)+" "+StrF(GDIObjects()\g/255,3)+" "+StrF(GDIObjects()\b/255,3)+" rg"+#PDF_NEWLINE databuffer+da+#PDF_NEWLINE EndIf Case 'P' nullPen=#False Select GDIObjects()\Style Case 0 ; PS_SOLID Case 1 ; PS_DASH da="["+StrF(3*20*pdfK,3)+" "+StrF(1*20*pdfK,3)+"] 0 d" Case 2 ; PS_DOT da="["+StrF(0.5*20*pdfK,3)+" "+StrF(0.5*20*pdfK,3)+"] 0 d" Case 3 ; PS_DASHDOT da="["+StrF(2*20*pdfK,3)+" "+StrF(1*20*pdfK,3)+" "+StrF(0.5*20*pdfK,3)+" "+StrF(1*20*pdfK,3)+"] 0 d" Case 4 ; PS_DASHDOTDOT da="["+StrF(2*20*pdfK,3)+" "+StrF(1*20*pdfK,3)+" "+StrF(0.5*20*pdfK,3)+" "+StrF(1*20*pdfK,3)+" "+StrF(0.5*20*pdfK,3)+" "+StrF(1*20*pdfK,3)+"] 0 d" Case 5 ; PS_NULL nullPen=#True EndSelect If nullPen=#False databuffer+StrF(GDIObjects()\r/255,3)+" "+StrF(GDIObjects()\g/255,3)+" "+StrF(GDIObjects()\b/255,3)+" RG"+#PDF_NEWLINE databuffer+StrF(GDIObjects()\width*pdfK,2)+" w"+#PDF_NEWLINE databuffer+da+#PDF_NEWLINE EndIf EndSelect Else ;Debug "SelectObject idx="+Str(idx)+" failed!" CallDebugger EndIf Case #META_POLYGON,#META_POLYLINE ;Debug "Polyline , Polygon" numpoints=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+6) For i=numpoints-1 To 0 Step -1 px=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+8+4*i) py=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+10+4*i) If i < (numpoints-1) databuffer+Str(px)+" "+Str(py)+" l"+#PDF_NEWLINE ; LineTo Else databuffer+Str(px)+" "+Str(py)+" m"+#PDF_NEWLINE ; MoveTo EndIf Next If func=#META_POLYLINE ;Debug "POLYLINE $"+Hex(#META_POLYLINE) databuffer+"s" ElseIf func=#META_POLYGON ;Debug "POLYGON $"+Hex(#META_POLYGON) If nullPen If nullBrush databuffer+"n" ; no op Else databuffer+"f" ; fill If polyfillmode databuffer+"*" EndIf EndIf Else If nullBrush databuffer+"s" ; stroke Else databuffer+"b" ; stroke and fill If polyfillmode databuffer+"*" EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf databuffer+#PDF_NEWLINE Case #META_POLYPOLYGON ;Debug "PolyPolygon $"+Hex(#META_POLYPOLYGON) numpolygons=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+6) ;Debug "numpolygons="+Str(numpolygons) adjustment=numpolygons*2 For j=0 To numpolygons-1 numpoints=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+8+j*2) ;Debug "numpoints="+Str(numpoints) For i=numpoints-1 To 0 Step -1 px=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+8+4*i+adjustment) py=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+10+4*i+adjustment) If (i+1)=numpoints databuffer+Str(px)+" "+Str(py)+" m"+#PDF_NEWLINE ; MoveTo ;Debug Str(px)+" "+Str(py)+" m" Else databuffer+Str(px)+" "+Str(py)+" l"+#PDF_NEWLINE ; LineTo ;Debug Str(px)+" "+Str(py)+" l" EndIf Next adjustment+numpoints*4 Next If nullPen If nullBrush databuffer+"n" ; no op Else databuffer+"f" ; fill If polyfillmode=1 databuffer+"*" EndIf EndIf Else If nullBrush databuffer+"s" ; stroke Else databuffer+"b" ; stroke and fill If polyfillmode=1 databuffer+"*" EndIf EndIf EndIf databuffer+#PDF_NEWLINE ; $coords = unpack('s'.($size-3), $parms); ; $numpolygons = $coords[1]; ; $adjustment = $numpolygons; ; For ($j = 1; $j <= $numpolygons; $j++) ; { ; $numpoints = $coords[$j + 1]; ; For ($i = $numpoints; $i > 0; $i--) ; { ; $px = $coords[2*$i + $adjustment]; ; $py = $coords[2*$i+1 + $adjustment]; ; ; If ($i == $numpoints) ; $data .= $this->MoveTo($px, $py); ; Else ; $data .= $this->LineTo($px, $py); ; } ; $adjustment += $numpoints * 2; ; } ; If ($nullPen) ; { ; If ($nullBrush) ; $op = 'n'; // no op ; Else ; $op = 'f'; // fill ; } ; Else ; { ; If ($nullBrush) ; $op = 's'; // stroke ; Else ; $op = 'b'; // stroke and fill ; } ; If ($polyFillMode==1 && ($op=='b' || $op=='f')) ; $op .= '*'; // use even-odd fill rule ; $data .= $op."\n"; ; Case #META_SETRELABS ;Debug "#META_SETRELABS: The META_SETRELABS record is reserved and not supported." Case #META_SETROP2 ;Debug "#META_SETROP2" DrawMode=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+6) ;Debug "SETROP2 DrawMode=$"+RSet(Hex(DrawMode,#PB_Word),4,"0") Case #META_SETBKMODE ;Debug "#META_SETBKMODE" bkMode=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+6) ;Debug "SETBKMODE bkMode=$"+RSet(Hex(bkMode,#PB_Word),4,"0") ;CallDebugger Case #META_SETBKCOLOR ;Debug "#META_SETBKCOLOR" bkColor=PeekL(*WMF_PTR+6) ;Debug "SETBKCOLOR bkColor=$"+RSet(Hex(bkColor,#PB_Long),8,"0") ;CallDebugger Case #META_SETTEXTALIGN ;Debug "#META_SETTEXTALIGN" textalign=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+6) ;Debug "SETTEXTALIGN textalign=$"+RSet(Hex(textalign,#PB_Word),4,"0") ;CallDebugger Case #META_EOF ;Debug "endRecord" endRecord = #True Case #META_ESCAPE ;Debug "ESCAPE" Case #META_SELECTPALETTE ;Debug "SELECTPALETTE" Case #META_REALIZEPALETTE ;Debug "REALIZEPALETTE" Case #META_SETTEXTCOLOR ;Debug "SETTEXTCOLOR" Case #META_SAVEDC ;Debug "SAVEDC" Case #META_INTERSECTCLIPRECT ;Debug "INTERSECTCLIPRECT" Case #META_RESTOREDC ;Debug "RESTOREDC" Case #META_SETMAPMODE ;Debug "SETMAPMODE" Case #META_SETSTRETCHBLTMODE ;Debug "SETSTRETCHBLTMODE" Case #META_RECTANGLE py=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+6) ; y Lower Right corner px=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+8) ; x Lower Right corner y=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+10) ; y Upper Left corner x=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+12) ; x Upper Left corner w=px-x h=py-y ;Debug "RECTANGLE px="+Str(px)+" py="+Str(py)+" x="+Str(x)+" y="+Str(y) databuffer+Str(x)+" "+Str(y)+" "+Str(w)+" "+Str(h)+" re"+#PDF_NEWLINE If nullPen If nullBrush databuffer+"n" ; no op Else databuffer+"f" ; fill If polyfillmode=1 databuffer+"*" EndIf EndIf Else If nullBrush databuffer+"s" ; stroke Else databuffer+"b" ; stroke and fill If polyfillmode=1 databuffer+"*" EndIf EndIf EndIf databuffer+#PDF_NEWLINE Case #META_MOVETO ;Debug "MOVETO" databuffer+Str(PeekW(*WMF_PTR+8))+" "+Str(PeekW(*WMF_PTR+6))+" m"+#PDF_NEWLINE Case #META_LINETO ;Debug "LINETO" databuffer+Str(PeekW(*WMF_PTR+8))+" "+Str(PeekW(*WMF_PTR+6))+" l"+#PDF_NEWLINE If nullPen If nullBrush databuffer+"n" ; no op Else databuffer+"f" ; fill If polyfillmode databuffer+"*" EndIf EndIf Else If nullBrush databuffer+"s" ; stroke Else databuffer+"b" ; stroke and fill If polyfillmode databuffer+"*" EndIf EndIf EndIf databuffer+#PDF_NEWLINE Case #META_ARC ;Debug "ARC funcidx="+Str(funcidx) ; Attention : buggy code ahead ;-) CallDebugger If 1;funcidx=66 ; 30 31 47 48 49 65 66 81 82 ;-* WMF ARC y1=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+6) ; YRadial2 x1=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+8) ; XRadial2 y2=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+10) ; YRadial1 x2=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+12) ; XRadial1 y3=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+14) ; BottomRect x3=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+16) ; RightRect y4=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+18) ; TopRect x4=PeekW(*WMF_PTR+20) ; LeftRect Debug "XRadial2="+Str(x1) Debug "YRadial2="+Str(y1) Debug "XRadial1="+Str(x2) Debug "YRadial1="+Str(y2) Debug "RightRect="+Str(x3) Debug "BottomRect="+Str(y3) Debug "LeftRect="+Str(x4) Debug "TopRect="+Str(y4) fCenterX=x4+Abs((x3-x4)/2) fCenterY=y4+Abs((y3-y4)/2) fRadialX=Abs(x3-fCenterX) fRadialY=Abs(y3-fCenterY) fPosX1=x2-fCenterX fPosY1=y2-fCenterY fPosX2=x1-fCenterX fPosY2=y1-fCenterY Protected Line1.f,Line2.f Line1=ipdf_Point_Distance(0,0,fPosX1,fPosY1) Line2=ipdf_Point_Distance(0,0,fPosX2,fPosY2) Debug "Line1="+StrF(Line1) Debug "Line2="+StrF(Line2) Debug "fPosX1="+StrF(fPosX1) Debug "fPosY1="+StrF(fPosY1) Debug "fPosX2="+StrF(fPosX2) Debug "fPosY2="+StrF(fPosY2) If fPosX1>=0 And fPosY1>=0 ; Quadrant 1 Debug "Q1" fAngle1=ipdf_GetAngle_Points(0,-fRadialY,fPosX1,fPosY1)-90 ElseIf fPosX1>=0 And fPosY1<0 ; Quadrant 2 Debug "Q2" fAngle1=ipdf_GetAngle_Points(0,-fRadialY,fPosX1,fPosY1)+270 ElseIf fPosX1<0 And fPosY1<0 ; Quadrant 3 Debug "Q3" fAngle1=ipdf_GetAngle_Points(0,-fRadialY,-fPosX1,-fPosY1)-90 Else ; Quadrant 4 Debug "Q4" fAngle1=ipdf_GetAngle_Points(0,-fRadialY,-fPosX1,fPosY1)-90 EndIf If fPosX2>=0 And fPosY2>=0 ; Quadrant 1 Debug "Q1" fAngle2=ipdf_GetAngle_Points(0,-fRadialY,fPosX2,fPosY2)-90 ElseIf fPosX2>=0 And fPosY2<0 ; Quadrant 2 Debug "Q2" fAngle2=ipdf_GetAngle_Points(0,-fRadialY,fPosX2,fPosY2)+90 ElseIf fPosX2<0 And fPosY2<0 ; Quadrant 3 Debug "Q3" fAngle2=ipdf_GetAngle_Points(0,-fRadialY,fPosX2,-fPosY2)-90 Else ; Quadrant 4 Debug "Q4" fAngle2=ipdf_GetAngle_Points(0,-fRadialY,fPosX2,fPosY2)-90 EndIf Debug "fAngle1="+StrF(fAngle1) Debug "fAngle2="+StrF(fAngle2) ;CallDebugger Protected MyArcX.f,MyArcy.f,af.f,bf.f,d.f,xc.f, yc.f, rx.f, ry.f, a.f, b.f,cw.l=#True, o.f=90 xc=fCenterX yc=fCenterY rx=fRadialX ry=fRadialY a=fAngle1 b=fAngle2 If cw = #True d = b b = o - a a = o - d Else b = b + o a = a + o EndIf a = (Mod(a,360)) + 360 b = (Mod(b,360)) + 360 If a > b b = b + 360 EndIf bf = b/360*2*#PI af = a/360*2*#PI d = bf - af If d = 0 d = 2 * #PI EndIf If Sin(d/2) MyArcX = 4/3*(1-Cos(d/2))/Sin(d/2)*rx MyArcY = 4/3*(1-Cos(d/2))/Sin(d/2)*ry EndIf databuffer+StrF(xc+rx*Cos(af),3)+" "+StrF(yc-ry*Sin(af),3)+" m"+#PDF_NEWLINE If ( d < (#PI/2)) databuffer+StrF(xc+rx*Cos(af)+MyArcX*Cos(#PI/2+af),3)+" "+StrF(yc-ry*Sin(af)-MyArcY*Sin(#PI/2+af),3)+" "+StrF(xc+rx*Cos(bf)+MyArcX*Cos(bf-#PI/2),3)+" "+StrF(yc-ry*Sin(bf)-MyArcY*Sin(bf-#PI/2),3)+" "+StrF(xc+rx*Cos(bf),3)+" "+StrF(yc-ry*Sin(bf),3)+" c"+#PDF_NEWLINE Else bf = af + d/4 MyArcX = 4/3*(1-Cos(d/8))/Sin(d/8)*rx MyArcY = 4/3*(1-Cos(d/8))/Sin(d/8)*ry databuffer+StrF(xc+rx*Cos(af)+MyArcX*Cos(#PI/2+af),3)+" "+StrF(yc-ry*Sin(af)-MyArcY*Sin(#PI/2+af),3)+" "+StrF(xc+rx*Cos(bf)+MyArcX*Cos(bf-#PI/2),3)+" "+StrF(yc-ry*Sin(bf)-MyArcY*Sin(bf-#PI/2),3)+" "+StrF(xc+rx*Cos(bf),3)+" "+StrF(yc-ry*Sin(bf),3)+" c"+#PDF_NEWLINE af = bf bf = af + d/4 databuffer+StrF(xc+rx*Cos(af)+MyArcX*Cos(#PI/2+af),3)+" "+StrF(yc-ry*Sin(af)-MyArcY*Sin(#PI/2+af),3)+" "+StrF(xc+rx*Cos(bf)+MyArcX*Cos(bf-#PI/2),3)+" "+StrF(yc-ry*Sin(bf)-MyArcY*Sin(bf-#PI/2),3)+" "+StrF(xc+rx*Cos(bf),3)+" "+StrF(yc-ry*Sin(bf),3)+" c"+#PDF_NEWLINE af = bf bf = af + d/4 databuffer+StrF(xc+rx*Cos(af)+MyArcX*Cos(#PI/2+af),3)+" "+StrF(yc-ry*Sin(af)-MyArcY*Sin(#PI/2+af),3)+" "+StrF(xc+rx*Cos(bf)+MyArcX*Cos(bf-#PI/2),3)+" "+StrF(yc-ry*Sin(bf)-MyArcY*Sin(bf-#PI/2),3)+" "+StrF(xc+rx*Cos(bf),3)+" "+StrF(yc-ry*Sin(bf),3)+" c"+#PDF_NEWLINE af= bf bf = af + d/4 databuffer+StrF(xc+rx*Cos(af)+MyArcX*Cos(#PI/2+af),3)+" "+StrF(yc-ry*Sin(af)-MyArcY*Sin(#PI/2+af),3)+" "+StrF(xc+rx*Cos(bf)+MyArcX*Cos(bf-#PI/2),3)+" "+StrF(yc-ry*Sin(bf)-MyArcY*Sin(bf-#PI/2),3)+" "+StrF(xc+rx*Cos(bf),3)+" "+StrF(yc-ry*Sin(bf),3)+" c"+#PDF_NEWLINE EndIf databuffer+"S"+#PDF_NEWLINE ; stroke EndIf Default ;Debug "unkown function ! FUNC = $"+RSet(Hex(func,#PB_Unicode),4,"0") CallDebugger EndSelect ;ShowMemoryViewer(*WMF_PTR,2*size) ;CallDebugger *WMF_PTR+2*size Wend If Len(databuffer) Images()\Datapic\lCurSize=Len(databuffer) Images()\Datapic\lMaxSize=Images()\Datapic\lCurSize+1 Images()\Datapic\pData=AllocateMemory(Images()\Datapic\lMaxSize) PokeS(Images()\Datapic\pData,databuffer,-1,#PB_Ascii) Images()\x=wo_x Images()\y=wo_y Images()\Width=we_x Images()\Height=we_y vResult=#True EndIf ProcedureReturn vResult EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_ParseImage(FileName$) Protected vReturn,vSize,vData.MEM_DataStructure,vLength,File vReturn = #True If Images()\pMem=0 ; Read Image as File File=ReadFile(#PB_Any, FileName$) If File vSize = FileSize(FileName$) If MEM_DataInit(vData,vSize) vLength = ReadData(File,vData\pData , vSize) vData\lCurSize = vSize Else pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY vReturn = #False EndIf CloseFile(File) Else vReturn = #False EndIf Else ; Read Image from Mem ;Debug "ipdf_ParseImage() Read Image from Mem" If Images()\MemSize<>0 ;Debug "Mem="+Str(Images()\pMem) ;Debug "MemSize="+Str(Images()\MemSize) vSize=Images()\MemSize ; luis - added this line If MEM_DataInit(vData,vSize) CopyMemory(Images()\pMem , vData\pData , Images()\MemSize) vLength = Images()\MemSize vSize = Images()\MemSize vData\lCurSize = Images()\MemSize Else pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY vReturn = #False EndIf Else vReturn = #False EndIf EndIf If vReturn = #True If vLength <> vSize pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_PROBLEM_READING_IMAGE_FILE_IN_MEMORY vReturn = #False Else ;Check JPEG2000 / JPEG / PNG Select PeekL(vData\pData) & $FFFFFFFF Case $51FF4FFF ; JPEG2000 (Experimental) Images()\Filter = "JPXDecode" Images()\Bpc = 8 ; ? Images()\Width = ipdf_EndianL(PeekL(vData\pData+8)) ; +8 / +24 ? Images()\Height = ipdf_EndianL(PeekL(vData\pData+12)) ; +12 / +28 ? Images()\ColSpace = "DeviceRGB" ; DeviceRGB DeviceCMYK DeviceGray ? Images()\DataPic\pData= vData\pData Images()\DataPic\lCurSize = vData\lCurSize vReturn = #True Case $E0FFD8FF ; JPEG Images()\Filter = "DCTDecode" vReturn = ipdf_ParseJPG(vData) If vReturn = #False pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_NOT_A_JPEG_FILE ;pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_JFIF_MARKER_IS_MISSING EndIf Case $474E5089 ; PNG If ipdf_EndianL(PeekL(vData\pData+12))=$49484452 ; IHDR Images()\Filter = "FlateDecode" vReturn = ipdf_ParsePNG(vData) If vReturn = #True And vData\pData FreeMemory(vData\pData) ; luis - added this line vData\pData=0 EndIf Else pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_INCORRECT_PNG_FILE vReturn = #False EndIf Case $9AC6CDD7 ; WMF Images()\Filter = "WMF" vReturn = ipdf_ParseWMF(vData) If vReturn = #True And vData\pData FreeMemory(vData\pData) vData\pData=0 Else pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_INCORRECT_WMF_FILE EndIf Default pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_NOT_A_JPEG_OR_PNG_FILE vReturn = #False EndSelect EndIf Else pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_ERROR_OPENING_IMAGE_FILE vReturn = #False EndIf If vReturn = #False And vData\pData FreeMemory(vData\pData) vData\pData=0 EndIf ProcedureReturn vReturn EndProcedure Procedure.f ipdf_GetPageWidth() ProcedureReturn pages()\pdfwPt EndProcedure Procedure.f ipdf_GetPageHeight() ProcedureReturn pages()\pdfHPt EndProcedure Procedure.d ipdf_GetStringWidth(String$,Scale=#True) Protected vLen.l,Width.l,vReturn.d,i,Char.c,Glyph.u,Found ;-* ipdf_GetStringWidth vLen.l = Len(String$) If Fonts()\cidtogidmap For i=1 To vLen Char=Asc(Mid(String$,i,1)) Glyph=ipdf_EndianW(Fonts()\cidtogidmap\segment[Char])&$FFFF If #PB_Compiler_Unicode=0 Or Glyph<>0 Width+Fonts()\glyph_list(Glyph)\scaledwidth Else Width+1000 EndIf Next Else For i=1 To vLen Char=Asc(Mid(String$,i,1)) If Char>255 Width + 600 ; for Unicode characters Else Width + Fonts()\CharWidth[Asc(Mid(String$,i,1))] EndIf Next EndIf If Scale vReturn = (Width * pdfFontSize) / 1000 Else vReturn = Width EndIf ProcedureReturn vReturn EndProcedure Procedure.s ipdf_DoUnderline(x.f, y.f, Text$) Protected vWidth.f vWidth = ipdf_GetStringWidth(Text$) + (pdfWs*CountString(Text$," ")) ; Take fontstyle into account Bold=Line is double in height If CountString(pdfFontStyle$,"B") ProcedureReturn ipdf_StrF(x*pdfK,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((pdfH-(y-#PDF_FONTSUP/1000*pdfFontSize))*pdfK,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF(vWidth*pdfK,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((-#PDF_FONTSUT/1000*pdfFontSizePt)*2,2) + " re f" Else ProcedureReturn ipdf_StrF(x*pdfK,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((pdfH-(y-#PDF_FONTSUP/1000*pdfFontSize))*pdfK,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF(vWidth*pdfK,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF(-#PDF_FONTSUT/1000*pdfFontSizePt,2) + " re f" EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_NewObj() ;Begin a new object. SelectElement(Offsets(), pdfN - 1) pdfN = pdfN + 1 AddElement(Offsets()) SelectElement(Offsets(), pdfN - 1) Offsets() = pdfBuffer\lCurSize ipdf_Out(Str(pdfN) + " 0 obj") EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_EndPage() ;End of page contents. ForEach pEndPage() pdf_CallFunction(pEndPage()) Next pdfState = 1 EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_BeginPage(Orientation$,Format$) AddElement(Pages()) pdfPage = ListSize(Pages()) If MEM_DataInit(Pages()\PMem,#PDF_MEMBLOCKMINSIZE) = #False pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY ProcedureReturn #False EndIf Pages()\OrientationChanges = #False pdfState = 2 pdfX = pdfLMargin pdfY = pdfTMargin pdfFontFamily$ = "" ;Page format If Trim(Format$)<>"" pdfFwPt = ValF(StringField(Format$, 1, ",")) pdfFhPt = ValF(StringField(Format$, 2, ",")) pdfFw = pdfFwPt/pdfK pdfFh = pdfFhPt/pdfK Pages()\OrientationChanges = #True Orientation$=UCase(Orientation$) If (Orientation$ ="L" Or Orientation$ = "LANDSCAPE") pdfDefOrientation$="L" pdfWPt = pdfFhPt pdfHPt = pdfFwPt Else pdfDefOrientation$="P" pdfWPt = pdfFwPt pdfHPt = pdfFhPt EndIf pdfCurOrientation$ = pdfDefOrientation$ pdfW = pdfWPt/pdfK pdfH = pdfHPt/pdfK EndIf If Trim(Orientation$) = "" Orientation$ = pdfDefOrientation$ Else Orientation$ = Left(UCase(Orientation$),1) If Orientation$ <> pdfDefOrientation$ Pages()\OrientationChanges = #True EndIf EndIf If (Orientation$ <> pdfCurOrientation$) ; Change orientation If Orientation$ = "P" pdfWPt = pdfFwPt pdfHPt = pdfFhPt pdfW = pdfFw pdfH = pdfFh Else pdfWPt = pdfFhPt pdfHPt = pdfFwPt pdfW = pdfFh pdfH = pdfFw EndIf pdfPageBreakTrigger = pdfH - pdfBMargin pdfCurOrientation$ = Orientation$ EndIf Pages()\pdfWPt=pdfWPt Pages()\pdfHPt=pdfHPt ProcedureReturn #True EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_BeginDoc() pdfState = 1 ipdf_Out("%PDF-1.3") EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_PutTrailer() ipdf_Out("/Size " + Str(pdfN + 1)) ipdf_Out("/Root " + Str(pdfN) + " 0 R") ipdf_Out("/Info " + Str(pdfN - 1) + " 0 R") ;If encrypted ;$this->_out('/Encrypt '.$this->enc_obj_id.' 0 R'); ; ipdf_Out("/Encrypt " + Str(enc_obj_id) + " 0 R") ;$this->_out('/ID [()()]'); ; ipdf_Out("/ID [()()]") ;EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_PutCatalog() ipdf_Out("/Type /Catalog") ipdf_Out("/Pages 1 0 R") If pdfOBJNames ipdf_Out("/Names "+Str(pdfOBJNames)+" 0 R") EndIf Select pdfZoomMode Case #PDF_ZOOM_FULLPAGE ipdf_Out("/OpenAction [3 0 R /Fit]") Case #PDF_ZOOM_FULLWIDTH ipdf_Out("/OpenAction [3 0 R /FitH null]") Case #PDF_ZOOM_REAL ipdf_Out("/OpenAction [3 0 R /XYZ null null 1]") Case #PDF_ZOOM_FULLSCREEN ; <-- luis ipdf_Out("/PageMode/FullScreen") ; <-- luis Default: ipdf_Out("/OpenAction [3 0 R /XYZ null null " + ipdf_StrF(pdfZoomMode/100,2) + "]") EndSelect ipdf_Out("/PageLayout " + pdfLayoutMode$) ForEach pPutCatalog() pdf_CallFunction(pPutCatalog()) Next EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_putextgstates() EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_PutFonts() Protected tempfontname$,HexData$,ZIP,i,j,FontWidth,FontDescriptor,CIDToGIDMap,Glyph,Width Protected packmem.MEM_DataStructure,ASCII85.MEM_DataStructure Protected fontembed=#True ;Font Data ForEach FontList() If fontembed ipdf_NewObj() FontList()\pdfN=pdfN ipdf_Out("<<") ZIP=0 If pCompress packmem\pData=FontList()\Buffer packmem\lMaxSize=FontList()\Buflen packmem\lCurSize=FontList()\Buflen ZIP=pdf_CallFunction(pCompress,packmem) If ZIP ;Store encoded data ;FreeMemory(FontList()\Buffer) ipdf_Out("/Filter /FlateDecode") ipdf_Out("/Length "+Str(packmem\lCurSize+2)) ipdf_Out("/Length1 "+Str(FontList()\Buflen)) FontList()\Buffer=packmem\pData FontList()\Buflen=packmem\lCurSize+2 ipdf_Out(">>") ipdf_PutStream(packmem) EndIf EndIf If Not ZIP ;encode with ASCII85 ASCII85\pData=FontList()\Buffer ASCII85\lCurSize=FontList()\Buflen ASCII85\lMaxSize=FontList()\Buflen ipdf_ASCII85_Encode(ASCII85) FontList()\Buffer=ASCII85\pData ipdf_Out("/Filter /ASCII85Decode") ipdf_Out("/Length "+Str(ASCII85\lCurSize)) ipdf_Out("/Length1 "+Str(FontList()\Buflen)) ipdf_Out(">>") ipdf_PutStream(ASCII85) EndIf ipdf_Out("endobj") Else FontList()\pdfN=-1 EndIf FreeMemory(FontList()\Buffer) ; Free memory of FontData FontList()\Buffer=0 Next ForEach Fonts() tempfontname$=ReplaceString(Fonts()\Name$," ","#20") If Fonts()\Fontembed If Fonts()\unicode ipdf_NewObj() CIDToGIDMap=pdfN ;cidtogidmap ipdf_Out("<<") ZIP=0 If pCompress packmem\pData=Fonts()\cidtogidmap packmem\lMaxSize=256*256*2 packmem\lCurSize=256*256*2 ZIP=pdf_CallFunction(pCompress,packmem) If ZIP ;Store encoded data ;FreeMemory(Fonts()\cidtogidmap) ipdf_Out("/Filter /FlateDecode") ipdf_Out("/Length "+Str(packmem\lCurSize+2)) ipdf_Out("/Length1 "+Str(256*256*2)) Fonts()\cidtogidmap=packmem\pData ipdf_Out(">>") ipdf_PutStream(packmem) EndIf EndIf If Not ZIP ;encode with ASCII85 ASCII85\pData=Fonts()\cidtogidmap ASCII85\lCurSize=256*256*2 ASCII85\lMaxSize=256*256*2 ipdf_ASCII85_Encode(ASCII85) Fonts()\cidtogidmap=ASCII85\pData ipdf_Out("/Filter /ASCII85Decode") ipdf_Out("/Length "+Str(ASCII85\lCurSize)) ipdf_Out("/Length1 "+Str(256*256*2)) ipdf_Out(">>") ipdf_PutStream(ASCII85) EndIf ipdf_Out("endobj") Else ;Font-Width ipdf_NewObj() FontWidth=pdfN HexData$="[" If Fonts()\cidtogidmap For i=0 To 255 Glyph=ipdf_EndianW(Fonts()\cidtogidmap\segment[i])&$FFFF Width=Fonts()\glyph_list(Glyph)\scaledwidth HexData$+StrU(Width,#PB_Word)+" " Next EndIf HexData$+"]" ipdf_Out(HexData$) ipdf_Out("endobj") EndIf EndIf If Fonts()\Fontembed ;Embedded font ipdf_NewObj() Fonts()\N = pdfN If Fonts()\unicode ; Page 279 ipdf_Out("<>") ipdf_Out("endobj") ipdf_NewObj() ; PDF-Reference : PDF32000_2008.pdf page 269 ipdf_Out("<>") ipdf_Out("/FontDescriptor "+Str(pdfN+2)+" 0 R") ; Font-Width HexData$="/W [" For i=0 To fonts()\numglyphs-1 ForEach Fonts()\glyph_list(i)\char_no() HexData$+StrU(Fonts()\glyph_list(i)\char_no(),#PB_Long)+" ["+StrU(Fonts()\glyph_list(i)\scaledwidth,#PB_Long)+"] " Next Next HexData$+"]" ipdf_Out(HexData$) ipdf_Out("/CIDToGIDMap "+Str(CIDToGIDMap)+" 0 R") ipdf_Out(">>") ipdf_Out("endobj") ipdf_NewObj() ipdf_Out("<<") ipdf_Out("/Length 345") ipdf_Out(">>") ipdf_Out("stream") ipdf_Out("/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin") ipdf_Out("12 dict begin") ipdf_Out("begincmap") ipdf_Out("/CIDSystemInfo") ipdf_Out("<> def") ipdf_Out("/CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def") ipdf_Out("/CMapType 2 def") ipdf_Out("1 begincodespacerange") ipdf_Out("<0000> ") ipdf_Out("endcodespacerange") ipdf_Out("1 beginbfrange") ipdf_Out("<0000> <0000>") ipdf_Out("endbfrange") ipdf_Out("endcmap") ipdf_Out("CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop") ipdf_Out("end") ipdf_Out("end") ipdf_Out("endstream") ipdf_Out("endobj") Else ipdf_Out("<>") ipdf_Out("endobj") EndIf ;Font Descriptor ipdf_NewObj() FontDescriptor=pdfN ipdf_Out("<-1 ForEach FontList() If UCase(FontList()\Name$)=UCase(Fonts()\Name$) ipdf_Out("/FontFile2 " + Str(FontList()\pdfN) + " 0 R") Break EndIf Next EndIf ipdf_Out(">>") ipdf_Out("endobj") Else ;Standard font ipdf_NewObj() Fonts()\N = pdfN ipdf_Out("< #PDF_FONT_SYMBOL And Fonts()\Name$<> #PDF_FONT_ZAPFDINGBATS) ipdf_Out("/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding") EndIf ipdf_Out(">>") ipdf_Out("endobj") EndIf If Fonts()\cidtogidmap FreeMemory(Fonts()\cidtogidmap) ; Release cidtogidmap memory Fonts()\cidtogidmap=0 EndIf Next EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_PutFiles() Protected ZIP,packmem.MEM_DataStructure,ASCII85.MEM_DataStructure,Kids ;Debug "ipdf_PutFiles()" ForEach FileList() ipdf_NewObj() FileList()\pdfN=pdfN ipdf_Out("<>/Desc ("+FileList()\Desc$+")/Type/Filespec>>") ipdf_Out("endobj") ipdf_NewObj() ipdf_Out("<>") ZIP=0 If pCompress packmem\pData=FileList()\Buffer packmem\lMaxSize=FileList()\Buflen packmem\lCurSize=FileList()\Buflen ZIP=pdf_CallFunction(pCompress,packmem) If ZIP ;Store encoded data ;FreeMemory(FileList()\Buffer) ipdf_Out("/Length "+Str(packmem\lCurSize+2)) ;ipdf_Out("/Length1 "+Str(FileList()\Buflen)) FileList()\Buffer=packmem\pData FileList()\Buflen=packmem\lCurSize+2 ipdf_Out("/Filter/FlateDecode") ipdf_Out(">>") ipdf_PutStream(packmem) ZIP=1 EndIf EndIf If Not ZIP ;encode with ASCII85 ASCII85\pData=FileList()\Buffer ASCII85\lCurSize=FileList()\Buflen ASCII85\lMaxSize=FileList()\Buflen ipdf_ASCII85_Encode(ASCII85) FileList()\Buffer=ASCII85\pData ipdf_Out("/Length "+Str(ASCII85\lCurSize)) ;ipdf_Out("/Length1 "+Str(FileList()\Buflen)) ipdf_Out("/Filter/ASCII85Decode") ipdf_Out(">>") ipdf_PutStream(ASCII85) EndIf ipdf_Out("endobj") If FileList()\Buffer FreeMemory(FileList()\Buffer) EndIf Next ;Names If ListSize(FileList()) ipdf_NewObj() Kids=pdfN ipdf_Out("<>") ipdf_Out("endobj") ipdf_NewObj() ipdf_Out("<<") ipdf_Out("/Names [") ForEach FileList() ipdf_Out("("+FileList()\Name$+") "+Str(FileList()\pdfN)+" 0 R") Next ipdf_Out("]") ipdf_Out("/Limits [") FirstElement(FileList()) ipdf_Out("("+FileList()\Name$+")") LastElement(FileList()) ipdf_Out("("+FileList()\Name$+")") ipdf_Out("]") ipdf_Out(">>") ipdf_Out("endobj") ipdf_NewObj() pdfOBJNames=pdfN ipdf_Out("<>") ipdf_Out("endobj") EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_EmbedFile(Filename$,Description$="") Protected *Filebuffer,FileLength,File,fileobject If FileSize(Filename$)>0 File=ReadFile(#PB_Any,Filename$) If File FileLength=Lof(File) *Filebuffer=AllocateMemory(FileLength) ReadData(File,*Filebuffer,FileLength) CloseFile(File) EndIf EndIf If Not *Filebuffer pdfError = #PDF_ERROR_FILE_OPEN_ERROR ProcedureReturn #False EndIf AddElement(FileList()) FileList()\Name$ = ipdf_Escape(GetFilePart(Filename$)) FileList()\Desc$ = ipdf_Escape(Description$) FileList()\CreationDate$ = FormatDate("D:%yyyy%mm%dd%hh%ii%ssZ",GetFileDate(Filename$, #PB_Date_Created)) FileList()\ModDate$ = FormatDate("D:%yyyy%mm%dd%hh%ii%ssZ",GetFileDate(Filename$, #PB_Date_Modified)) FileList()\Buffer = *Filebuffer FileList()\Buflen = FileLength FileList()\pdfN = 0 ProcedureReturn ListSize(FileList()) EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_SetFontData(FontName$,Style$,FontKey$) Protected vCharWidth,vDefault,vStyle,vFound,Font,hDC,Mem,Len,j, fontNS$ AddElement(Fonts()) Fonts()\FontN = ListSize(Fonts()) Fonts()\FontKey$ = FontKey$ Fonts()\Style$ = Style$ vDefault = #False fontNS$=UCase(FontName$+Style$) Select fontNS$ Case "COURIER" Fonts()\Name$ = #PDF_FONT_COURIER vDefault = #True Case "COURIERB" Fonts()\Name$ = #PDF_FONT_COURIERB vDefault = #True Case "COURIERI" Fonts()\Name$ = #PDF_FONT_COURIERI vDefault = #True Case "COURIERBI" Fonts()\Name$ = #PDF_FONT_COURIERBI vDefault = #True Case "HELVETICA" Fonts()\Name$ = #PDF_FONT_HELVETICA Restore Helvetica Case "HELVETICAB" Fonts()\Name$ = #PDF_FONT_HELVETICAB Restore HelveticaB Case "HELVETICAI" Fonts()\Name$ = #PDF_FONT_HELVETICAI Restore HelveticaI Case "HELVETICABI" Fonts()\Name$ = #PDF_FONT_HELVETICABI Restore HelveticaBI Case "ZAPFDINGBATS" Fonts()\Name$ = #PDF_FONT_ZAPFDINGBATS Restore Zapfdingbats Case "TIMES" Fonts()\Name$ = #PDF_FONT_TIMES Restore Times Case "TIMESI" Fonts()\Name$ = #PDF_FONT_TIMESI Restore TimesI Case "TIMESBI" Fonts()\Name$ = #PDF_FONT_TIMESBI Restore TimesBI Case "TIMESB" Fonts()\Name$ = #PDF_FONT_TIMESB Restore TimesB Case "SYMBOL" Fonts()\Name$ = #PDF_FONT_SYMBOL Restore Symbol Default ; Font is unknown = Font embedding CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_OS=#PB_OS_Windows vDefault = 3 CompilerElse Fonts()\Name$ = #PDF_FONT_COURIER vDefault = #True CompilerEndIf EndSelect Select vDefault Case #True For j = 0 To 255 Fonts()\CharWidth[j] = 600 Next Fonts()\FontEmbed=0 Case #False For j = 0 To 255 ;Read.w vCharWidth m_read ; use macro for different pb versions ! Fonts()\CharWidth[j] = vCharWidth Next Fonts()\FontEmbed=0 CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_OS=#PB_OS_Windows Case 3 ; Embed the Font Protected *cmap.TTF_cmap_Header,*head.TTF_head_Header Protected *hhea.TTF_hhea_Header,*hmtx.TTF_longhormetric Protected *maxp.TTF_maxp_Header,*name.TTF_name_Header Protected *post.TTF_post_Header Protected *cidtogidmap,i,post_format.d,nChars,*TextFace vStyle=0 Select Style$ Case "B" vStyle|#PB_Font_Bold Case "I" vStyle|#PB_Font_Italic Case "BI","IB" vStyle|#PB_Font_Bold|#PB_Font_Italic EndSelect If pdfUnderline vStyle|#PB_Font_Underline EndIf Font=LoadFont(#PB_Any,FontName$,750,vStyle) If Font hDC=CreateDC_("DISPLAY",#Null,#Null,#Null) If hDC SelectObject_(hDC,FontID(Font)) nChars=GetTextFace_(hDC,0,0) If nChars>0 *TextFace=AllocateMemory(nChars*SizeOf(Character)) If *TextFace If GetTextFace_(hDC,nChars,*TextFace) FontName$=PeekS(*TextFace,nChars) EndIf FreeMemory(*TextFace) EndIf EndIf Fonts()\FontEmbed=1 Fonts()\Name$ = FontName$ vFound=#False ForEach FontList() If FontList()\Name$ = FontName$ If FontList()\vStyle = vStyle vFound=#True Break EndIf EndIf Next ; if Font is not already defined load it into memory If vFound=#False Mem=0:Len=0 If ipdf_Get_Font(hDC,@Mem,@Len) AddElement(FontList()) FontList()\Name$ = Fonts()\Name$ FontList()\Buffer = Mem FontList()\Buflen = Len FontList()\pdfN = 0 FontList()\vStyle = vStyle ;-* Try to get TTF-Metrics and check for Unicode font ;Debug "Fontname="+FontList()\Name$ *cmap=ipdf_TTF_SearchTagName(FontList()\Buffer,"cmap") *head=ipdf_TTF_SearchTagName(FontList()\Buffer,"head") *hhea=ipdf_TTF_SearchTagName(FontList()\Buffer,"hhea") *hmtx=ipdf_TTF_SearchTagName(FontList()\Buffer,"hmtx") *maxp=ipdf_TTF_SearchTagName(FontList()\Buffer,"maxp") *name=ipdf_TTF_SearchTagName(FontList()\Buffer,"name") *post=ipdf_TTF_SearchTagName(FontList()\Buffer,"post") If *cmap And *head And *hhea And *hmtx And *maxp And *name Fonts()\numglyphs=ipdf_EndianW(*maxp\numGlyphs)&$FFFF Fonts()\n_hmetrics=ipdf_EndianW(*hhea\numberOfHMetrics)&$FFFF If ipdf_TTF_Handle_Head(Fonts(),*head) ReDim Fonts()\glyph_list(Fonts()\numglyphs-1) For i=0 To Fonts()\numglyphs-1 ;glyph 0 = .notdef ;glyph 1 = .null ;Fonts()\glyph_list(i)\char_no=-1 Fonts()\glyph_list(i)\flags=#GF_FLOAT|#GF_USED Next If ipdf_TTF_Searchcmap(Fonts()\glyph_list(),*cmap,Fonts()\numglyphs,Fontlist()\Buffer,Fontlist()\Buflen,-1,1,4) If #PB_Compiler_Unicode Fonts()\unicode=#True EndIf EndIf ipdf_TTF_Searchhmtx(Fonts(),*hmtx) Fonts()\cidtogidmap=ipdf_TTF_Create_cidtogidmap(Fonts()\glyph_list()) Fonts()\Ascent=ipdf_TTF_iscale(Fonts()\unitsPerEm,ipdf_EndianW(*hhea\Ascent)) Fonts()\Descent=ipdf_TTF_iscale(Fonts()\unitsPerEm,ipdf_EndianW(*hhea\Descent)) Fonts()\CapHeight=Fonts()\Ascent If *post=0 Fonts()\ItalicAngle=0 Else post_format=ipdf_EndianW(*post\format\fract)+Int(ipdf_EndianW(*post\format\Value)/65536) ;Debug post_format Fonts()\ItalicAngle=ipdf_EndianW(*post\italicAngle\fract)+Int(ipdf_EndianW(*post\italicAngle\Value)/65536) EndIf Fonts()\StemV=0 Fonts()\Subfamily$=ipdf_TTF_Handle_Name(Fonts(),*name,1,0,0,2) If Len(Fonts()\Subfamily$)=0 Fonts()\Subfamily$=ipdf_TTF_Handle_Name(Fonts(),*name,3,1,1033,2) EndIf If FindString(LCase(Fonts()\Subfamily$),"bold",1) Or FindString(LCase(Fonts()\Subfamily$),"black",1) Fonts()\StemV=120 Else Fonts()\StemV=70 EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf DeleteDC_(hDC) EndIf FreeFont(Font) EndIf CompilerEndIf EndSelect EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_PutInfo() Protected MEM.MEM_DataStructure If ipdf_EscapeU("/Producer (",")",#PUREPDF_VERSION,MEM,#True) ipdf_OutStream(MEM) FreeMemory(MEM\pData) EndIf If Trim(pdfTitle$) <> "" If ipdf_EscapeU("/Title (",")",pdfTitle$,MEM,#True) ipdf_OutStream(MEM) FreeMemory(MEM\pData) EndIf EndIf If Trim(pdfSubject$) <> "" If ipdf_EscapeU("/Subject (",")",pdfSubject$,MEM,#True) ipdf_OutStream(MEM) FreeMemory(MEM\pData) EndIf EndIf If Trim(pdfAuthor$) <> "" If ipdf_EscapeU("/Author (",")",pdfAuthor$,MEM,#True) ipdf_OutStream(MEM) FreeMemory(MEM\pData) EndIf EndIf If Trim(pdfKeywords$) <> "" If ipdf_EscapeU("/Keywords (",")",pdfKeywords$,MEM,#True) ipdf_OutStream(MEM) FreeMemory(MEM\pData) EndIf EndIf If Trim(pdfCreator$) <> "" If ipdf_EscapeU("/Creator (",")",pdfCreator$,MEM,#True) ipdf_OutStream(MEM) FreeMemory(MEM\pData) EndIf EndIf ipdf_Out("/CreationDate (D:" + FormatDate("%yyyy%mm%dd%hh%ii%ss", Date())+")") EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_PutImages() Protected packmem.MEM_DataStructure,ZIP ForEach Images() Debug "Image="+Str(ListIndex(Images()))+":pData="+Str(Images()\Datapic\pData)+" Size="+Str(Images()\Datapic\lCurSize) If pdfError=0 ipdf_NewObj() Images()\N = pdfN ipdf_Out("<>") ipdf_PutStream(Images()\Datapic) ipdf_Out("endobj") Else ipdf_Out("/Subtype /Image") ipdf_Out("/Width " + Str(Images()\Width)) ipdf_Out("/Height " + Str(Images()\Height)) If Images()\ColSpace = "Indexed" ipdf_Out("/ColorSpace [/Indexed /DeviceRGB " + Str(Images()\Pal\lCurSize/3 - 1) + " " + Str(pdfN + 1) + " 0 R]") Else ipdf_Out("/ColorSpace /" + Images()\ColSpace) If Images()\ColSpace = "DeviceCMYK" ipdf_Out("/Decode [1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0]") EndIf EndIf ipdf_Out("/BitsPerComponent " + Str(Images()\Bpc)) ipdf_Out("/Filter /" + Images()\Filter) If Images()\Parms <> "" ipdf_Out(Images()\Parms) EndIf ipdf_Out("/Length "+Str(Images()\Datapic\lCurSize) + ">>") ipdf_PutStream(Images()\Datapic) If pdfError<>0 Debug "pdfError="+Str(pdfError) CallDebugger Break EndIf ipdf_Out("endobj") ;Palette If(Images()\ColSpace="Indexed") ipdf_NewObj() ipdf_Out("<<"+"/Length "+Str(Images()\Pal\lCurSize)+">>") ipdf_PutStream(Images()\Pal) ipdf_Out("endobj") EndIf ipdf_NewObj() ipdf_Out("<>") ; <- change here ipdf_Out("endobj") EndIf Else Debug "pdfError="+Str(pdfError) CallDebugger EndIf If Images()\Pal\pData FreeMemory(Images()\Pal\pData) Images()\Pal\pData=0 EndIf If Images()\Datapic\pData FreeMemory(Images()\Datapic\pData) Images()\Datapic\pData=0 EndIf If images()\ActualText ipdf_ActualText(Images()\N,images()\ActualText) EndIf Next EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_PutResources() ipdf_putextgstates() ipdf_PutFonts() ipdf_PutImages() ;Resource dictionary SelectElement(Offsets(),1) Offsets() = pdfBuffer\lCurSize ipdf_Out("2 0 obj") ipdf_Out("<<") ipdf_Out("/ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]") ipdf_Out("/Font <<") ForEach Fonts() ipdf_Out("/F" + Str(Fonts()\FontN) + " " + Str(Fonts()\N) + " 0 R") Next ipdf_Out(">>") If (ListSize(Images()) > 0) ipdf_Out("/XObject <<") ForEach Images() If Images()\Filter="WMF" ipdf_Out("/FO" + Str(Images()\ImageN) + " " + Str(Images()\N) + " 0 R") Else ipdf_Out("/I" + Str(Images()\ImageN) + " " + Str(Images()\N) + " 0 R") EndIf Next ipdf_Out(">>") EndIf ipdf_Out(">>") ipdf_Out("endobj") ForEach pPutResources() pdf_CallFunction(pPutResources()) Next EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_PutPages() Protected i,lsAnnots.s,lsRect.s,lsKids.s,lh.f,lsFilter.s,MEM.MEM_DataStructure If (pdfAliasNbPages$ <> "") ; 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must be first ! ipdf_SetX(X) ; second EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Skew(AngleX.f, AngleY.f=0, X.f=-1, Y.f=-1) Protected p1.f,p2.f,p3.f,p4.f,p5.f,p6.f If (x=-1) x=ipdf_GetX() EndIf If (y=-1) y=ipdf_GetY() EndIf If (AngleX<=-90) Or (AngleX>=90) Or (AngleY<=-90) Or (AngleY>=90) ProcedureReturn -1 EndIf y = (pdfH - y)*pdfK x = x*pdfK ;Calculate elements of transformation matrix p1.f = 1 p2.f = Tan(AngleY*#PI/180) p3.f = Tan(AngleX*#PI/180) p4.f = 1 p5.f = -y*(p3) p6.f = -x*(p2) ;Scale the coordinate system ipdf_Transform(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) EndProcedure Procedure.l ipdf_AcceptPageBreak() If pAcceptPageBreak ProcedureReturn pdf_CallFunction(pAcceptPageBreak) Else ProcedureReturn pdfAutoPageBreak EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_SetTextColor(Red.f, Green.f=-1, Blue.f=-1) ;Set color For text If((Red=0 And Green=0 And Blue=0) Or Green=-1) pdfTextColor$= ipdf_StrF(Red/255,3) + " g" Else pdfTextColor$= ipdf_StrF(Red/255,3) + " " + ipdf_StrF(Green/255,3) + " " + ipdf_StrF(Blue/255,3) + " rg" EndIf If (pdfFillColor$ <> pdfTextColor$) pdfColorFlag = #True EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_SetTextColorCMYK(Cyan.f, Magenta.f, Yellow.f, Black.f) ;Set color For text pdfTextColor$=ipdf_StrF(Cyan,2)+" "+ipdf_StrF(Magenta,2)+" "+ipdf_StrF(Yellow,2)+" "+ipdf_StrF(Black,2)+" "+" k" If (pdfFillColor$ <> pdfTextColor$) pdfColorFlag = #True EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_SetDrawColor(Red.f, Green.f=-1, Blue.f=-1) ;Set color For all stroking operations If(((Red=0) And (Green=0) And (Blue=0)) Or (Green=-1)) pdfDrawColor$= ipdf_StrF(Red/255,3) + " G" Else pdfDrawColor$= ipdf_StrF(Red/255,3) + " " + ipdf_StrF(Green/255,3) + " " + ipdf_StrF(Blue/255,3) + " RG" EndIf If (pdfPage > 0) ipdf_Out(pdfDrawColor$) EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_SetDrawColorCMYK(Cyan.f, Magenta.f, Yellow.f, Black.f) ;Set color For all stroking operations pdfDrawColor$=ipdf_StrF(Cyan, 2)+" "+ipdf_StrF(Magenta,2)+" "+ipdf_StrF(Yellow,2)+" "+ipdf_StrF(Black,2)+" "+" K" If (pdfPage > 0) ipdf_Out(pdfDrawColor$) EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_SetFillColor(Red.f, Green.f=-1, Blue.f=-1) ;Set color For all filling operations If((Red=0 And Green=0 And Blue=0) Or Green=-1) pdfFillColor$= ipdf_StrF(Red/255,3) + " g" Else pdfFillColor$= ipdf_StrF(Red/255,3) + " " + ipdf_StrF(Green/255,3) + " " + ipdf_StrF(Blue/255,3) + " rg" EndIf If (pdfFillColor$ <> pdfTextColor$) pdfColorFlag = #True EndIf If(pdfPage>0) ipdf_Out(pdfFillColor$) EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_SetFillColorCMYK(Cyan.f, Magenta.f, Yellow.f, Black.f) ;Set color For all filling operations pdfFillColor$=ipdf_StrF(Cyan,2)+" "+ipdf_StrF(Magenta,2)+" "+ipdf_StrF(Yellow,2)+" "+ipdf_StrF(Black,2)+" "+" k" If (pdfFillColor$ <> pdfTextColor$) pdfColorFlag = #True EndIf If(pdfPage>0) ipdf_Out(pdfFillColor$) EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Ln(Height.f=-1) pdfX = pdfLMargin If Height<0 pdfY + pdfLasth Else pdfY + Height EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_SetFont(Family$, Style$="", Size.l=0) Protected vFontKey.s,vFound,uFamily$ uFamily$=UCase(Family$) ; 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EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_SetAPopUp(pLink.l, y.f=-1, Page.l=-1, Text$="", Title$="", w.f=200, h.f=200, DateTime.l=0, Icon$="Note", Flags.l=0) If pLink If (y=-1) y = pdfY EndIf If page=-1 page = pdfPage EndIf Select UCase(Icon$) Case "COMMENT" Icon$="Comment" Case "KEY" Icon$="Key" Case "NOTE" Icon$="Note" Case "HELP" Icon$="Help" Case "NEWPARAGRAPH" Icon$="NewParagraph" Case "PARAGRAPH" Icon$="Paragraph" Case "INSERT" Icon$="Insert" Default Icon$="Note" EndSelect SelectElement(PageLinks(),pLink-1) PageLinks()\Type = #PDF_POPUP_ACTIONS PageLinks()\DestPage = page PageLinks()\Y = y PageLinks()\Flags = Flags PageLinks()\w = w * pdfK PageLinks()\h = h * pdfK PageLinks()\Option1$ = Icon$ PageLinks()\Option2$ = Text$ PageLinks()\Option3$ = Title$ PageLinks()\Option4$ = "D:"+FormatDate("%yyyy%mm%dd%hh%ii%ss",DateTime)+vpdfTimeZoneOffset EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_SetAFile(pLink.l, File.l, x.f=-1, Page.l=-1, Text$="", Title$="", w.f=16, h.f=16, DateTime.l=0, Icon$="GraphPushPin", Flags.l=0) If (pLink And File) ;-* If page=-1 page = pdfPage EndIf Select UCase(Icon$) Case "GRAPH" Icon$="Graph" Case "PAPERCLIP" Icon$="Paperclip" Case "GRAPHPUSHPIN" Icon$="GraphPushPin" Case "TAG" Icon$="Tag" Default Icon$="GraphPushPin" EndSelect SelectElement(PageLinks(),pLink-1) PageLinks()\Type = #PDF_FILE_ACTIONS PageLinks()\File = File PageLinks()\DestPage = page PageLinks()\x = x PageLinks()\Flags = Flags PageLinks()\w = w * pdfK PageLinks()\h = h * pdfK PageLinks()\Option1$ = Icon$ PageLinks()\Option2$ = Text$ PageLinks()\Option3$ = Title$ PageLinks()\Option4$ = "D:"+FormatDate("%yyyy%mm%dd%hh%ii%ss",DateTime)+vpdfTimeZoneOffset EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Link(X.f, Y.f, W.f, H.f, Link.l) Protected PLType,PLDestPage,PLy,PL1$ If Link>0 SelectElement(PageLinks(), Link-1) ;If this link was used before copy data and create a new link ;This will work with pages and URLS only If PageLinks()\Page>0 PLType=PageLinks()\Type PLDestPage=PageLinks()\DestPage PLy=PageLinks()\y PL1$=PageLinks()\Option1$ AddElement(pagelinks()) PageLinks()\Type = PLType PageLinks()\DestPage = PLDestPage PageLinks()\Y = PLy PageLinks()\Option1$ = PL1$ EndIf If pdfCurOrientation$="P" PageLinks()\fA0 = x*pdfK PageLinks()\fA1 = pdfFhPt - y*pdfK PageLinks()\fA2 = w*pdfK PageLinks()\fA3 = h*pdfK PageLinks()\Page = pdfPage Else PageLinks()\fA0 = x*pdfK PageLinks()\fA1 = pdfFwPt - y*pdfK PageLinks()\fA2 = w*pdfK PageLinks()\fA3 = h*pdfK PageLinks()\Page = pdfPage EndIf EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Cell(w.f,h.f=0,Text$="",Border.l=0,Ln.f=0,Align$="",Fill.l=0,Link.l=0) ;Output a cell Protected l_k.f,l_x.f,l_y.f,l_ws.f,l_dx.f,wMax.f,wLink.f,TextLen.f Protected l_s.s,l_op.s,l_txt.s,First$,Last$,MEM.MEM_DataStructure,sLen If Right(Text$,1)=Chr(10) Text$=Mid(Text$,1,Len(Text$)-1) EndIf If Right(Text$,1)=Chr(13) Text$=Mid(Text$,1,Len(Text$)-1) EndIf sLen=Len(Text$) l_k = pdfK If ((pdfY+h) > pdfPageBreakTrigger) And (pdfInFooter=#False) And (ipdf_AcceptPageBreak()=#True) ;Automatic page Break l_x = pdfX l_ws = pdfWs If(l_ws>0) pdfWs=0 ipdf_Out("0 Tw") EndIf ipdf_AddPage(pdfCurOrientation$) pdfX = l_x If l_ws>0 pdfWs=l_ws ipdf_Out(ipdf_StrF(l_ws*l_k,3) + " Tw") EndIf EndIf If w=0 w = pdfW - pdfRMargin - pdfX EndIf If (Fill=1 Or Border=1) First$ + ipdf_StrF(pdfX*l_k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((pdfH-pdfY)*l_k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF(w*l_k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF(-H*l_k,2) + " re " If (Fill=1) If (Border=1) First$+"B " Else First$+"f " EndIf Else First$+"S " EndIf EndIf If Border < 0 l_x=pdfX l_y=pdfY ;L If -Border & -#PDF_CELL_LEFTBORDER First$ + ipdf_StrF(l_x*l_k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((pdfH - l_y)*l_k,2) + " m " + ipdf_StrF(l_x*l_k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((pdfH-(l_y+H))*l_k,2) + " l S " EndIf ;T If -Border & -#PDF_CELL_TOPBORDER First$ + ipdf_StrF(l_x*l_k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((pdfH - l_y)*l_k,2) + " m " + ipdf_StrF((l_x+W)*l_k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((pdfH- l_y)*l_k,2) + " l S " EndIf ;R If -Border & -#PDF_CELL_RIGHTBORDER First$ + ipdf_StrF((l_x+W)*l_k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((pdfH - l_y)*l_k,2) + " m " + ipdf_StrF((l_x+W)*l_k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((pdfH- (l_y+H))*l_k,2) + " l S " EndIf ;B If -Border & -#PDF_CELL_BOTTOMBORDER First$ + ipdf_StrF(l_x*l_k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((pdfH - (l_y+H))*l_k,2) + " m " + ipdf_StrF((l_x+W)*l_k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((pdfH- (l_y+H))*l_k,2) + " l S " EndIf EndIf If sLen TextLen = ipdf_GetStringWidth(Text$) If (Align$ = #PDF_ALIGN_RIGHT) l_dx = W - pdfCMargin - TextLen ElseIf (Align$ = #PDF_ALIGN_CENTER) l_dx = (W - TextLen)/2 ElseIf (Align$ = #PDF_ALIGN_FORCEDJUSTIFIED) wMax = W - (2 * pdfCMargin) pdfWs = (wMax-TextLen) If CountString(Text$," ")> 0 pdfWs = pdfWs/CountString(Text$," ") EndIf ipdf_Out(ipdf_StrF((pdfWs*pdfK),3) + " Tw") l_dx = pdfCMargin Else l_dx = pdfCMargin EndIf ;-* ipdf_Cell ;eText$= ipdf_Escape(Text$); If pdfColorFlag=#True First$ + "q " + pdfTextColor$ + " " EndIf First$ + "BT " + ipdf_StrF((pdfX+l_dx)*l_k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF(((pdfH-(pdfY+0.5*H+0.3*pdfFontSize))*l_k) ,2) + " Td (" Last$+") Tj ET" If pdfUnderline=#True Last$ + " " Last$ + ipdf_DoUnderline(pdfX + l_dx, pdfY + 0.5*H+0.3*pdfFontSize,Text$) EndIf If pdfColorFlag=#True Last$ + " Q" EndIf If Link > 0 If Align$ = #PDF_ALIGN_FORCEDJUSTIFIED wLink = wMax Else wLink = TextLen EndIf ipdf_Link(pdfX+l_dx,pdfY+0.5*H-0.5*pdfFontSize,wlink,pdfFontSize,Link) EndIf EndIf If ipdf_EscapeU(First$,Last$,Text$,MEM) ipdf_OutStream(MEM) FreeMemory(MEM\pData) EndIf If Align$ = #PDF_ALIGN_FORCEDJUSTIFIED ipdf_Out("0 Tw") pdfWs = 0 EndIf pdfLasth = H If (Ln>0) ;Go To Next line pdfY = pdfY + H If (Ln=1) pdfX = pdfLMargin EndIf Else pdfX = pdfX + W EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.s ipdf_MultiCell(w.f,h.f,Text$,Border.l=0,Align$="",fill.l=0,indent.f=0,maxline.l=0) Protected wMax.f,wMaxOther.f,wFirst.f,wOther.f,wMaxFirst.f,sep,s.s,nb,first,savex.f,b,b2,i,j,l,ns,nl,c.s,ls pdfMultiCellNewLines=0 ;Output text with automatic Or explicit line breaks If w=0 w=pdfW - pdfRMargin - pdfX EndIf wFirst = w - indent wOther = w wMaxFirst = (wFirst-2*pdfCMargin)*1000/pdfFontSize wMaxOther = (wOther-2*pdfCMargin)*1000/pdfFontSize s = Text$ nb = Len(s) If nb>0 And Right(s,1) = #PDF_NEWLINE nb - 1 EndIf b = 0 If Border <> 0 If Border = 1 Border = #PDF_CELL_LEFTBORDER + #PDF_CELL_RIGHTBORDER + #PDF_CELL_TOPBORDER + #PDF_CELL_BOTTOMBORDER b = #PDF_CELL_LEFTBORDER + #PDF_CELL_RIGHTBORDER + #PDF_CELL_TOPBORDER b2 = #PDF_CELL_LEFTBORDER + #PDF_CELL_RIGHTBORDER Else b2=0 If -Border & -#PDF_CELL_LEFTBORDER b2+#PDF_CELL_LEFTBORDER EndIf If -Border & -#PDF_CELL_RIGHTBORDER b2+#PDF_CELL_RIGHTBORDER EndIf If -Border & -#PDF_CELL_TOPBORDER b2+#PDF_CELL_TOPBORDER EndIf b=b2 EndIf EndIf sep=-1 i=1 j=0 l=0 ns=0 nl=1 c.s="" first = #True While i < nb ;Get Next character c = Mid(s,i,1) If c = Chr(10) ;Explicit line Break If pdfWs>0 pdfWs = 0 ipdf_Out("0 Tw") EndIf ipdf_Cell(w,h,Mid(s,j,i-j),b,2,align$,fill) i + 1 sep = -1 j = i l = 0 ns =0 nl + 1 If nl=2 And Border <> 0 b = b2 EndIf Continue EndIf If c=" " sep = i ls = l ns + 1 EndIf l+ipdf_GetStringWidth(c,#False) ; fonts()\CharWidth[Asc(c)] If first = #True wMax = wMaxFirst w = wFirst Else wMax = wMaxOther w = wOther EndIf If l>wmax ;Automatic line Break If(sep=-1) If(i=j) i + 1 EndIf If(pdfWs>0) pdfWs=0 ipdf_Out("0 Tw") EndIf saveX = pdfX If (first=#True And indent > 0) ipdf_SetX(pdfX + indent) first = #False EndIf ipdf_Cell(w,h,Mid(s,j,i-j),b,2,align$,fill) If j = 0: i + 1:EndIf ;>> If the first word is too long start on next character Else If(align$="J") If (ns>1) pdfWs = (wmax-ls)/1000*pdfFontSize/(ns-1) Else pdfWs = 0 EndIf ipdf_Out(ipdf_StrF(pdfWs*pdfK,3) + " Tw") EndIf saveX = pdfX If (first=#True And indent > 0) ipdf_SetX(pdfX + indent) first = #False EndIf ipdf_Cell(w,h,Mid(s,j,sep-j),b,2,align$,fill) If (first = #False) ipdf_SetX(saveX) EndIf i = sep + 1 EndIf sep = -1 j = i l = 0 ns = 0 nl + 1 If Border <> 0 And nl=2 b=b2 EndIf If maxLine > 0 And nl > maxLine pdfMultiCellNewLines=nl-1 ProcedureReturn Right(s, Len(s) - i) EndIf Else i + 1 EndIf Wend ;Last chunk If(pdfWs>0) pdfWs=0 ipdf_Out("0 Tw"); EndIf If -Border & -#PDF_CELL_BOTTOMBORDER And border <> 0 b+#PDF_CELL_BOTTOMBORDER EndIf ipdf_Cell(w,h,Mid(s,j,i-j + 1),b,2,align$,fill) pdfX=pdfLMargin pdfMultiCellNewLines=nl ProcedureReturn "" EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Write(h.f, Text$, link.l=0) Protected c.s,s.s,w.f,wmax.f,l.f,nb.l,sep.l,i.l,j.l,nl.l ;Output text in flowing mode w = pdfW - pdfRMargin - pdfX wmax = (w - 2 * pdfCMargin) * 1000 / pdfFontSize s = Text$ ; s = ReplaceString(txt,"\r","") nb = Len(s) sep = -1 i=1 j=1 l=0 nl=1 While (i<=nb) ;Get Next character c = Mid(Text$,i,1) If c = #PDF_NEWLINE ;Explicit line Break ipdf_Cell(w, h, Mid(Text$, j, i-j), 0, 2, "", 0, link) i = i + 1 sep = -1 j = i l = 0 If (nl = 1) pdfX = pdfLMargin w = pdfW - pdfRMargin - pdfX wmax = (w - 2 * pdfCMargin) * 1000 / pdfFontSize EndIf nl = nl + 1 Continue EndIf If (c = " " ) sep = i EndIf l + ipdf_GetStringWidth(c,#False) ; Fonts()\CharWidth[Asc(c)] If (l>wmax) ;Automatic line Break If (sep = -1) If (pdfX > pdfLMargin) ;Move To Next line pdfX = pdfLMargin pdfY = pdfY + h w = pdfW - pdfRMargin - pdfX wmax = (w - 2 * pdfCMargin) * 1000 / pdfFontSize i + 1 nl + 1 Continue EndIf If (i=j) i + 1 EndIf ipdf_Cell(w,h,Mid(Text$,j,i-j),0,2,"",0,link) Else ipdf_Cell(w,h,Mid(Text$,j,sep-j),0,2,"",0,link) i = sep + 1 EndIf sep = -1 j=i l=0 If (nl=1) pdfX = pdfLMargin w = pdfW - pdfRMargin - pdfX wmax = (w - 2 * pdfCMargin) * 1000 / pdfFontSize EndIf nl + 1 Else i + 1 EndIf Wend ;Last chunk If (i<>j) ipdf_Cell(l/1000*pdfFontSize, h, Mid(Text$,j,Len(Text$)), 0, 0, "", 0, link) EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_ActualText(objlink,text$="") ;create new object andpointtext to previous object ipdf_NewObj() ipdf_Out("<>") ipdf_Out("endobj") EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Image(FileName$,*Mem,MemSize,x.f,y.f,w.f=0,h.f=0,link.l=0,ActualText$="") Protected lbFound = #False Protected sx.f,sy.f ;Put an image on the page ForEach Images() If Images()\FileName = FileName$ lbFound = #True Break EndIf Next If lbFound = #False AddElement(Images()) Images()\FileName = FileName$ Images()\pMem = *Mem Images()\MemSize = MemSize Images()\ImageN = ListSize(Images()) images()\ActualText = ActualText$ If ipdf_ParseImage(FileName$) = #False DeleteElement(Images()) ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndIf If Images()\Filter="WMF" If w=0 And h=0 w=Abs(Images()\Width/(20*pdfK)) h=Abs(Images()\Height/(20*pdfK)) EndIf If w=0 w=Abs(h*Images()\Width/Images()\Height) EndIf If h=0 h=Abs(w*Images()\Height/Images()\Width) EndIf sx=w*pdfK/Images()\Width sy=-h*pdfK/Images()\Height ipdf_Out("q " + StrF(sx,6) + " 0 0 " + StrF(sy,6) + " " + StrF(x*pdfK-sx*Images()\x,6) + " " + StrF(((pdfH-y)*pdfK)-sy*Images()\y,6) + " cm /FO" + Str(images()\ImageN) + " Do Q") Else ;Automatic width And height calculation If needed If w=0 And h=0 ;Put image at 72 dpi w=images()\Width/pdfK h=images()\Height/pdfK EndIf If w=0 w=h*images()\Width/images()\Height EndIf If h=0 h=w*images()\Height/images()\Width EndIf ipdf_Out("q " + ipdf_StrF(w*pdfK,2) + " 0 0 " + ipdf_StrF(h*pdfK,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF(x*pdfK,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((pdfH-(y+h))*pdfK,2) + " cm /I" + Str(images()\ImageN) + " Do Q") EndIf If link ipdf_Link(x, y, w, h, link) EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_StartPageNums() pdfNumbering = #True pdfNumberingFooter = #True EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_StopPageNums() pdfNumbering = #False EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_NumPageNum() ProcedureReturn pdfNumPageNum EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_TOCEntry(Text$, level.l=0) AddElement(pdfTOC()) pdfTOC()\Text$ = Text$ pdfTOC()\level = level pdfTOC()\page = ipdf_NumPageNum() EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_InsertTOC(Location.l=1,LabelSize.l=20,Entrysize.l=10,FontFamily$="Times",Label$="Table of Contents") Protected TOCStart.l,w.f,h.f,strsize.f,PageCellSize.f,dot.f,nb.f,Level,weight$,String$,Page$,n,n_toc,j,i,*tmp,*second ;make toc at end ipdf_StopPageNums() ipdf_AddPage("") TOCStart = pdfPage ipdf_SetFont(FontFamily$, "B", LabelSize) ipdf_Cell(0,5,Label$,0,1,"C") ipdf_ln(10) ForEach pdfTOC() level = pdfTOC()\Level If level > 0 w = level * 8 ipdf_Cell(w) EndIf weight$ = "" If level = 0 weight$="B" EndIf String$ = pdfTOC()\Text$ ipdf_SetFont(FontFamily$, weight$, Entrysize) strSize = ipdf_GetStringWidth(String$) w=strSize + 2 h=pdfFontSize + 2 ipdf_Cell(w,h,String$) ;Filling dots ipdf_SetFont(FontFamily$, "", Entrysize) Page$=Str(pdfTOC()\Page) PageCellSize=ipdf_GetStringWidth(Page$)+2 w=pdfW - pdfLMargin - pdfRMargin - PageCellSize - (level*8)-(strsize+2) ipdf_Cell(w , pdfFontSize + 2 , LSet("",Int(w/ipdf_GetStringWidth(".")),"."), 0, 0, "R") ;Page Number ipdf_Cell(PageCellSize , pdfFontSize + 2 , Page$, 0, 1, "R") Next ;grab it and move to selected location n=pdfPage n_toc = n - tocstart + 1 Dim last(n_toc) j = 0 For i = Tocstart To n SelectElement(Pages(), i - 1) last(j) = @Pages() j + 1 Next For i = Tocstart - 1 To location Step -1 SelectElement(Pages(), i - 1) *tmp = @Pages() SelectElement(Pages(), i + n_toc -1) *second = @Pages() SwapElements(Pages(),*tmp , *second) Next For i=0 To n_toc - 1 SelectElement(Pages(), location + i -1) *second = @Pages() SwapElements(Pages(), Last(i), *second) Next EndProcedure Procedure.s ipdf_GetErrorMessage() Protected msg$="" Select pdfError Case #PDF_ERROR_16BIT_DEPTH_PNG_NOT_SUPPORTED msg$ = "16-bit depth PNG not supported." Case #PDF_ERROR_ALPHA_CHANNEL_PNG_NOT_SUPPORTED msg$ = "Alpha channel PNG not supported." Case #PDF_ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMPRESSION_PNG_METHOD msg$ = "Unknown compression PNG method." Case #PDF_ERROR_UNKNOWN_FILTER_PNG_METHOD msg$ = "Unknown filter PNG method." Case #PDF_ERROR_INTERLACING_PNG_NOT_SUPPORTED msg$ = "Interlacing PNG not supported." Case #PDF_ERROR_MISSING_PALETTE_IN_PNG msg$ = "Missing palette in PNG." Case #PDF_ERROR_JPEG_FILE_IS_NOT_SUPPORTED msg$ = "JPEG file is not supported." Case #PDF_ERROR_ERROR_OPENING_IMAGE_FILE msg$ = "Error opening image file." Case #PDF_ERROR_PROBLEM_READING_IMAGE_FILE_IN_MEMORY msg$ = "Problem reading image file in memory." Case #PDF_ERROR_JFIF_MARKER_IS_MISSING msg$ = "JFIF marker is missing." Case #PDF_ERROR_NOT_A_JPEG_FILE msg$ = "Not a JPEG file." Case #PDF_ERROR_INCORRECT_PNG_FILE msg$ = "Incorrect PNG file." Case #PDF_ERROR_INCORRECT_WMF_FILE msg$ = "Incorrect WMF file." Case #PDF_ERROR_NOT_A_JPEG_OR_PNG_FILE msg$ = "Not a JPEG or PNG file." Case #PDF_ERROR_FILENAME_IS_NOT_CORRECT msg$ = "Filename is not correct." Case #PDF_ERROR_ERROR_CREATING_FILE msg$ = "Error creating file." Case #PDF_ERROR_FILE_OPEN_ERROR msg$ = "File open error." Case #PDF_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY msg$ = "Out of memory." ; luis Case #PDF_ERROR_BOOKMARK msg$ = "Bookmark Error" Default msg$ = "" EndSelect ProcedureReturn msg$ EndProcedure Procedure.s ipdf_TruncateCell(w.f, h.f=0, Text$="", border.l=0, Ln.f=0, Align$=#PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, Fill.l=0, Link.l=0, trunc$="...") Protected wMax.f, TLen.l, short$ If w <= 0 ; Seitenbreite w = pdfW - pdfRMargin - pdfX EndIf wMax = w - (2 * pdfCMargin) If ipdf_GetStringWidth(Text$) <= wMax ipdf_Cell(w, h, Text$, border, Ln, Align$, Fill, Link) Else TLen = Len(Text$) While TLen TLen - 1 short$ = Left(Text$, TLen)+trunc$ If ipdf_GetStringWidth(short$) <= wMax Break EndIf Wend If TLen < 1 short$ = "" Else ipdf_Cell(w, h, short$, border, Ln, Align$, Fill, Link) ProcedureReturn Right(Text$, Len(Text$)-TLen) EndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn "" EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_ResetBookMark() ipdf_ClearProcResources() ipdf_ClearProcCatalog() ipdf_ClearProcEndDoc() ipdf_SetProcPutResources(@ipdf_PutBookMarks()) ipdf_SetProcPutResources(@ipdf_PutJavaScript()) ipdf_SetProcPutCatalog(@ipdf_PutCatalogBookMark()) ipdf_SetProcPutCatalog(@ipdf_PutCatalogDisplay()) ipdf_SetProcPutCatalog(@ipdf_PutCatalogJavaScript()) ipdf_SetProcEndDoc(@ipdf_EndDocBookMark()) EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_BookMark(Text$, level.l=0, y.f=0,p=-1) If y=-1 y = ipdf_GetY() EndIf If p=-1 p=ipdf_GetPageNo() EndIf AddElement(OutLines()) OutLines()\Text$ = Text$ OutLines()\Y = y OutLines()\Level = level OutLines()\wPage = p OutLines()\lParent = -1 OutLines()\lNext = -1 OutLines()\lPrev = -1 OutLines()\lLast = -1 OutLines()\lFirst = -1 EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_PutBookMarks() Protected nb,ln,level,i,lParent,lPrev,h.f,k.f,Dest nb = ListSize(OutLines()) If nb ForEach OutLines() If (OutLines()\Level>0) If (ListSize(lru()) level) ;Level increasing: set first pointer SelectElement(OutLines(), lParent) OutLines()\lFirst=i EndIf SelectElement(OutLines(),i) Else OutLines()\lParent = nb EndIf If (OutLines()\Level<=level And i>0) ;Set prev And Next pointers SelectElement(lru(), OutLines()\Level) lprev=lru() SelectElement(OutLines(),lprev) OutLines()\lNext = i SelectElement(OutLines(), i) OutLines()\lPrev = lprev EndIf level = OutLines()\Level If ListSize(lru()) <= level AddElement(lru()) EndIf SelectElement(lru(), level) lru()=i i=i+1 Next ;Outline items ln=ipdf_GetN() + 1 ForEach OutLines() ipdf_NewObj() ipdf_Out("< -1) ipdf_Out("/Prev " + Str(ln + OutLines()\lPrev) + " 0 R") EndIf If (OutLines()\lNext <> -1) ipdf_Out("/Next " + Str(ln + OutLines()\lNext) + " 0 R") EndIf If (OutLines()\lFirst <> -1) ipdf_Out("/First " + Str(ln + OutLines()\lFirst) + " 0 R") EndIf If (OutLines()\lLast <> -1) ipdf_Out("/Last " + Str(ln + OutLines()\lLast) + " 0 R") EndIf h = ipdf_GetH() k = ipdf_GetK() SelectElement(Pages(),OutLines()\wPage-1) Dest=Pages()\pdfN ipdf_Out("/Dest [" + Str(Dest) + " 0 R /XYZ 0 " + ipdf_StrF((h-OutLines()\Y)*k,2) + " null]") ipdf_Out("/Count 0>>") ipdf_Out("endobj") Next ;OutLine root ipdf_NewObj() pdfOutlineRoot = ipdf_GetN() ipdf_Out("<>") Else ipdf_Out("/Last " + Str(ln) + " 0 R>>") pdfError=#PDF_ERROR_BOOKMARK EndIf ipdf_Out("endobj") EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_PutCatalogBookMark() If(ListSize(OutLines()) > 0) ipdf_Out("/Outlines " + Str(pdfOutlineRoot) + " 0 R") ipdf_Out("/PageMode /UseOutlines") EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_EndDocBookMark() ClearList(OutLines()) ClearList(lru()) EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_PutCatalogDisplay() If FindString(pdfDisplayPreferences$,"FullScreen",1) > 0 ipdf_Out("/PageMode /FullScreen") EndIf If Len(pdfDisplayPreferences$) > 0 ipdf_Out("/ViewerPreferences<<") If FindString(pdfDisplayPreferences$,"HideMenubar",1) > 0 ipdf_Out("/HideMenubar true") EndIf If FindString(pdfDisplayPreferences$,"HideToolbar",1) > 0 ipdf_Out("/HideToolbar true") EndIf If FindString(pdfDisplayPreferences$,"HideWindowUI",1) > 0 ipdf_Out("/HideWindowUI true") EndIf If FindString(pdfDisplayPreferences$,"DisplayDocTitle",1) > 0 ipdf_Out("/DisplayDocTitle true") EndIf If FindString(pdfDisplayPreferences$,"CenterWindow",1) > 0 ipdf_Out("/CenterWindow true") EndIf If FindString(pdfDisplayPreferences$,"FitWindow",1) > 0 ipdf_Out("/FitWindow true") EndIf ipdf_Out(">>") EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_IncludeJS(Script$) pdfJavaScript$ = Script$ EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_PutJavascript() If pdfJavaScript$<>"" ipdf_NewObj() pdfJSNum = ipdf_GetN() ipdf_Out("<<") ipdf_Out("/Names [(EmbeddedJS) " + Str(ipdf_GetN() + 1) + " 0 R ]") ipdf_Out(">>") ipdf_Out("endobj") ipdf_NewObj() ipdf_Out("<<") ipdf_Out("/S /JavaScript") ipdf_Out("/JS " + ipdf_TextString(pdfJavaScript$)) ipdf_Out(">>") ipdf_Out("endobj") EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_PutCatalogJavaScript() If pdfJavaScript$ <> "" ipdf_Out("/Names <>") EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_MultiCellBlt(w.f,h.f, blt$,txt$,border.l=0,align$="J",fill.l=-1) Protected blt_width.f Protected bak_x.f Protected cMargin.f cMargin = ipdf_GetCMargin() ;Get bullet width including margins blt_width = ipdf_GetStringWidth(blt$) + cMargin*2 ;Save x bak_x = ipdf_GetX() ;Output bullet ipdf_Cell(blt_width,h,blt$,0,0,"",fill) ;Output text ipdf_MultiCell(w - blt_width, h, txt$, border, align$, fill,0) ;Restore x ipdf_SetX(bak_x) EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_SubWrite(h.f, txt$, link.l=-1,subFontSize.l=12, subOffset.f=0) Protected subFontSizeold.l,subX.f,subY.f subFontSizeold = ipdf_GetFontSizePt() ipdf_SetFontSize(subFontSize) pdfK = ipdf_GetK() subOffset = (((subFontSize - subFontSizeold) / pdfK) * 0.3) + (subOffset / pdfK) subX = ipdf_GetX() subY = ipdf_GetY() ipdf_SetY(subY - subOffset) ipdf_SetX(subX) ipdf_Write(h, txt$, link) subX = ipdf_GetX() subY = ipdf_GetY() ipdf_SetY(subY + subOffset) ipdf_SetX(subX) ipdf_SetFontSize(subFontSizeold) EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_angle_endpage() If pdfAngle pdfAngle=0 ipdf_Out("Q") EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Rotate(angle.f, x.f=-1, y.f=-1) Protected c.f,s.f,cx.f,cy.f If (x=-1) x=ipdf_GetX() EndIf If (y=-1) y=ipdf_GetY() EndIf If (pdfAngle <> 0) ipdf_Out("Q") EndIf pdfAngle = angle If (angle<>0) angle=angle*#PI/180 c = Cos(angle) s = Sin(angle) cx = x * pdfK cy = (pdfH - y) * pdfK ipdf_Out("q " + ipdf_StrF(c,5) + " " + ipdf_StrF(s,5) + " " + ipdf_StrF(-s,5) + " " + ipdf_StrF(c,5) + " " + ipdf_StrF(cx,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF(cy,2) + " cm") ipdf_Out("1 0 0 1 " + ipdf_StrF(-cx,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF(-cy,2) + " cm") EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Arc(x1.f, y1.f, x2.f, y2.f, x3.f, y3.f) ipdf_Out(ipdf_StrF(x1*pdfK,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((pdfH-y1)*pdfK,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF(x2*pdfK,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((pdfH-y2)*pdfK,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF(x3*pdfK,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((pdfH-y3)*pdfK,2) + " c") EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_PathBegin(X.f,Y.f) ipdf_Out(ipdf_StrF(X*pdfK,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF(((pdfH-Y))*pdfK,2) + " m") EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_PathEnd(Style$="") Select Style$ Case #PDF_STYLE_DRAW ipdf_Out("s") ; Close and stroke the path Case #PDF_STYLE_DRAWANDFILL ipdf_Out("b") ; Close, fill, and then stroke the path Case #PDF_STYLE_FILL ipdf_Out("f") ; Fill the path Case "" ipdf_Out("S") ; Stroke the path Default ipdf_Out(Style$) EndSelect EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Line(X1.f,Y1.f,X2.f,Y2.f) ipdf_Out(ipdf_StrF(x1*pdfK,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((pdfH-y1)*pdfK,2) + " m " + ipdf_StrF(x2 * pdfK,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((pdfH-y2)*pdfK,2) + " l S") EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_PathLine(X.f,Y.f) ipdf_Out(ipdf_StrF((X)*pdfK,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((pdfH-Y)*pdfK,2) + " l") EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_RoundRect(X.f,Y.f,W.f,H.f,R.f,Style$="") ipdf_PathBegin(X,Y+R) ipdf_Arc(X,Y+(R/2),X+(R/2),Y,X+R,Y) ipdf_PathLine(X+W-R,Y) ipdf_Arc(X+W-(R/2),Y,X+W,Y+(R/2),X+W,Y+R) ipdf_PathLine(X+W,Y+H-R) ipdf_Arc(X+W,Y+H-(R/2),X+W-(R/2),Y+H,X+W-R,Y+H) ipdf_PathLine(X+R,Y+H) ipdf_Arc(X+(R/2),Y+H,X,Y+H-(R/2),X,Y+H-R) ipdf_PathEnd(Style$) EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Triangle(X1.f,Y1.f,X2.f,Y2.f,X3.f,Y3.f,Style$="") ipdf_PathBegin(X1,Y1) ipdf_PathLine(X2,Y2) ipdf_PathLine(X3,Y3) ipdf_PathEnd(Style$) EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Ellipse(x.f, y.f, rx.f, ry.f, Style$) Protected lx.f, ly.f lx = 4/3*(Sqr(2)-1)*rx ly = 4/3*(Sqr(2)-1)*ry ;ipdf_Out(ipdf_StrF((x+rx)*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((h-y)*k,2) + " m " + ipdf_StrF((x+rx)*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((h-y+ly)*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((x+lx)*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((h-y+ry) * k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF(x*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((h-y+ry)*k,2) + " c") ipdf_PathBegin(x+rx,y) ipdf_Arc(x+rx,y-ly,x+lx,y-ry,x,y-ry) ;ipdf_Out(ipdf_StrF((x-lx)*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((h-y+ry)*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((x-rx)*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((h-y+ly)*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((x-rx)*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((h-y)*k,2) + " c") ipdf_Arc(x-lx,y-ry,x-rx,y-ly,x-rx,y) ;ipdf_Out(ipdf_StrF((x-rx)*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((h-y-ly)*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((x-lx)*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((h-y-ry)*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF(x*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((h-y-ry) * k,2) + " c") ipdf_Arc(x-rx,y+ly,x-lx,y+ry,x,y+ry) ;ipdf_Out(ipdf_StrF((x+lx)*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((h-y-ry)*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((x+rx)*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((h-y-ly)*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((x+rx)*k,2) + " " + " " + ipdf_StrF((h-y)*k,2) + " c") ipdf_Arc(x+lx,y+ry,x+rx,y+ly,x+rx,y) ipdf_PathEnd(Style$) EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Circle(x.f, y.f, r.f, Style$=#PDF_STYLE_DRAW) ipdf_Ellipse(x, y, r, r, Style$) EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Sector(xc.f, yc.f, rx.f, ry.f, a.f, b.f, Style$=#PDF_STYLE_DRAWANDFILL, cw.l=#True, o.f=90) Protected MyArcX.f,MyArcy.f,af.f,bf.f,d.f If cw = #True d = b b = o - a a = o - d Else b = b + o a = a + o EndIf a = (Mod(a,360)) + 360 b = (Mod(b,360)) + 360 ;a = (a%360) + 360 ;b = (b%360) + 360 If a > b b = b + 360 EndIf bf = b/360*2*#PI af = a/360*2*#PI d = bf - af If d = 0 d = 2 * #PI EndIf ;k = ipdf_GetK() ;hp = ipdf_GetH() If Sin(d/2) MyArcX = 4/3*(1-Cos(d/2))/Sin(d/2)*rx MyArcY = 4/3*(1-Cos(d/2))/Sin(d/2)*ry EndIf ;first put the center ;ipdf_Out(ipdf_StrF(xc*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((hp-yc)*k,2) + " m") ipdf_PathBegin(xc,yc) ;put the first point ;ipdf_Out(ipdf_StrF((xc+r*Cos(af))*k,2) + " " + ipdf_StrF((hp-(yc-r*Sin(af)))*k,2) + " l") ipdf_PathLine(xc+rx*Cos(af),yc-ry*Sin(af)) ;draw the arc If ( d < (#PI/2)) ipdf_arc(xc+rx*Cos(af)+MyArcX*Cos(#PI/2+af), yc-ry*Sin(af)-MyArcY*Sin(#PI/2+af), xc+rx*Cos(bf)+MyArcX*Cos(bf-#PI/2), yc-ry*Sin(bf)-MyArcY*Sin(bf-#PI/2), xc+rx*Cos(bf), yc-ry*Sin(bf)) Else bf = af + d/4 MyArcX = 4/3*(1-Cos(d/8))/Sin(d/8)*rx MyArcY = 4/3*(1-Cos(d/8))/Sin(d/8)*ry ipdf_Arc(xc+rx*Cos(af)+MyArcX*Cos(#PI/2+af), yc-ry*Sin(af)-MyArcY*Sin(#PI/2+af), xc+rx*Cos(bf)+MyArcX*Cos(bf-#PI/2), yc-ry*Sin(bf)-MyArcY*Sin(bf-#PI/2), xc+rx*Cos(bf), yc-ry*Sin(bf)) af = bf bf = af + d/4 ipdf_Arc(xc+rx*Cos(af)+MyArcX*Cos(#PI/2+af), yc-ry*Sin(af)-MyArcY*Sin(#PI/2+af), xc+rx*Cos(bf)+MyArcX*Cos(bf-#PI/2),yc-ry*Sin(bf)-MyArcY*Sin(bf-#PI/2),xc+rx*Cos(bf), yc-ry*Sin(bf)) af = bf bf = af + d/4 ipdf_Arc(xc+rx*Cos(af)+MyArcX*Cos(#PI/2+af),yc-ry*Sin(af)-MyArcY*Sin(#PI/2+af),xc+rx*Cos(bf)+MyArcX*Cos(bf-#PI/2),yc-ry*Sin(bf)-MyArcY*Sin(bf-#PI/2),xc+rx*Cos(bf),yc-ry*Sin(bf)) af= bf bf = af + d/4 ipdf_Arc(xc+rx*Cos(af)+MyArcX*Cos(#PI/2+af),yc-ry*Sin(af)-MyArcY*Sin(#PI/2+af),xc+rx*Cos(bf)+MyArcX*Cos(bf-#PI/2),yc-ry*Sin(bf)-MyArcY*Sin(bf-#PI/2),xc+rx*Cos(bf),yc-ry*Sin(bf)) EndIf ;terminate drawing ipdf_PathEnd(Style$) EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Transform(p1.f, p2.f, p3.f, p4.f, p5.f, p6.f) ipdf_Out(ipdf_StrF(p1,3) + " " + ipdf_StrF(p2,3) + " " + ipdf_StrF(p3,3) + " " + ipdf_StrF(p4,3) + " " + ipdf_StrF(p5,3) + " " + ipdf_StrF(p6,3) + " cm") EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Translate(TX.f, TY.f) Protected p1.f,p2.f,p3.f,p4.f,p5.f,p6.f p1.f = 1 p2.f = 0 p3.f = 0 p4.f = 1 p5.f = TX p6.f = TY ipdf_Transform(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Scale(SX.f, SY.f, X.f, Y.f) Protected p1.f,p2.f,p3.f,p4.f,p5.f,p6.f If (x=-1) x=ipdf_GetX() EndIf If (y=-1) y=ipdf_GetY() EndIf If (x=0) Or (y=0) ProcedureReturn -1 EndIf y = (pdfH - y)*pdfK x = x*pdfK ;Calculate elements of transformation matrix SX / 100 SY / 100 p1.f = SX p2.f = 0 p3.f = 0 p4.f = SY p5.f = x*(1-sx) p6.f = y*(1-sy) ;Scale the coordinate system ipdf_Transform(p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6) EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_IncludeFileJS(FileName.s) ;Included 17.11.2006 Author : Flype ; Protected file.l, source.s file = ReadFile(#PB_Any, FileName) If file source = Space(Lof(file)) If ReadData(file, @source, Lof(file)) ipdf_IncludeJS(source) EndIf CloseFile(file) ProcedureReturn #True EndIf ProcedureReturn #False EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_SetDash(Black.l, White.l) If (black <>0) And (white <> 0) ipdf_Out("[" + ipdf_StrF(Black*pdfK,3) + " " + ipdf_StrF(White*pdfK,3) + "] 0 d") Else ipdf_Out("[] 0 d") EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ipdf_Grid(sizemm=-1) Protected i,x,y,tx$,w=ipdf_GetW(),h=ipdf_GetH(),gridr=w-(ipdf_GetRMargin()) Static gridSize Debug "gridr" + Str(gridr) ipdf_SetAutoPageBreak(0) x=ipdf_getx() y=ipdf_gety() If gridSize = 0 And sizemm = -1 gridSize=5 ; default 5mm sizemm=5 EndIf If sizemm > 0 And sizemm < 100 gridSize=sizemm Else gridSize = 100 EndIf ipdf_SetDrawColor(204,255,255) ipdf_SetLineWidth(0.25) For i = 0 To w ipdf_Line(i,0,i,h) i=i+gridSize-1 Next For i = 0 To h ipdf_Line(0,i,w,i) i=i+gridSize-1 Next ipdf_SetFont("Arial","I",9) ipdf_SetTextColor(204,204,204) For i=20 To h Step 20 ipdf_SetXY(1,i-3) tx$=Str(i) ipdf_Write(5,tx$) Next For i=20 To gridr Step 20 ipdf_SetXY(i-1,1) tx$=Str(i) ipdf_Write(3,tx$) Next ipdf_setxy(x,y) EndProcedure ;{ PurePDF as includefile CompilerIf Defined(PurePDF_Include,#PB_Constant) ;####################### ;# Includefile code # ;####################### pdf_Init() Procedure.l pdf_grid(mm.f=-1) ;Defines the abscissa of the current position. ipdf_Grid(mm.f) EndProcedure Procedure.l pdf_AcceptPageBreak() ;Accept automatic page break or not ProcedureReturn ipdf_AcceptPageBreak() EndProcedure Procedure.l pdf_Addlink() ;Creates a new internal link and returns its identifier. ProcedureReturn ipdf_AddLink() EndProcedure Procedure.l pdf_ASCII85_Decode(*InputBuffer,InputLength,*OutputBuffer,*OutputLength) ProcedureReturn ipdf_ASCII85_Decode(*InputBuffer,InputLength,*OutputBuffer,*OutputLength) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_AddPage(Orientation$="",Format$="") ;Adds a new page to the document. ProcedureReturn ipdf_AddPage(Orientation$,Format$) EndProcedure Procedure.l pdf_ASCII85_Encode(*aData.MEM_DataStructure,WidthP.l=73) ProcedureReturn ipdf_ASCII85_Encode(*aData.MEM_DataStructure,WidthP.l) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_ASCII85_Free(*aData.MEM_DataStructure) ipdf_ASCII85_Free(*aData) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_BookMark(Text$, Level.l=0, Y.f=0,p.l=-1) ;Add bookmark ipdf_BookMark(Text$,level,y,p) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_Cell(W.f ,H.f=0, Text$="", Border.l=0, Ln.f=0, Align$="", Fill.l=0, Link.l=0) ;Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and character string. ipdf_Cell(w,h,Text$,Border,ln,Align$,fill,link) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_Circle(X.f, Y.f, R.f, Style$=#PDF_STYLE_DRAW) ipdf_Circle(x, y, r, style$) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_DisplayPreferences(Preferences$) ;Set viewer preferences pdfDisplayPreferences$ = Preferences$ EndProcedure Procedure pdf_Ellipse(X.f, Y.f, Rx.f, Ry.f, Style$=#PDF_STYLE_DRAW) ipdf_Ellipse(x, y, rx, ry, style$) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_GetErrorCode() ;Return the error code. ProcedureReturn pdfError EndProcedure Procedure.s pdf_GetErrorMessage() ;Return the error message. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetErrorMessage() EndProcedure Procedure.f pdf_GetFontSize() ;Get current fontsize. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetFontSize() EndProcedure Procedure.l pdf_GetMultiCellNewLines() ;Get the last value of newlines for pdf_MultiCell() ProcedureReturn pdfMultiCellNewLines EndProcedure Procedure pdf_GetNumbering() ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetNumbering() EndProcedure Procedure pdf_GetNumberingFooter() ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetNumberingFooter() EndProcedure Procedure.f pdf_GetPageWidth() ; get current page width ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetPageWidth() EndProcedure Procedure.f pdf_GetPageHeight() ; get current page height ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetPageHeight() EndProcedure Procedure pdf_Image(FileName$, X.f, Y.f, W.f=0, H.f=0, Link.l=0,text$="") ;Puts an image in the page. ipdf_Image(FileName$,0,0,x,y,w,h,link,text$) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_ImageMem(Name$,*Mem,MemSize, X.f, Y.f, W.f=0, H.f=0, Link.l=0,text$="") ;Puts an image in the page. ipdf_Image(Name$,*Mem,MemSize,x,y,w,h,link,text$) EndProcedure Procedure.l pdf_IncludeFileJS(FileName.s) ProcedureReturn ipdf_IncludeFileJS(FileName.s) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_IncludeJS(Script$) ;Add JavaScript ProcedureReturn ipdf_IncludeJS(Script$) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_InsertTOC(Location.l=1, LabelSize.l=20, EntrySize.l=10, FontFamily$="Times", Label$="Table of Contents") ;Insert table of contents. ipdf_InsertTOC(Location, LabelSize, EntrySize, FontFamily$, Label$) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_Line(X1.f,Y1.f,X2.f,Y2.f) ;Draws a line between two points. ipdf_Line(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_Link(X.f, Y.f, W.f, H.f, Link.l) ;Puts a link on a rectangular area of the page. ipdf_Link(X,Y,W,H,Link) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_Ln(Height.f=-1) ;Performs a line break. ipdf_Ln(Height) EndProcedure Procedure.s pdf_MultiCell(W.f, H.f, Text$, Border.l=0,Align$="", Fill.l=0, Indent.l=0, Maxline.l=0) ;This method allows printing text with line breaks. ProcedureReturn ipdf_MultiCell(w,h,Text$,border,Align$,Fill,indent,maxline) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_MultiCellBlt(W.f, H.f, Blt$, Txt$, Border.l=0, Align$="J", Fill.l=-1) ;Add multicell with bullet ipdf_MultiCellBlt(w,h, blt$,txt$, border, align$, fill) EndProcedure Procedure.l pdf_NumPageNum() ;Get TOC page number ProcedureReturn ipdf_NumPageNum() EndProcedure Procedure pdf_PathArc(x1.f, y1.f, x2.f, y2.f, x3.f, y3.f) ipdf_Arc(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_PathBegin(X.f,Y.f) ipdf_PathBegin(X,Y) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_PathEnd(Style$="") ipdf_PathEnd(Style$) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_PathLine(X.f,Y.f) ipdf_PathLine(X,Y) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_PathRect(x.f,y.f,w.f,h.f) ipdf_PathRect(x.f,y.f,w.f,h.f) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_Rect(X.f,Y.f,W.f,H.f,Style$="") ;Outputs a rectangle. ipdf_Rect(x,y,w,h,Style$) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_ResetBookMark() ;Reset bookmarks for new document ipdf_ResetBookMark() EndProcedure Procedure pdf_RoundRect(X.f,Y.f,W.f,H.f,R.f,Style$="") ipdf_RoundRect(X.f,Y.f,W.f,H.f,R.f,Style$) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_Rotate(Angle.f, X.f=-1, Y.f=-1) ipdf_Rotate(angle.f, x, y) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_Save(FileName$) ;Output PDF to filename. ProcedureReturn ipdf_Save(FileName$) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_ScaleX(SX.f=100, X.f=-1, Y.f=-1) ipdf_Scale(sx, 100, X, Y) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_ScaleY(SY.f=100, X.f=-1, Y.f=-1) ipdf_Scale(100, SY, X, Y) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_ScaleXY(S.f=100, X.f=-1, Y.f=-1) ipdf_Scale(S, S, X, Y) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_Sector(Xc.f, Yc.f, R.f, A.f, B.f, Style$=#PDF_STYLE_DRAWANDFILL, Cw.l=#True, O.f=90) ipdf_Sector(xc, yc, r, r, a, b, style$, cw, o) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetAFile(Link.l, File.l, X.f=-1, Page.l=-1, Text$="", Title$="", w.f=16, h.f=16, DateTime.l=0, Icon$="GraphPushPin", Flags.l=0) ; Defines the page and position for File annotations. ipdf_SetAFile(Link,File,X,Page,Text$,Title$,w,h,DateTime,Icon$,Flags) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetALaunch(Link.l, Y.f=-1, Page.l=-1, Filename$="", Dir$="", Action$="O", Parameter$="") ; Defines the page and position for a launch action. ipdf_SetALaunch(Link,Y,Page,Filename$,Dir$,Action$,Parameter$) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetAPopUp(Link.l, Y.f=-1, Page.l=-1, Text$="", Title$="", w.f=200, h.f=200, DateTime.l=0, Icon$="Note", Flags.l=0) ; Defines the page and position for PopUp annotations. ipdf_SetAPopUp(Link,Y,Page,Text$,Title$,w,h,DateTime,Icon$,Flags) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetAText(Link.l, Y.f, Page.l, Text$, Title$, DateTime.l, Icon$, Flags.l) ; Defines the page and position for text annotations. ipdf_SetAText(Link,Y,Page,Text$,Title$,DateTime,Icon$,Flags) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetDrawColor(Red.f, Green.f=-1, Blue.f=-1) ;Set color for all stroking operations. ipdf_SetDrawColor(Red, Green, Blue) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetFillColor(Red.f, Green.f=-1, Blue.f=-1) ;Set color for all filling operations. ipdf_SetFillColor(Red, Green, Blue) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetLineWidth(Width.f) ;Defines the line width. ipdf_SetLineWidth(Width) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetLink(Link.l, Y.f=-1, Page.l=-1, Url$="") ;Defines the page and position a link points to. ipdf_SetLink(Link,y,page,url$) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetDash(Black.l, White.l) ipdf_SetDash(Black, White) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetFont(Family$, Style$="", Size.l=0) ;Sets the font used to print character strings. ipdf_SetFont(Family$, Style$, Size) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetFontSize(Size.l) ;Defines the size of the current font. ipdf_SetFontSize(Size) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetTextColor(Red.f, Green.f=-1, Blue.f=-1) ;Set color for text. ipdf_SetTextColor(Red, Green, Blue) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetNumberingFooter(Value.l) ipdf_SetNumberingFooter(Value) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetX(X.f) ;Defines the abscissa of the current position. ipdf_SetX(X.f) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetY(Y.f,resetx=#True) ;Moves the current abscissa back to the left margin if (resetx=#True) and sets the ordinate. ipdf_SetY(Y,resetx) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetXY(X.f,Y.f) ;Defines the abscissa and ordinate of the current position. ipdf_SetXY(X,Y) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_StartPageNums() ;Start TOC page numbering. ipdf_StartPageNums() EndProcedure Procedure pdf_StopPageNums() ;Stop TOC page numbering. ipdf_StopPageNums() EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SubWrite(H.f, Txt$, Link.l=-1, SubFontSize.l=12, SubOffSet.f=0) ;write superscripted or supscripted ipdf_SubWrite(h, txt$, link, SubFontSize, SubOffSet) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_Text(X.f,Y.f,Text$) ;Prints a character string. ipdf_Text(X,Y,Text$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_TOCEntry(Text$, Level.l=0) ;Set TOC entry ipdf_TOCEntry(Text$, level) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_Triangle(X1.f,Y1.f,X2.f,Y2.f,X3.f,Y3.f,Style$="") ipdf_Triangle(X1,Y1,X2,Y2,X3,Y3,Style$) EndProcedure Procedure.s pdf_TruncateCell(w.f,h.f,Text$="",Border.l=0,Ln.f=0,Align$=#PDF_ALIGN_LEFT,Fill.l=0,Link.l=0,Trunc$="...") ; Prints a Cell, if text is too large it will be truncated ProcedureReturn ipdf_TruncateCell(w,h,Text$,Border,Ln,Align$,Fill,Link,Trunc$) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_Write(H.f, Text$, Link.l=0) ;This method prints text from the current position. ipdf_Write(h,Text$,link) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetProcHeader(ProcAddress, StructAddress = #Null) ;Set header procedure. ipdf_SetProcHeader(ProcAddress,StructAddress) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetProcFooter(ProcAddress, StructAddress = #Null) ;Set footer procedure. ipdf_SetProcFooter(ProcAddress,StructAddress) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetProcAcceptPageBreak(ProcAddress) ;Set acceptpagebreak procedure. ipdf_SetProcAcceptPageBreak(ProcAddress) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetProcCompression(ProcAddress) ;Set compression procedure. ipdf_SetProcCompression(ProcAddress) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetTitle(Title$) ;Defines the title of the document. ipdf_SetTitle(Title$) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetSubject(Subject$) ;Defines the subject of the document. ipdf_SetSubject(Subject$) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetAuthor(Author$) ;Defines the author of the document. ipdf_SetAuthor(Author$) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetKeywords(Keywords$) ;Associates keywords with the document, generally in the form 'keyword1 keyword2 ...'. ipdf_SetKeywords(Keywords$) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetCreator(Creator$) ; Defines the creator of the document. ipdf_SetCreator(Creator$) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_AliasNbPages(Alias$="{nb}") ;Defines an alias for the total number of pages. ipdf_AliasNbPages(Alias$) EndProcedure Procedure.l pdf_GetPageNo() ;Returns the current page number. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetPageNo() EndProcedure Procedure.f pdf_GetX() ;Returns the abscissa of the current position. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetX() EndProcedure Procedure.f pdf_GetY() ;Returns the ordinate of the current position. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetY() EndProcedure Procedure pdf_Create(Orientation$="", Unit$="", Format$="") ;Begin document. ProcedureReturn ipdf_Create(Orientation$, Unit$, Format$) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetDisplayMode(Zoom.l, Layout$=#PDF_LAYOUT_CONTINUOUS) ;Set display mode in viewer. ipdf_SetDisplayMode(Zoom, Layout$) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetAutoPageBreak(Auto.l, Margin.f=0) ;Set auto page break mode and triggering margin. ipdf_SetAutoPageBreak(Auto, Margin) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetMargins(LeftMargin.f, TopMargin.f, RightMargin.f=-1) ;Set left, top and right margins. ipdf_SetMargins(LeftMargin, TopMargin, RightMargin) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetTopMargin(TopMargin.f) ;Set top margin. ipdf_SetTopMargin(TopMargin.f) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetRightMargin(RightMargin.f) ;Set right margin. ipdf_SetRightMargin(RightMargin.f) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetCellMargin(CellMargin.f) ;Set cell margin. ipdf_SetCellMargin(CellMargin.f) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetLeftMargin(LeftMargin.f) ;Set left margin. ipdf_SetLeftMargin(LeftMargin.f) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_EmbedFile(Filename$,Description$="") ProcedureReturn ipdf_EmbedFile(Filename$,Description$) EndProcedure Procedure.f pdf_GetStringWidth(String$) ;Get width of a string in the current font. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetStringWidth(String$) EndProcedure Procedure.s pdf_TextString(String$) ;Format a text string. ProcedureReturn ipdf_TextString(String$) EndProcedure Procedure.f pdf_GetCMargin() ;Get cell margin. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetCMargin() EndProcedure Procedure.f pdf_GetRMargin() ;Get right margin. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetRMargin() EndProcedure Procedure.f pdf_GetLMargin() ;Get left margin. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetLMargin() EndProcedure Procedure.f pdf_GetWs() ;Get word spacing. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetWs() EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetWs(WordSpacing.f) ;Set word spacing. ipdf_SetWs(WordSpacing) EndProcedure Procedure.f pdf_GetW() ;Get current width of page. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetW() EndProcedure Procedure.f pdf_GetH() ;Get current height of page. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetH() EndProcedure Procedure.f pdf_GetK() ;Get scale factor. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetK() EndProcedure Procedure.l pdf_GetN() ;Get object number ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetN() EndProcedure Procedure.l pdf_GetFontSizePt() ;Get current fontsize in points. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetFontSizePt() EndProcedure Procedure pdf_StartTransform() ipdf_Out("q") EndProcedure Procedure pdf_StopTransform() ipdf_Out("Q") EndProcedure Procedure pdf_Translate(TX.f, TY.f) ipdf_Translate(TX, TY) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_TranslateX(TX.f) ipdf_Translate(TX,0) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_TranslateY(TY.f) ipdf_Translate(0,TY) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SkewX(AngleX,X.f=-1,Y.f=-1) ipdf_Skew(AngleX,0,X,Y) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SkewY(AngleY,X.f=-1,Y.f=-1) ipdf_Skew(0,AngleY,X,Y) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_MirrorH(X.f=-1) ipdf_Scale(-100,100,X,-1) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_MirrorV(Y.f=-1) ipdf_Scale(100,-100,-1,Y) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetLineCap(Style.s) ipdf_Out(Style + " J") EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetLineJoin(Style.s) ipdf_Out(Style + " j") EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetTextColorCMYK(Cyan.f, Magenta.f, Yellow.f, Black.f) ;Set Textcolor CMYK ipdf_SetTextColorCMYK(Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetDrawColorCMYK(Cyan.f, Magenta.f, Yellow.f, Black.f) ;Set Drawcolor CMYK ipdf_SetDrawColorCMYK(Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) EndProcedure Procedure pdf_SetFillColorCMYK(Cyan.f, Magenta.f, Yellow.f, Black.f) ;Set Fillcolor CMYK ipdf_SetFillColorCMYK(Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) EndProcedure ;} PurePDF as includefile CompilerElse ;{ PurePDF as TailBite-library ;####################### ;# TailBite / DLL-code # ;####################### ProcedureDLL.l pdf_AcceptPageBreak() ;Accept automatic page break or not ProcedureReturn ipdf_AcceptPageBreak() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.l pdf_Addlink() ;Creates a new internal link and returns its identifier. ProcedureReturn ipdf_AddLink() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.l pdf_ASCII85_Decode(*InputBuffer,InputLength,*OutputBuffer,*OutputLength) ProcedureReturn ipdf_ASCII85_Decode(*InputBuffer,InputLength,*OutputBuffer,*OutputLength) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_AddPage() ;Adds a new page to the document. ProcedureReturn ipdf_AddPage() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_AddPage2(Orientation$) ;Adds a new page to the document. ProcedureReturn ipdf_AddPage(Orientation$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_AddPage3(Orientation$,Format$) ;Adds a new page to the document. ProcedureReturn ipdf_AddPage(Orientation$,Format$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.l pdf_ASCII85_Encode(*aData.MEM_DataStructure) ProcedureReturn ipdf_ASCII85_Encode(*aData.MEM_DataStructure) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.l pdf_ASCII85_Encode2(*aData.MEM_DataStructure,WidthP.l) ProcedureReturn ipdf_ASCII85_Encode(*aData.MEM_DataStructure,WidthP.l) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_ASCII85_Free(*aData.MEM_DataStructure) ipdf_ASCII85_Free(*aData) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_BookMark(Text$) ;Add bookmark ipdf_BookMark(Text$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_BookMark2(Text$, Level.l) ;Add bookmark ipdf_BookMark(Text$,level) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_BookMark3(Text$, Level.l, Y.f) ;Add bookmark ipdf_BookMark(Text$,level,y) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_BookMark4(Text$, Level.l, Y.f, p.l) ;Add bookmark ipdf_BookMark(Text$,level,y,p) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Cell(W.f) ;Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and character string. ipdf_Cell(w) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Cell2(W.f ,H.f ) ;Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and character string. ipdf_Cell(w,h) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Cell3(W.f ,H.f, Text$ ) ;Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and character string. ipdf_Cell(w,h,Text$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Cell4(W.f ,H.f ,Text$, Border.l) ;Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and character string. ipdf_Cell(w,h,Text$,border) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Cell5(W.f ,H.f ,Text$, Border.l, Ln.f) ;Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and character string. ipdf_Cell(w,h,Text$,border,ln) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Cell6(W.f ,H.f ,Text$, Border.l, Ln.f, Align$) ;Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and character string. ipdf_Cell(w,h,Text$,border,ln,Align$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Cell7(W.f ,H.f ,Text$, Border.l, Ln.f, Align$, Fill.l) ;Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and character string. ipdf_Cell(w,h,Text$,border,ln,Align$,fill) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Cell8(W.f ,H.f ,Text$, Border.l, Ln.f, Align$, Fill.l, Link.l) ;Prints a cell (rectangular area) with optional borders, background color and character string. ipdf_Cell(w,h,Text$,border,ln,Align$,fill,link) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Circle(X.f, Y.f, R.f) ipdf_Circle(x, y, r, #PDF_STYLE_DRAW) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Circle2(X.f, Y.f, R.f, Style$) ipdf_Circle(x, y, r, style$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_DisplayPreferences(Preferences$) ;Set viewer preferences pdfDisplayPreferences$ = Preferences$ EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Ellipse(X.f, Y.f, Rx.f, Ry.f) ipdf_Ellipse(x, y, rx, ry, #PDF_STYLE_DRAW) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Ellipse2(X.f, Y.f, Rx.f, Ry.f, Style$) ipdf_Ellipse(x, y, rx, ry, style$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_GetErrorCode() ;Return the error code. ProcedureReturn pdfError EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.s pdf_GetErrorMessage() ;Return the error message. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetErrorMessage() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.f pdf_GetFontSize() ;Get current fontsize in points. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetFontSize() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.l pdf_GetMultiCellNewLines() ;Get the last value of newlines for pdf_MultiCell() ProcedureReturn pdfMultiCellNewLines EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_GetNumbering() ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetNumbering() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_GetNumberingFooter() ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetNumberingFooter() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Image(FileName$, X.f, Y.f) ;Puts an image in the page. ipdf_Image(FileName$,0,0,x,y) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Image2(FileName$, X.f, Y.f, W.f) ;Puts an image in the page. ipdf_Image(FileName$,0,0,x,y,w) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Image3(FileName$, X.f, Y.f, W.f, H.f) ;Puts an image in the page. ipdf_Image(FileName$,0,0,x,y,w,h) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Image4(FileName$, X.f, Y.f, W.f, H.f, Link.l) ;Puts an image in the page. ipdf_Image(FileName$,0,0,x,y,w,h,link) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_ImageMem(Name$,*Mem,MemSize, X.f, Y.f) ;Puts an image in the page. ipdf_Image(Name$,*Mem,MemSize,x,y) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_ImageMem2(Name$,*Mem,MemSize, X.f, Y.f, W.f) ;Puts an image in the page. ipdf_Image(Name$,*Mem,MemSize,x,y,w) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_ImageMem3(Name$,*Mem,MemSize, X.f, Y.f, W.f, H.f) ;Puts an image in the page. ipdf_Image(Name$,*Mem,MemSize,x,y,w,h) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_ImageMem4(Name$,*Mem,MemSize, X.f, Y.f, W.f, H.f, Link.l) ;Puts an image in the page. ipdf_Image(Name$,*Mem,MemSize,x,y,w,h,link) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_ImageMem5(Name$,*Mem,MemSize, X.f, Y.f, W.f, H.f, Link.l,text$) ;Puts an image in the page. ipdf_Image(Name$,*Mem,MemSize,x,y,w,h,link,text$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.l pdf_IncludeFileJS(FileName.s) ProcedureReturn ipdf_IncludeJS(FileName.s) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_IncludeJS(Script$) ;Add JavaScript ProcedureReturn ipdf_IncludeJS(Script$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_InsertTOC() ;Insert table of contents. ipdf_InsertTOC() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_InsertTOC2(Location.l) ;Insert table of contents. ipdf_InsertTOC(Location, 20, 10, "Times", "Table of Contents") EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_InsertTOC3(Location.l, LabelSize.l) ;Insert table of contents. ipdf_InsertTOC(Location, LabelSize, 10, "Times", "Table of Contents") EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_InsertTOC4(Location.l, LabelSize.l, EntrySize.l) ;Insert table of contents. ipdf_InsertTOC(Location, LabelSize, EntrySize, "Times", "Table of Contents") EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_InsertTOC5(Location.l, LabelSize.l, EntrySize.l, FontFamily$) ;Insert table of contents. ipdf_InsertTOC(Location, LabelSize, EntrySize, FontFamily$, "Table of Contents") EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_InsertTOC6(Location.l, LabelSize.l, EntrySize.l, FontFamily$, Label$) ;Insert table of contents. ipdf_InsertTOC(Location, LabelSize, EntrySize, FontFamily$, Label$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Line(X1.f,Y1.f,X2.f,Y2.f) ;Draws a line between two points. ipdf_Line(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Link(X.f, Y.f, W.f, H.f, Link.l) ;Puts a link on a rectangular area of the page. ipdf_Link(X,Y,W,H,Link) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Ln() ;Performs a line break. ipdf_Ln() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Ln2(Height.f) ;Performs a line break. ipdf_Ln(Height) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_MirrorH() ipdf_Scale(-100,100,-1,-1) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_MirrorH2(X.f) ipdf_Scale(-100,100,X,-1) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_MirrorV() ipdf_Scale(100,-100,-1,-1) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_MirrorV2(Y.f) ipdf_Scale(100,-100,-1,Y) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.s pdf_MultiCell(W.f, H.f, Text$) ;This method allows printing text with line breaks. ProcedureReturn ipdf_MultiCell(w,h,Text$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.s pdf_MultiCell2(W.f, H.f, Text$, Border.l) ;This method allows printing text with line breaks. ProcedureReturn ipdf_MultiCell(w,h,Text$,border) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.s pdf_MultiCell3(W.f, H.f, Text$, Border.l,Align$) ;This method allows printing text with line breaks. ProcedureReturn ipdf_MultiCell(w,h,Text$,border,Align$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.s pdf_MultiCell4(W.f, H.f, Text$, Border.l,Align$, Fill.f) ;This method allows printing text with line breaks. ProcedureReturn ipdf_MultiCell(w,h,Text$,border,Align$,Fill) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.s pdf_MultiCell5(W.f, H.f, Text$, Border.l,Align$, Fill.f, Indent.f) ;This method allows printing text with line breaks. ProcedureReturn ipdf_MultiCell(w,h,Text$,border,Align$,Fill,indent) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.s pdf_MultiCell6(W.f, H.f, Text$, Border.l,Align$, Fill.f, Indent.f, Maxline.l) ;This method allows printing text with line breaks. ProcedureReturn ipdf_MultiCell(w,h,Text$,border,Align$,Fill,indent,maxline) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_MultiCellBlt(W.f, H.f, Blt$, Txt$) ;Add multicell with bullet ipdf_MultiCellBlt(w, h, blt$, txt$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_MultiCellBlt2(W.f, H.f, Blt$, Txt$, Border.f) ;Add multicell with bullet ipdf_MultiCellBlt(w, h, blt$, txt$, border) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_MultiCellBlt3(W.f, H.f, Blt$, Txt$, Border.f, Align$) ;Add multicell with bullet ipdf_MultiCellBlt(w,h, blt$,txt$, border, align$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_MultiCellBlt4(W.f, H.f, Blt$, Txt$, Border.f, Align$, Fill.f) ;Add multicell with bullet ipdf_MultiCellBlt(w,h, blt$,txt$, border, align$, fill) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.l pdf_NumPageNum() ;Get TOC page number ProcedureReturn ipdf_NumPageNum() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_PathArc(x1.f, y1.f, x2.f, y2.f, x3.f, y3.f) ipdf_Arc(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_PathBegin(X.f,Y.f) ipdf_PathBegin(X,Y) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_PathEnd() ipdf_PathEnd("") EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_PathEnd2(Style$) ipdf_PathEnd(Style$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_PathLine(X.f,Y.f) ipdf_PathLine(X,Y) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_PathRect(x.f,y.f,w.f,h.f) ipdf_PathRect(x.f,y.f,w.f,h.f) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Rect(X.f,Y.f,W.f,H.f) ;Outputs a rectangle. ipdf_Rect(x,y,w,h) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Rect2(X.f,Y.f,W.f,H.f,Style$) ;Outputs a rectangle. ipdf_Rect(x,y,w,h,Style$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_ResetBookMark() ;Reset bookmarks for new document ipdf_ResetBookMark() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Rotate(Angle.f) ipdf_Rotate(angle) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Rotate2(Angle.f, X.f) ipdf_Rotate(angle, x) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Rotate3(Angle.f, X.f, Y.f) ipdf_Rotate(angle.f, x, y) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_RoundRect(X.f,Y.f,W.f,H.f,R.f) ipdf_RoundRect(X.f,Y.f,W.f,H.f,R.f) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_RoundRect2(X.f,Y.f,W.f,H.f,R.f,Style$) ipdf_RoundRect(X.f,Y.f,W.f,H.f,R.f,Style$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Save(FileName$) ;Output PDF to filename. ProcedureReturn ipdf_Save(FileName$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_ScaleX(SX.f) ipdf_Scale(sx, 100, -1, -1) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_ScaleX2(SX.f, X.f) ipdf_Scale(sx, 100, X, -1) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_ScaleX3(SX.f, X.f, Y.f) ipdf_Scale(sx, 100, X, Y) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_ScaleY(SY.f) ipdf_Scale(100, SY, -1, -1) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_ScaleY2(SY.f, X.f) ipdf_Scale(100, SY, X, -1) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_ScaleY3(SY.f, X.f, Y.f) ipdf_Scale(100, SY, X, Y) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_ScaleXY(S.f) ipdf_Scale(S, S, -1, -1) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_ScaleXY2(S.f, X.f) ipdf_Scale(S, S, X, -1) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_ScaleXY3(S.f, X.f, Y.f) ipdf_Scale(S, S, X, Y) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Sector(Xc.f, Yc.f, R.f, A.f, B.f) ipdf_Sector(xc, yc, r, r, a, b, #PDF_STYLE_DRAWANDFILL, #True, 90) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Sector2(Xc.f, Yc.f, R.f, A.f, B.f, Style$) ipdf_Sector(xc, yc, r, r, a, b, style$, #True, 90) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Sector3(Xc.f, Yc.f, R.f, A.f, B.f, Style$, Cw.l) ipdf_Sector(xc, yc, r, r, a, b, style$, cw, 90) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Sector4(Xc.f, Yc.f, R.f, A.f, B.f, Style$, Cw.l, O.f) ipdf_Sector(xc, yc, r, r, a, b, style$, cw, o) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetDash(Black.l, White.l) ipdf_SetDash(Black, White) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetDrawColor(Red.f) ;Set color for all stroking operations. ipdf_SetDrawColor(Red) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetDrawColor2(Red.f, Green.f) ;Set color for all stroking operations. ipdf_SetDrawColor(Red) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetDrawColor3(Red.f, Green.f, Blue.f) ;Set color for all stroking operations. ipdf_SetDrawColor(Red, Green, Blue) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetFillColor(Red.f) ;Set color for all filling operations. ipdf_SetFillColor(Red) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetFillColor2(Red.f, Green.f) ;Set color for all filling operations. ipdf_SetFillColor(Red, Green) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetFillColor3(Red.f, Green.f, Blue.f) ;Set color for all filling operations. ipdf_SetFillColor(Red, Green, Blue) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetFontSize(Size.l) ;Defines the size of the current font. ipdf_SetFontSize(Size) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetLineWidth(Width.f) ;Defines the line width. ipdf_SetLineWidth(Width) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetLink(Link.l) ;Defines the page and position a link points to. ipdf_SetLink(Link) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetLink2(Link.l, Y.f) ;Defines the page and position a link points to. ipdf_SetLink(Link,y) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetLink3(Link.l, Y.f, Page.l) ;Defines the page and position a link points to. ipdf_SetLink(Link,y,page,"") EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetLink4(Link.l, Y.f, Page.l, Url$) ;Defines the page and position a link points to. ipdf_SetLink(Link,y,page,url$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetAFile(Link.l, File.l, X.f, Page.l, Text$, Title$, w.f, h.f, DateTime.l, Icon$, Flags.l) ; Defines the page and position for File annotations. ipdf_SetAFile(Link,File,X,Page,Text$,Title$,w,h,DateTime,Icon$,Flags) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetALaunch(Link.l, Y.f, Page.l, Filename$) ; Defines the page and position for a launch action. ipdf_SetALaunch(Link,Y,Page,Filename$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetALaunch2(Link.l, Y.f, Page.l, Filename$, Dir$) ; Defines the page and position for a launch action. ipdf_SetALaunch(Link,Y,Page,Filename$,Dir$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetALaunch3(Link.l, Y.f, Page.l, Filename$, Dir$, Action$) ; Defines the page and position for a launch action. ipdf_SetALaunch(Link,Y,Page,Filename$,Dir$,Action$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetALaunch4(Link.l, Y.f, Page.l, Filename$, Dir$, Action$, Parameter$) ; Defines the page and position for a launch action. ipdf_SetALaunch(Link,Y,Page,Filename$,Dir$,Action$,Parameter$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetAText(Link.l, Y.f, Page.l, Text$) ; Defines the page and position for text annotations. ipdf_SetAText(Link,Y,Page,Text$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetAText2(Link.l, Y.f, Page.l, Text$, Title$) ; Defines the page and position for text annotations. ipdf_SetAText(Link,Y,Page,Text$,Title$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetAText3(Link.l, Y.f, Page.l, Text$, Title$, DateTime.l) ; Defines the page and position for text annotations. ipdf_SetAText(Link,Y,Page,Text$,Title$,DateTime) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetAText4(Link.l, Y.f, Page.l, Text$, Title$, DateTime.l, Icon$) ; Defines the page and position for text annotations. ipdf_SetAText(Link,Y,Page,Text$,Title$,DateTime,Icon$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetAText5(Link.l, Y.f, Page.l, Text$, Title$, DateTime.l, Icon$, Flags.l) ; Defines the page and position for text annotations. ipdf_SetAText(Link,Y,Page,Text$,Title$,DateTime,Icon$,Flags) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetAPopUp(Link.l, Y.f, Page.l, Text$) ; Defines the page and position for PopUp annotations. ipdf_SetAPopUp(Link,Y,Page,Text$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetAPopUp2(Link.l, Y.f, Page.l, Text$, Title$) ; Defines the page and position for PopUp annotations. ipdf_SetAPopUp(Link,Y,Page,Text$,Title$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetAPopUp3(Link.l, Y.f, Page.l, Text$, Title$, w.f, h.f) ; Defines the page and position for PopUp annotations. ipdf_SetAPopUp(Link,Y,Page,Text$,Title$,w,h) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetAPopUp4(Link.l, Y.f, Page.l, Text$, Title$, w.f, h.f, DateTime.l) ; Defines the page and position for PopUp annotations. ipdf_SetAPopUp(Link,Y,Page,Text$,Title$,w,h,DateTime) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetAPopUp5(Link.l, Y.f, Page.l, Text$, Title$, w.f, h.f, DateTime.l, Icon$) ; Defines the page and position for PopUp annotations. ipdf_SetAPopUp(Link,Y,Page,Text$,Title$,w,h,DateTime,Icon$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetAPopUp6(Link.l, Y.f, Page.l, Text$, Title$, w.f, h.f, DateTime.l, Icon$, Flags.l) ; Defines the page and position for PopUp annotations. ipdf_SetAPopUp(Link,Y,Page,Text$,Title$,w,h,DateTime,Icon$,Flags) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetFont(Family$) ;Sets the font used to print character strings. ipdf_SetFont(Family$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetFont2(Family$, Style$) ;Sets the font used to print character strings. ipdf_SetFont(Family$, Style$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetFont3(Family$, Style$, Size.l) ;Sets the font used to print character strings. ipdf_SetFont(Family$, Style$, Size) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetTextColor(Red.f) ;Set color for text. ipdf_SetTextColor(Red) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetTextColor2(Red.f, Green.f) ;Set color for text. ipdf_SetTextColor(Red, Green) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetTextColor3(Red.f, Green.f, Blue.f) ;Set color for text. ipdf_SetTextColor(Red, Green, Blue) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetNumberingFooter(Value.l) ipdf_SetNumberingFooter(Value) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetX(X.f) ;Defines the abscissa of the current position. ipdf_SetX(X.f) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetY(Y.f,resetx=#True) ;Moves the current abscissa back to the left margin if (resetx=#True) and sets the ordinate. ipdf_SetY(Y,resetx) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetXY(X.f,Y.f) ;Defines the abscissa and ordinate of the current position. ipdf_SetXY(X,Y) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Skew(AngleX.f, AngleY) ipdf_Skew(AngleX, AngleY, -1, -1) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Skew2(AngleX.f, AngleY, X.f) ipdf_Skew(AngleX, AngleY, X, -1) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Skew3(AngleX.f, AngleY, X.f, Y.f) ipdf_Skew(AngleX, AngleY, X, Y) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SkewX(AngleX) ipdf_Skew(AngleX,0,-1,-1) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SkewX2(AngleX, X.f) ipdf_Skew(AngleX,0,X,-1) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SkewX3(AngleX, X.f, Y.f) ipdf_Skew(AngleX,0,X,Y) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SkewY(AngleY) ipdf_Skew(0,AngleY,-1,-1) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SkewY2(AngleY, X.f) ipdf_Skew(0,AngleY,X,-1) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SkewY3(AngleY, X.f, Y.f) ipdf_Skew(0,AngleY,X,Y) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_StartPageNums() ;Start TOC page numbering. ipdf_StartPageNums() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_StopPageNums() ;Stop TOC page numbering. ipdf_StopPageNums() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SubWrite(H.f, Txt$) ;write superscripted or supscripted ipdf_SubWrite(h,txt$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SubWrite2(H.f, Txt$, Link.l) ;write superscripted or supscripted ipdf_SubWrite(h, txt$, link) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SubWrite3(H.f, Txt$, Link.l, SubFontSize.l) ;write superscripted or supscripted ipdf_SubWrite(h, txt$, link, SubFontSize) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SubWrite4(H.f, Txt$, Link.l, SubFontSize.l, SubOffSet.f) ;write superscripted or supscripted ipdf_SubWrite(h, txt$, link, SubFontSize, SubOffSet) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_StartTransform() ipdf_Out("q") EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_StopTransform() ipdf_Out("Q") EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Text(X.f,Y.f,Text$) ;Prints a character string. ipdf_Text(X,Y,Text$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_TOCEntry(Text$) ;Set TOC entry ipdf_TOCEntry(Text$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_TOCEntry2(Text$, Level.l) ;Set TOC entry ipdf_TOCEntry(Text$, level) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Triangle(X1.f,Y1.f,X2.f,Y2.f,X3.f,Y3.f) ipdf_Triangle(X1.f,Y1.f,X2.f,Y2.f,X3.f,Y3.f) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Triangle2(X1.f,Y1.f,X2.f,Y2.f,X3.f,Y3.f,Style$) ipdf_Triangle(X1.f,Y1.f,X2.f,Y2.f,X3.f,Y3.f,Style$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.s pdf_TruncateCell(w.f,h.f,Text$) ; Prints a Cell, if text is too large it will be truncated ProcedureReturn ipdf_TruncateCell(w.f,h.f,Text$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.s pdf_TruncateCell2(w.f,h.f,Text$,Border.l) ; Prints a Cell, if text is too large it will be truncated ProcedureReturn ipdf_TruncateCell(w.f,h.f,Text$,Border) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.s pdf_TruncateCell3(w.f,h.f,Text$,Border.l,Ln.f) ; Prints a Cell, if text is too large it will be truncated ProcedureReturn ipdf_TruncateCell(w.f,h.f,Text$,Border,Ln) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.s pdf_TruncateCell4(w.f,h.f,Text$,Border.l,Ln.f,Align$) ; Prints a Cell, if text is too large it will be truncated ProcedureReturn ipdf_TruncateCell(w.f,h.f,Text$,Border,Ln,Align$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.s pdf_TruncateCell5(w.f,h.f,Text$,Border.l,Ln.f,Align$,Fill.f) ; Prints a Cell, if text is too large it will be truncated ProcedureReturn ipdf_TruncateCell(w.f,h.f,Text$,Border,Ln,Align$,Fill) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.s pdf_TruncateCell6(w.f,h.f,Text$,Border.l,Ln.f,Align$,Fill.f,Link.l) ; Prints a Cell, if text is too large it will be truncated ProcedureReturn ipdf_TruncateCell(w.f,h.f,Text$,Border,Ln,Align$,Fill,Link) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.s pdf_TruncateCell7(w.f,h.f,Text$,Border.l,Ln.f,Align$,Fill.f,Link.l,Trunc$) ; Prints a Cell, if text is too large it will be truncated ProcedureReturn ipdf_TruncateCell(w.f,h.f,Text$,Border,Ln,Align$,Fill,Link,Trunc$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Translate(TX.f, TY.f) ipdf_Translate(TX, TY) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_TranslateX(TX.f) ipdf_Translate(TX,0) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_TranslateY(TY.f) ipdf_Translate(0,TY) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Write(H.f, Text$) ;This method prints text from the current position. ipdf_Write(h.f, Text$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Write2(H.f, Text$, Link.l) ;This method prints text from the current position. ipdf_Write(h,Text$,link) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetProcHeader(ProcAddress) ;Set header procedure. ipdf_SetProcHeader(ProcAddress) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetProcHeader2(ProcAddress, StructAddress = #Null) ;Set header procedure. ipdf_SetProcHeader(ProcAddress,StructAddress) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetProcFooter(ProcAddress) ;Set footer procedure. ipdf_SetProcFooter(ProcAddress) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetProcFooter2(ProcAddress, StructAddress = #Null) ;Set footer procedure. ipdf_SetProcFooter(ProcAddress,StructAddress) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetProcAcceptPageBreak(ProcAddress) ;Set acceptpagebreak procedure. ipdf_SetProcAcceptPageBreak(ProcAddress) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetProcCompression(ProcAddress) ;Set compression procedure. ipdf_SetProcCompression(ProcAddress) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetTitle(Title$) ;Defines the title of the document. ipdf_SetTitle(Title$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetSubject(Subject$) ;Defines the subject of the document. ipdf_SetSubject(Subject$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetAuthor(Author$) ;Defines the author of the document. ipdf_SetAuthor(Author$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetKeywords(Keywords$) ;Associates keywords with the document, generally in the form 'keyword1 keyword2 ...'. ipdf_SetKeywords(Keywords$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetCreator(Creator$) ; Defines the creator of the document. ipdf_SetCreator(Creator$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_AliasNbPages() ;Defines an alias for the total number of pages. ipdf_AliasNbPages() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_AliasNbPages2(Alias$) ;Defines an alias for the total number of pages. ipdf_AliasNbPages(Alias$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.l pdf_GetPageNo() ;Returns the current page number. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetPageNo() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.f pdf_GetX() ;Returns the abscissa of the current position. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetX() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.f pdf_GetY() ;Returns the ordinate of the current position. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetY() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Create() ;Begin document. ProcedureReturn ipdf_Create() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Create2(Orientation$) ;Begin document. ProcedureReturn ipdf_Create(Orientation$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Create3(Orientation$, Unit$) ;Begin document. ProcedureReturn ipdf_Create(Orientation$, Unit$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_Create4(Orientation$, Unit$, Format$) ;Begin document. ProcedureReturn ipdf_Create(Orientation$, Unit$, Format$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetDisplayMode(Zoom.l) ;Set display mode in viewer. ipdf_SetDisplayMode(Zoom) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetDisplayMode2(Zoom.l, Layout$) ;Set display mode in viewer. ipdf_SetDisplayMode(Zoom, Layout$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetAutoPageBreak(Auto.l) ;Set auto page break mode and triggering margin. ipdf_SetAutoPageBreak(Auto) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetAutoPageBreak2(Auto.l, Margin.f) ;Set auto page break mode and triggering margin. ipdf_SetAutoPageBreak(Auto, Margin) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetMargins(LeftMargin.f, TopMargin.f) ;Set left, top and right margins. ipdf_SetMargins(LeftMargin, TopMargin) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetMargins2(LeftMargin.f, TopMargin.f, RightMargin.f) ;Set left, top and right margins. ipdf_SetMargins(LeftMargin, TopMargin, RightMargin) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetTopMargin(TopMargin.f) ;Set top margin. ipdf_SetTopMargin(TopMargin.f) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetRightMargin(RightMargin.f) ;Set right margin. ipdf_SetRightMargin(RightMargin.f) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetCellMargin(CellMargin.f) ;Set cell margin. ipdf_SetCellMargin(CellMargin.f) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetLeftMargin(LeftMargin.f) ;Set left margin. ipdf_SetLeftMargin(LeftMargin.f) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_EmbedFile(Filename$) ;Embed a file. ProcedureReturn ipdf_EmbedFile(Filename$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_EmbedFile2(Filename$,Description$) ProcedureReturn ipdf_EmbedFile(Filename$,Description$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.f pdf_GetStringWidth(String$) ;Get width of a string in the current font. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetStringWidth(String$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.s pdf_TextString(String$) ;Format a text string. ProcedureReturn ipdf_TextString(String$) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.f pdf_GetCMargin() ;Get cell margin. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetCMargin() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.f pdf_GetRMargin() ;Get right margin. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetRMargin() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.f pdf_GetLMargin() ;Get left margin. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetLMargin() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.f pdf_GetWs() ;Get word spacing. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetWs() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetWs(WordSpacing.f) ;Set word spacing. ipdf_SetWs(WordSpacing) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.f pdf_GetW() ;Get current width of page. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetW() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.f pdf_GetH() ;Get current height of page. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetH() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.f pdf_GetK() ;Get scale factor. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetK() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.l pdf_GetN() ;Get object number ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetN() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL.l pdf_GetFontSizePt() ;Get current fontsize in points. ProcedureReturn ipdf_GetFontSizePt() EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetLineCap(Style.s) ;Set Linecap ipdf_Out(Style + " J") EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetLineJoin(Style.s) ;Set Linejoin ipdf_Out(Style + " j") EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetTextColorCMYK(Cyan.f, Magenta.f, Yellow.f, Black.f) ;Set Textcolor CMYK ipdf_SetTextColorCMYK(Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetDrawColorCMYK(Cyan.f, Magenta.f, Yellow.f, Black.f) ;Set Drawcolor CMYK ipdf_SetDrawColorCMYK(Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) EndProcedure ProcedureDLL pdf_SetFillColorCMYK(Cyan.f, Magenta.f, Yellow.f, Black.f) ;Set Fillcolor CMYK ipdf_SetFillColorCMYK(Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) EndProcedure CompilerEndIf ;} PurePDF as TailBite-library CompilerIf #PDF_ENABLE_EXPLICIT = 0 DisableExplicit CompilerEndIf DataSection Zapfdingbats: Data.w 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 Data.w 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 278, 974, 961, 974 Data.w 980, 719, 789, 790, 791, 690, 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