Procedure OnErrorMessage() Protected Fehler.s Fehler = "Fehler in Modul '" + GetErrorModuleName() + "' an Adresse " + RSet(Hex(GetErrorAddress()), 4, "0") + " in Zeile " + Str(GetErrorLineNR()) + ":" + Chr(13) + GetErrorDescription() MessageRequester("Fehler Nr. " + Str(GetErrorNumber()), Fehler) SetClipboardText("Fehler Nr. " + Str(GetErrorNumber()) + Chr(13) + Fehler) End EndProcedure OnErrorGosub(@OnErrorMessage()) Reibung.f = 0.10 ; in Prozent / 100 Wirkung.f = 30 ; Gibt an, ab welcher Entfernung die Anziehungs- bzw. Abstoßungskraft wirkt Gravity.f = 1.0 ; Gibt die Beschleunigung bei Abstand Null zweier Mittelpunkte an Abstossung.l = #True ; Kollisionart: #True = Abstoßung, #False = Wegschiebung #MaxGravRad.f = 15 ; Wenn der Radius eines Blobs #MaxGravRad ist, ist die Anziehungskraft Gravity (alles proportional) #MaxRad.f = 15 ; Maximaler Radius für die Blobs #MinRad.f = 5 ; Minimaler Radius für die Blobs #MinColor.l = 127 ; Mindesthelligkeit der Blobs (0 - 255) Variant.l = #False ; Anziehung: #False=pos/neg, #True=gleiche (Switch mit Leertaste) #ShowVariantTime = 1000 ; Anzeigezeit der Variationsanzeige (gleich / ungleich) FPSShow.l = #False ; FPS anzeigen (Switch mit F) ShowHelp.l = #False ; Status anzeigen #AddDelShowTime.l = 1000 ; Anzeigezeit bei + und - #AddDelTime.l = 200 ; Verzögerung nach erstem Tastendruck von + oder - RandDist.l = 50 #RandSpd.f = 10 Blobs.l = 200 ; Anzahl an Blobs zu Programmbeginn #PI.f = 3.14159265 ; PI #Width = 640 ; Auflösung #Height = 480 #Depth = 32 ; Farbtiefe #FPSAkt = 1000 ; FPS-Aktualisierung EllipseLines.l = 50 ; Anzahl der Ellipsen EllipseMove.f = 4 EllipseVol.l = #False ; Soll die Ellipse ausgefüllt sein, oder nicht ; Sonstiges AddDelNow.l = 0 AddDelShowNow.l = 0 ShowVariantNow.l = 0 NewBlobs.l = Blobs HalfDia.f = Sqr(#Width * #Width / 4 + #Height * #Height / 4) CaptureMouse.l = -1 EllipseValue.l = 0 MenuHeight.l = 0 #TextWidth = 120 Dim WinMouseButton(2) Dim WinKeyboardPushed(255) Dim WinKeyboardReleased(255) Structure Blobs x.f y.f xspd.f yspd.f r.f c.l c2.l typ.l ; 0 = negativ, 1 = postiv EndStructure ;{- Procedures Procedure CreateBlobs(typ1.l, typ2.l) Protected a.l Shared Blobs If typ1 >= 0 And typ2 >= 0 Blobs = typ1 + typ2 EndIf Dim Blobs.Blobs(Blobs - 1) For a.l = 0 To Blobs - 1 Blobs(a)\r = Random(#MaxRad - #MinRad) + #MinRad If typ1 = -1 And typ2 = -1 Blobs(a)\typ = a & 1 Else If typ1 Blobs(a)\typ = 0 typ1 - 1 Else Blobs(a)\typ = 1 EndIf EndIf f.l = #MinColor + (255 - #MinColor) * Blobs(a)\r / #MaxRad Select Blobs(a)\typ Case 0 Blobs(a)\c = RGB(0, 0, f) Default Blobs(a)\typ = 1 Blobs(a)\c = RGB(f, 0, 0) EndSelect Blobs(a)\x = Random(#Width - Blobs(a)\r * 2) + Blobs(a)\r Blobs(a)\y = Random(#Height - Blobs(a)\r * 2) + Blobs(a)\r Blobs(a)\xspd = 0 Blobs(a)\yspd = 0 Next EndProcedure Procedure.f Distance(x1.f, y1.f, x2.f, y2.f) ; Gibt den Abstand zweier Punkte zurück Protected a.f, b.f a = x2 - x1 b = y2 - y1 ProcedureReturn Sqr(a * a + b * b) EndProcedure Procedure.f GetAngle(x1.f, y1.f, x2.f, y2.f) ; Gibt den Winkel zwischen zwei Punkten im Bogenmaß zurück Protected w.f w = ATan((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) If x2 < x1 w = w + #PI EndIf If w < 0 : w + 2 * #PI : EndIf If w > 2 * #PI : w - 2 * #PI : EndIf ProcedureReturn w EndProcedure Procedure.f Pan(Pos1.f, Pos2.f, a1.l, a2.l) ; a1 = 0 -> Pos1, a1 = a2 -> Pos2 Protected Result.f Result = Pos1 * (a2 - a1) / a2 + Pos2 * a1 / a2 ProcedureReturn Result EndProcedure Procedure.l Error(a.l, Text.s) If a = 0 MessageRequester("Blobs", Text, #MB_ICONERROR) End EndIf ProcedureReturn a EndProcedure ;} If Error(OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 120, 40, #PB_Window_ScreenCentered | #PB_Window_SystemMenu, "Blobs"), "Konnte Fenster nicht öffnen") ;{ If Error(CreateGadgetList(WindowID(0)), "Konnte keine Gadgetliste erstellen") ButtonGadget(0, 0, 0, 120, 20, "Vollbild") ButtonGadget(1, 0, 20, 120, 20, "Fenstermodus", #PB_Button_Default) Repeat Select WaitWindowEvent() Case #PB_EventCloseWindow : End Case #PB_EventGadget Select EventGadgetID() Case 0 : Windowed = #False : Break Case 1 : Windowed = #True : Break EndSelect Case #WM_KeyDown If EventwParam() = #VK_Return Windowed = #True : Break EndIf EndSelect ForEver EndIf CloseWindow(0) EndIf;} ;{- Init Sprite, Keyboard, Mouse Error(InitSprite(), "InitSprite() ist fehlgeschlagen.") If Windowed = #False Error(InitKeyboard(), "InitKeyboard() ist fehlegschlagen.") Error(InitMouse(), "InitMouse() ist fehlgeschlafen.") EndIf ;} If Windowed ;{ Hauptfenster erstellen If Error(OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, #PB_Window_SystemMenu, "Blobs"), "Konnte Fenster nicht öffnen.") HideWindow(0, 1) If Error(CreateGadgetList(WindowID(0)), "Konnte Gadgetlist nicht erstellen.") MenuWidth.l = 110 MenuHeight.l = 80 ; Menü oben y.l = 0 Gad_E1 = TrackBarGadget(#PB_Any, MenuWidth + 5, y, #Width - #TextWidth, 20, 0, 1000) Gad_T1 = TextGadget(#PB_Any, MenuWidth + 5 + #Width - #TextWidth, y, #TextWidth, 20, "Wirkradius: " + StrF(Wirkung, 0), #PB_Text_Border) SetGadgetState(Gad_E1, Wirkung) y + 20 Gad_E2 = TrackBarGadget(#PB_Any, MenuWidth + 5, y, #Width - #TextWidth, 20, 0, 200) Gad_T2 = TextGadget(#PB_Any, MenuWidth + 5 + #Width - #TextWidth, y, #TextWidth, 20, "Anziehung: " + StrF(Gravity, 2), #PB_Text_Border) SetGadgetState(Gad_E2, Gravity * 100) y + 20 Gad_E3 = TrackBarGadget(#PB_Any, MenuWidth + 5, y, #Width - #TextWidth, 20, 0, 100) Gad_T3 = TextGadget(#PB_Any, MenuWidth + 5 + #Width - #TextWidth, y, #TextWidth, 20, "Reibung: " + Str(Reibung * 100) + "%", #PB_Text_Border) SetGadgetState(Gad_E3, Reibung * 100) y + 20 Gad_E7 = TrackBarGadget(#PB_Any, MenuWidth + 5, y, #Width - #TextWidth, 20, 1, #Height / 2) Gad_T7 = TextGadget(#PB_Any, MenuWidth + 5 + #Width - #TextWidth, y, #TextWidth, 20, "Randstärke: " + Str(RandDist) + " Px", #PB_Text_Border) SetGadgetState(Gad_E7, RandDist) ;Menü links y = MenuHeight Frame3DGadget(#PB_Any, 0, y, MenuWidth, 60, "Kollisionsart") Gad_E4a = OptionGadget(#PB_Any, 5, MenuHeight + 15, MenuWidth - 10, 20, "Abstoßung") Gad_E4b = OptionGadget(#PB_Any, 5, MenuHeight + 35, MenuWidth - 10, 20, "Wegschiebung") If Abstossung : SetGadgetState(Gad_E4a, #True) : Else : SetGadgetState(Gad_E4b, #True) : EndIf y + 65 Frame3DGadget(#PB_Any, 0, y, MenuWidth, 60, "Ellipsen") Gad_T5 = TextGadget(#PB_Any, 5, y + 17, 40, 16, "Anzahl:") Gad_E5 = SpinGadget(#PB_Any, 45, y + 15, MenuWidth - 50, 20, 0, 200) Gad_E6 = CheckBoxGadget(#PB_Any, 5, y + 40, MenuWidth - 10, 16, "Ausgefüllt") SetGadgetState(Gad_E5, EllipseLines) SetGadgetText(Gad_E5, Str(EllipseLines)) SetGadgetState(Gad_E6, EllipseVol) y + 61 Frame3DGadget(#PB_Any, 0, y, MenuWidth, 85, "Neue Blobs") TextGadget(#PB_Any, 5, y + 17, 30, 16, "Blau:") Gad_E8a = StringGadget(#PB_Any, 35, y + 15, MenuWidth - 40, 20, "0", #PB_String_Numeric) TextGadget(#PB_Any, 5, y + 37, 30, 16, "Rot:") Gad_E8b = StringGadget(#PB_Any, 35, y + 35, MenuWidth - 40, 20, "0", #PB_String_Numeric) Gad_E8c = ButtonGadget(#PB_Any, 5, y + 60, MenuWidth - 10, 20, "Neu", #PB_Button_Default) EndIf ResizeWindow(#Width + MenuWidth + 5, #Height + MenuHeight + 5) MoveWindow((GetSystemMetrics_(#SM_CXSCREEN) - WindowWidth()) / 2, (GetSystemMetrics_(#SM_CYSCREEN) - WindowHeight()) / 2) Error(OpenWindowedScreen(WindowID(0), MenuWidth + 5, MenuHeight + 5, #Width, #Height, 0, 0, 0), "Konnte Screen nicht erstellen") HideWindow(0, 0) EndIf Else Error(OpenScreen(#Width, #Height, #Depth, "Blobs"), "Konnte Screen nicht erstellen") EndIf ;} CreateBlobs(-1, -1) Repeat ;{- Tastatureingabe If Windowed = #False ExamineKeyboard() WinKeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Escape) = KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Escape) WinKeyboardReleased(#PB_Key_Space) = KeyboardReleased(#PB_Key_Space) WinKeyboardReleased(#PB_Key_F) = KeyboardReleased(#PB_Key_F) WinKeyboardReleased(#PB_Key_F5) = KeyboardReleased(#PB_Key_F5) WinKeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_F1) = KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_F1) WinKeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Add) = KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Add) WinKeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Subtract) = KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Subtract) EndIf If WinKeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Escape) : Break : EndIf If WinKeyboardReleased(#PB_Key_Space) ShowVariantNow = ElapsedMilliseconds() + #ShowVariantTime Variant ! 1 EndIf If WinKeyboardReleased(#PB_Key_F) : FPSShow ! 1 : EndIf If WinKeyboardReleased(#PB_Key_F5) : Blobs = NewBlobs : CreateBlobs(-1, -1) : EndIf If WinKeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_F1) : ShowHelp = #True : Else : ShowHelp = #False : EndIf If WinKeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Add) If AddDelNow = 0 AddDelNow = ElapsedMilliseconds() + #AddDelTime NewBlobs + 1 ElseIf ElapsedMilliseconds() > AddDelNow NewBlobs + 1 EndIf AddDelShowNow = ElapsedMilliseconds() + #AddDelShowTime ElseIf WinKeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Subtract) If AddDelNow = 0 AddDelNow = ElapsedMilliseconds() + #AddDelTime If NewBlobs > 0 : NewBlobs - 1 : EndIf ElseIf ElapsedMilliseconds() > AddDelNow If NewBlobs > 0 : NewBlobs - 1 : EndIf EndIf AddDelShowNow = ElapsedMilliseconds() + #AddDelShowTime Else AddDelNow = 0 EndIf ;} ;{- Maus If Windowed MouseX.l = WindowMouseX() - MenuWidth - 5 MouseY.l = WindowMouseY() - MenuHeight - 5 Else ExamineMouse() MouseX.l = MouseX() MouseY.l = MouseY() WinMouseButton(1) = MouseButton(1) WinMouseButton(2) = MouseButton(2) EndIf If MouseX = -1 : MouseX = 0 : EndIf If MouseY = -1 : MouseY = 0 : EndIf If CaptureMouse >= 0 If CaptureMouse > Blobs : CaptureMouse = 0 : EndIf MouseX = Blobs(CaptureMouse)\x MouseY = Blobs(CaptureMouse)\y If WinMouseButton(2) MouseLocate(MouseX, MouseY) CaptureMouse = -1 EndIf Else If WinMouseButton(1) For a.l = 0 To Blobs - 1 If Distance(MouseX, MouseY, Blobs(a)\x, Blobs(a)\y) < Blobs(a)\r CaptureMouse = a Break EndIf Next EndIf EndIf ;} ;{ FPS zählen If FPSTime < ElapsedMilliseconds() FPS.f = FPSCount * 1000 / #FPSAkt FPSTime.l = ElapsedMilliseconds() + #FPSAkt FPSCount = 0 Else FPSCount + 1 EndIf ;} ; Bildschirm löschen ClearScreen(0, 0, 0) ;{- Zeichne Blobs und Hilfetexte StartDrawing(ScreenOutput()) EllipseValue + EllipseMove If EllipseValue > 360 : EllipseValue - 360 : EndIf If EllipseVol DrawingMode(0) Else DrawingMode(4) EndIf FrontColor(255, 255, 255) If EllipseLines For a = EllipseLines To 1 Step - 1 r.f = Pow(a / EllipseLines, 1 + (Sin(EllipseValue.l * #PI / 180) + 1)) rx.f = #Width * 1.4142 * r / 2 ry.f = #Height * 1.4142 * r / 2 f.l = a * 255 / EllipseLines Ellipse(Pan(MouseX, #Width / 2, a, EllipseLines), Pan(MouseY, #Height / 2, a, EllipseLines), rx, ry, RGB(255 - f, 0, f)) Next EndIf DrawingMode(0) For a = 0 To Blobs - 1 Circle(Blobs(a)\x, Blobs(a)\y, Blobs(a)\r, Blobs(a)\c | RGB(0, Blobs(a)\c2 / 2, 0)) Next If CaptureMouse = -1 Line(MouseX - 5, MouseY, 10, 0, $FFFFFF) Line(MouseX, MouseY - 5, 0, 10, $FFFFFF) EndIf ; Hilfetexte DrawingMode(1) y.l = 5 If FPSShow FrontColor(255, 255, 255) Locate(5, y) : y + 16 : DrawText("FPS: " + StrF(FPS)) EndIf If ShowVariantNow Or ShowHelp If ElapsedMilliseconds() > ShowVariantNow : ShowVariantNow = 0 : EndIf FrontColor(255, 255, 255) Locate(5, y) : y + 16 Select Variant Case 0 : DrawText("Anziehung: ungleiche") Case 1 : DrawText("Anziehung: gleiche") EndSelect EndIf If ShowHelp FrontColor(255, 255, 255) Locate(5, y) : y + 16 : DrawText("Kollisionen: " + Str(Collisions)) Locate(5, y) : y + 16 : DrawText("Blobs: " + Str(Blobs)) FrontColor(0, 255, 0) Locate(5, y) : y + 16 : DrawText("Esc = Programm beenden") Locate(5, y) : y + 16 : DrawText("Space = Anziehungskraft wechseln") Locate(5, y) : y + 16 : DrawText("F = FPS-Anzeige") Locate(5, y) : y + 16 : DrawText("+/- = Blobs-Anzahl ") Locate(5, y) : y + 16 : DrawText("F5 = Blobs neu erstellen") Locate(5, y) : y + 16 : DrawText("Linke Maustaste = Blob auswählen -> Hintergrund fängt ihn") Locate(5, y) : y + 16 : DrawText("Rechte Maustaste = Fang wieder ausschalten") EndIf If AddDelShowNow FrontColor(255, 0, 0) If ElapsedMilliseconds() > AddDelShowNow : AddDelShowNow = 0 : EndIf Locate(5, y) : y + 16 DrawText("Neue Blobs: " + Str(NewBlobs)) EndIf StopDrawing() ;} ;{- Berechne Blobs For a = 0 To Blobs - 1 d.f = 0 If Blobs(a)\x < RandDist d = RandDist - Blobs(a)\x ElseIf Blobs(a)\x > #Width - RandDist d = (#Width - RandDist) - Blobs(a)\x Else d = 0 EndIf Blobs(a)\xspd + (#RandSpd * d / RandDist) If Blobs(a)\y < RandDist d = RandDist - Blobs(a)\y ElseIf Blobs(a)\y > #Height - RandDist d = (#Height - RandDist) - Blobs(a)\y Else d = 0 EndIf Blobs(a)\yspd + (#RandSpd * d / RandDist) Blobs(a)\c2 = Distance(Blobs(a)\x, Blobs(a)\y, #Width / 2, #Height / 2) * 255 / HalfDia For b.l = 0 To Blobs - 1 If a <> b ; Abstände zwischen allen Blobs berechnen Distance.f = Distance(Blobs(a)\x, Blobs(a)\y, Blobs(b)\x, Blobs(b)\y) MinDistance.f = Blobs(a)\r + Blobs(b)\r Difference.f = Distance - MinDistance ; Wenn Wirkungsabstand erreicht... If Distance <= Wirkung ; Errechne Beschleunigung Grav.f = (Wirkung - Distance) * Gravity / Wirkung Grav = Grav * Pow(MinDistance / #MaxGravRad, 2) ; If Difference < 0 ; Grav = - Grav ; ; Blobs(a)\xspd * 0.4 ; ; Blobs(a)\yspd * 0.4 ; EndIf ; Rechne Beschleunigung in x- und y-Beschleunigung um Angle.f = GetAngle(Blobs(a)\x, Blobs(a)\y, Blobs(b)\x, Blobs(b)\y) xspd.f = Cos(Angle) * Grav yspd.f = Sin(Angle) * Grav ; Unterscheide zwischen abstoßen... If (Variant = #False And Blobs(a)\typ = Blobs(b)\typ) Or (Variant = #True And Blobs(a)\typ <> Blobs(b)\typ) Blobs(a)\xspd - xspd Blobs(a)\yspd - yspd ; ...und anziehen Else Blobs(a)\xspd + xspd Blobs(a)\yspd + yspd EndIf EndIf EndIf Next ; Berechne Reibung Blobs(a)\xspd - (Blobs(a)\xspd * Reibung) Blobs(a)\yspd - (Blobs(a)\yspd * Reibung) ; Bewege Blob entsprechend der Beschleunigung Blobs(a)\x + Blobs(a)\xspd Blobs(a)\y + Blobs(a)\yspd ; ; Lass Blobs an der Wand abprallen ; If Blobs(a)\x <= Blobs(a)\r : Blobs(a)\x = 2 * Blobs(a)\r - Blobs(a)\x : Blobs(a)\xspd = - Blobs(a)\xspd : EndIf ; If Blobs(a)\y <= Blobs(a)\r : Blobs(a)\y = 2 * Blobs(a)\r - Blobs(a)\y : Blobs(a)\yspd = - Blobs(a)\yspd : EndIf ; If Blobs(a)\x >= #Width - Blobs(a)\r : Blobs(a)\x = 2 * (#Width - Blobs(a)\r) - Blobs(a)\x : Blobs(a)\xspd = - Blobs(a)\xspd : EndIf ; If Blobs(a)\y >= #Height - Blobs(a)\r : Blobs(a)\y = 2 * (#Height - Blobs(a)\r) - Blobs(a)\y : Blobs(a)\yspd = - Blobs(a)\yspd : EndIf Next ;} ;{- Berechen Kollisionen Collisions = 0 For a.l = 0 To Blobs - 1 For b.l = 0 To Blobs - 1 If a <> b Distance = Distance(Blobs(a)\x, Blobs(a)\y, Blobs(b)\x, Blobs(b)\y) MinDistance = Blobs(a)\r + Blobs(b)\r If Distance < MinDistance Collisions + 1 Difference = (MinDistance - Distance) * Blobs(a)\r / (2 * (Blobs(a)\r + Blobs(b)\r)) Angle.f = GetAngle(Blobs(a)\x, Blobs(a)\y, Blobs(b)\x, Blobs(b)\y) If Abstossung ; Blobs(a)\typ <> Blobs(b)\typ Difference = (MinDistance - Distance) * Blobs(a)\r / (2 * (Blobs(a)\r + Blobs(b)\r)) Blobs(a)\xspd - Cos(Angle) * Difference Blobs(a)\yspd - Sin(Angle) * Difference Else Difference = MinDistance - Distance Blobs(a)\x - Cos(Angle) * Difference Blobs(a)\y - Sin(Angle) * Difference Blobs(a)\xspd = 0 Blobs(a)\yspd = 0 EndIf EndIf EndIf Next Next ;} FlipBuffers() If IsScreenActive() = 0 ;{ ReleaseMouse(1) While IsScreenActive() = 0 If Windowed Repeat Select WindowEvent() Case #PB_EventCloseWindow : Break 3 Case 0 : Break EndSelect ForEver EndIf Delay(1) Wend ReleaseMouse(0) EndIf ;} If Windowed ;{ For a.l = 0 To 255 WinKeyboardPushed(a) = #False WinKeyboardReleased(a) = #False Next WinMouseButton(1) = #False WinMouseButton(2) = #False Repeat Select WindowEvent() Case #PB_EventCloseWindow : Break 2 Case #PB_EventGadget Select EventGadgetID() Case Gad_E1 ; Wirkradius Wirkung = GetGadgetState(Gad_E1) SetGadgetText(Gad_T1, "Wirkradius: " + StrF(Wirkung, 0)) Case Gad_E2 ; Anziehung Gravity = GetGadgetState(Gad_E2) / 100 SetGadgetText(Gad_T2, "Anziehung: " + StrF(Gravity, 2)) Case Gad_E3 ; Reibung Reibung = GetGadgetState(Gad_E3) / 100 SetGadgetText(Gad_T3, "Reibung: " + Str(Reibung * 100) + "%") Case Gad_E4a ; Abstossung If GetGadgetState(Gad_E4a) : Abstossung = #True : Else : Abstossung = #False : EndIf Case Gad_E4b ; Wegschiebung If GetGadgetState(Gad_E4a) : Abstossung = #True : Else : Abstossung = #False : EndIf Case Gad_E5 ; Ellipsenanzahl EllipseLines = GetGadgetState(Gad_E5) SetGadgetText(Gad_E5, Str(EllipseLines)) Case Gad_E6 ; Ellipse ausgefüllt EllipseVol = GetGadgetState(Gad_E6) Case Gad_E7 RandDist = GetGadgetState(Gad_E7) SetGadgetText(Gad_T7, "Randstärke: " + Str(RandDist) + " Px") Case Gad_E8c CreateBlobs(Val(GetGadgetText(Gad_E8a)), Val(GetGadgetText(Gad_E8b))) EndSelect Case #WM_LButtonDown : WinMouseButton(1) = #True Case #WM_RButtonDown : WinMouseButton(2) = #True Case #WM_KeyDown Select EventwParam() Case #VK_Return Select GetFocus_() Case GadgetID(Gad_E8a) : ActivateGadget(Gad_E8b) Case GadgetID(Gad_E8b) : CreateBlobs(Val(GetGadgetText(Gad_E8a)), Val(GetGadgetText(Gad_E8b))) Case GadgetID(Gad_E8c) : CreateBlobs(Val(GetGadgetText(Gad_E8a)), Val(GetGadgetText(Gad_E8b))) EndSelect Case #VK_Escape : WinKeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Escape) = #True Case #VK_F1 : WinKeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_F1) = #True Case #VK_Add : WinKeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Add) = #True Case #VK_Subtract : WinKeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Subtract) = #True Case #VK_Space : WinKeyboardReleased(#PB_Key_Space) = #True EndSelect Case #WM_KeyUp Select EventwParam() Case #VK_F : WinKeyboardReleased(#PB_Key_F) = #True Case #VK_F5 : WinKeyboardReleased(#PB_Key_F5) = #True EndSelect Case 0 : Break EndSelect ForEver EndIf ;} ForEver ; jaPBe Version= ; FoldLines=003A00430047006B006D00730075007F008100850087008D009100A500A800AE ; FoldLines=00B200EE00F3011D011F01400142014A0151019901EA0206020A0219021B025B ; Build=4 ; Language=0x0000 Language Neutral ; FirstLine=118 ; CursorPosition=461 ; EnableOnError ; ExecutableFormat=Windows ; Executable=C:\Programme\PureBasic\Programme\Projekte\Blobs.exe ; DontSaveDeclare ; EOF