; Websocketclient by Netzvamp / Robert Lieback ; Version: 2015/12/02 DeclareModule WebsocketClient Declare OpenWebsocketConnection(URL.s) Declare SendTextFrame(connection, message.s) Declare ReceiveFrame(connection, *MsgBuffer) Declare SetSSLProxy(ProxyServer.s = "", ProxyPort.l = 8182) Enumeration #frame_text #frame_binary #frame_closing #frame_ping #frame_unknown EndEnumeration EndDeclareModule Module WebsocketClient ;TODO: Add function to send binary frame ;TODO: We don't support fragmetation right now ;TODO: We should send an closing frame, but server will also just close ;TODO: Support to send receive bigger frames Declare Handshake(Connection, Servername.s, Path.s) Declare ApplyMasking(Array Mask.a(1), *Buffer) Global Proxy_Server.s, Proxy_Port.l Macro dbg(txt) CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_Debugger Debug "WebsocketClient: " + FormatDate("%yyyy-%mm-%dd %hh:%ii:%ss",Date()) + " > " + txt CompilerEndIf EndMacro Procedure SetSSLProxy(ProxyServer.s = "", ProxyPort.l = 8182) Proxy_Server.s = ProxyServer.s Proxy_Port.l = ProxyPort.l EndProcedure Procedure OpenWebsocketConnection(URL.s) Protokol.s = GetURLPart(URL.s, #PB_URL_Protocol) Servername.s = GetURLPart(URL.s, #PB_URL_Site) Port.l = Val(GetURLPart(URL.s, #PB_URL_Port)) If Port.l = 0 : Port.l = 80 : EndIf Path.s = GetURLPart(URL.s, #PB_URL_Path) If Path.s = "" : Path.s = "/" : EndIf InitNetwork() If Protokol.s = "wss" ; If we connect with encryption (https) If Proxy_Port Connection = OpenNetworkConnection(Proxy_Server.s, Proxy_Port.l, #PB_Network_TCP, 1000) Else dbg("We need an SSL-Proxy like stunnel for encryption. Configure the proxy with SetSSLProxy().") EndIf ElseIf Protokol.s = "ws" Connection = OpenNetworkConnection(Servername.s, Port.l, #PB_Network_TCP, 1000) EndIf If Connection If Handshake(Connection, Servername.s, Path.s) dbg("Connection and Handshake ok") ProcedureReturn Connection Else dbg("Handshake-Error") ProcedureReturn #False EndIf Else dbg("Couldn't connect") ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndProcedure Procedure Handshake(Connection, Servername.s, Path.s) Request.s = "GET " + Path.s + " HTTP/1.1"+ #CRLF$ + "Host: " + Servername.s + #CRLF$ + "Upgrade: websocket" + #CRLF$ + "Connection: Upgrade" + #CRLF$ + "Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==" + #CRLF$ + "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13" + #CRLF$ + "User-Agent: CustomWebsocketClient"+ #CRLF$ + #CRLF$ SendNetworkString(Connection, Request.s, #PB_UTF8) *Buffer = AllocateMemory(65536) ; We wait for answer Repeat Size = ReceiveNetworkData(connection, *Buffer, 65536) Answer.s = Answer.s + PeekS(*Buffer, Size, #PB_UTF8) If FindString(Answer, #CRLF$ + #CRLF$) Break EndIf Until Size <> 65536 ; Check answer If FindString(Answer.s, "HTTP/1.1 101") And FindString(Answer.s, "Connection: Upgrade") And FindString(Answer.s, "Upgrade: websocket") ProcedureReturn #True Else ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ApplyMasking(Array Mask.a(1), *Buffer) For i = 0 To MemorySize(*Buffer) - 1 PokeA(*Buffer + i, PeekA(*Buffer + i) ! Mask(i % 4)) Next EndProcedure Procedure SendTextFrame(connection, message.s) ; Put String in Buffer MsgLength.l = StringByteLength(message.s, #PB_UTF8) *MsgBuffer = AllocateMemory(MsgLength) PokeS(*MsgBuffer, message.s, MsgLength, #PB_UTF8|#PB_String_NoZero) dbg("Messagelength to send: " + Str(MsgLength)) ; The Framebuffer, we fill with senddata If MsgLength <= 125 Fieldlength = 6 ElseIf MsgLength >= 126 And MsgLength <= 65535 Fieldlength = 8 Else Fieldlength = 14 EndIf dbg("Fieldlength to send: " + Str(Fieldlength)) *FrameBuffer = AllocateMemory(Fieldlength + MsgLength) ; We generate 4 random masking bytes Dim Mask.a(3) Mask(0) = Random(255,0) Mask(1) = Random(255,0) Mask(2) = Random(255,0) Mask(3) = Random(255,0) pos = 0 ; The byteposotion in the framebuffer ; First Byte: FIN(1=finished with this Frame),RSV(0),RSV(0),RSV(0),OPCODE(4 byte)=0001(text) PokeB(*FrameBuffer, %10000001) : pos + 1 ; = 129 ; Second Byte: Masking(1),length(to 125bytes, else we have to extend) If MsgLength <= 125 ; Length fits in first byte PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, MsgLength + 128) : pos + 1 ; + 128 for Masking ElseIf MsgLength >= 126 And MsgLength <= 65535 ; We have to extend length to third byte PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, 126 + 128) : pos + 1 ; 126 for 2 extra length bytes and + 128 for Masking PokeA(*FrameBuffer + pos, (MsgLength >> 8)) : pos + 1 ; First Byte PokeA(*FrameBuffer + pos, MsgLength) : pos + 1 ; Second Byte Else ; It's bigger than 65535, we also use 8 extra bytes PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, 127 + 128) : pos + 1 ; 127 for 8 extra length bytes and + 128 for Masking PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, 0) : pos + 1 ; 8 Bytes for payload lenght. We don't support giant packages for now, so first bytes are zero :P PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, 0) : pos + 1 PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, 0) : pos + 1 PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, 0) : pos + 1 PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, MsgLength >> 24) : pos + 1 PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, MsgLength >> 16) : pos + 1 PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, MsgLength >> 8) : pos + 1 PokeA(*Framebuffer + pos, MsgLength) : pos + 1 ; = 10 Byte EndIf ; Write Masking Bytes PokeA(*FrameBuffer + pos, Mask(0)) : pos + 1 PokeA(*FrameBuffer + pos, Mask(1)) : pos + 1 PokeA(*FrameBuffer + pos, Mask(2)) : pos + 1 PokeA(*FrameBuffer + pos, Mask(3)) : pos + 1 ApplyMasking(Mask(), *MsgBuffer) CopyMemory(*MsgBuffer, *FrameBuffer + pos, MsgLength) ;For x = 0 To 100 Step 5 ;Debug Str(PeekA(*FrameBuffer + x)) + " | " + Str(PeekA(*FrameBuffer + x + 1)) + " | " + Str(PeekA(*FrameBuffer + x + 2)) + " | " + Str(PeekA(*FrameBuffer + x + 3)) + " | " + Str(PeekA(*FrameBuffer + x + 4)) ;Next If SendNetworkData(connection, *FrameBuffer, Fieldlength + MsgLength) = Fieldlength + MsgLength dbg("Textframe send, Bytes: " + Str(Fieldlength + MsgLength)) ProcedureReturn #True Else ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndProcedure Procedure ReceiveFrame(connection, *MsgBuffer) *FrameBuffer = AllocateMemory(65536) Repeat *FrameBuffer = ReAllocateMemory(*FrameBuffer, 65536) Size = ReceiveNetworkData(connection, *FrameBuffer, 65536) ;Answer.s = Answer.s + PeekS(*FrameBuffer, Size, #PB_UTF8) Until Size <> 65536 dbg("Received Frame, Bytes: " + Str(Size)) *FrameBuffer = ReAllocateMemory(*FrameBuffer, Size) ; ; debug: output any single byte ; If #PB_Compiler_Debugger ; For x = 0 To Size - 1 Step 1 ; dbg_bytes.s + Str(PeekA(*FrameBuffer + x)) + " | " ; Next ; dbg(dbg_bytes) ; EndIf ; Getting informations about package If PeekA(*FrameBuffer) & %10000000 > #False ;dbg("Frame not fragmented") fragmentation.b = #False Else dbg("Frame fragmented! This not supported for now!") fragmentation.b = #True EndIf ; Check for Opcodes If PeekA(*FrameBuffer) = %10000001 ; Textframe dbg("Text frame") frame_typ.w = #frame_text ElseIf PeekA(*FrameBuffer) = %10000010 ; Binary Frame dbg("Binary frame") frame_typ.w = #frame_binary ElseIf PeekA(*FrameBuffer) = %10001000 ; Closing Frame dbg("Closing frame") frame_typ.w = #frame_closing ElseIf PeekA(*FrameBuffer) = %10001001 ; Ping ; We just answer pings *pongbuffer = AllocateMemory(2) PokeA(*pongbuffer, 138) PokeA(*pongbuffer+1, 0) SendNetworkData(connection, *pongbuffer, 2) dbg("Received Ping, answered with Pong") frame_typ.w = #frame_ping ProcedureReturn Else dbg("Opcode unknown") frame_typ.w = #frame_unknown ProcedureReturn #False EndIf ; Check masking If PeekA(*FrameBuffer + 1) & %10000000 = 128 : masking.b = #True : Else : masking.b = #False : EndIf dbg("Masking: " + Str(masking)) pos.l = 1 ; check size If PeekA(*FrameBuffer + 1) & %01111111 <= 125 ; size is in this byte frame_size.l = PeekA(*FrameBuffer + pos) & %01111111 : pos + 1 ElseIf PeekA(*FrameBuffer + 1) & %01111111 >= 126 ; Size is in 2 extra bytes frame_size.l = PeekA(*FrameBuffer + 2) << 8 + PeekA(*FrameBuffer + 3) : pos + 2 EndIf dbg("FrameSize: " + Str(frame_size.l)) If masking = #True Dim Mask.a(3) Mask(0) = PeekA(*FrameBuffer + pos) : pos + 1 Mask(1) = PeekA(*FrameBuffer + pos) : pos + 1 Mask(2) = PeekA(*FrameBuffer + pos) : pos + 1 Mask(3) = PeekA(*FrameBuffer + pos) : pos + 1 ReAllocateMemory(*MsgBuffer,frame_size) CopyMemory(*FrameBuffer + pos, *MsgBuffer, frame_size) ApplyMasking(Mask(), *MsgBuffer) Else ReAllocateMemory(*MsgBuffer,frame_size) CopyMemory(*FrameBuffer + pos, *MsgBuffer, frame_size) EndIf ProcedureReturn frame_typ EndProcedure EndModule CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_IsMainFile ; Minimal example to send and receive textmessages ; The preconfigured testserver "echo.websocket.org" will just echo back everything you've send. XIncludeFile "module_websocketclient_gui.pbf" Global connection Procedure gui_button_connect(EventType) If EventType = #PB_EventType_LeftClick Debug "Connect clicked" ;connection = WebsocketClient::OpenWebsocketConnection(GetGadgetText(#String_url)) connection = WebsocketClient::OpenWebsocketConnection(GetGadgetText(#String_url)) AddGadgetItem(#ListView_Output, -1, "# Connected to " + GetGadgetText(#String_url)) EndIf EndProcedure Procedure gui_button_send(EventType) If EventType = #PB_EventType_LeftClick And Len(GetGadgetText(#String_send)) > 0 And connection Debug "Send clicked" If WebsocketClient::SendTextFrame(connection, GetGadgetText(#String_send)) = #False Debug "Couldn't send. Are we disconnected?" Else AddGadgetItem(#ListView_Output, -1, "> " + GetGadgetText(#String_send)) EndIf EndIf EndProcedure OpenWindow_Websocketclient() ; Proxy Setting: ; If you need an encyrpted connection (https/wss), you currently have to use an ; proxy software like stunnel (https://www.stunnel.org) to redirect unencrypted data into an encrypted connection ; Example stunnel.conf section: ; [websocket] ; client = yes ; accept = ; connect = echo.websocket.org:443 WebsocketClient::SetSSLProxy("",8182) Repeat If Window_Websocketclient_Events( WaitWindowEvent(1) ) = #False : End : EndIf If connection NetworkEvent = NetworkClientEvent(connection) Select NetworkEvent Case #PB_NetworkEvent_Data Debug "We've got Data" *FrameBuffer = AllocateMemory(1) Frametyp = WebsocketClient::ReceiveFrame(connection,*FrameBuffer) If Frametyp = WebsocketClient::#frame_text AddGadgetItem(#ListView_Output, -1, "< " + PeekS(*FrameBuffer,MemoryStringLength(*FrameBuffer,#PB_UTF8)-1,#PB_UTF8) ) ElseIf Frametyp = WebsocketClient::#frame_binary AddGadgetItem(#ListView_Output, -1, "< Received Binaryframe" ) EndIf Case #PB_NetworkEvent_Disconnect If disconneted = #False Debug "Disconnected" EndIf disconneted = #True NetworkEvent = #PB_NetworkEvent_None Case #PB_NetworkEvent_None EndSelect EndIf ForEver CompilerEndIf ; IDE Options = PureBasic 5.31 (Windows - x64) ; CursorPosition = 356 ; FirstLine = 296 ; Folding = --- ; EnableUnicode ; EnableXP ; EnableUser ; EnableCompileCount = 0 ; EnableBuildCount = 0