;/ =========================== ;/ = ToolTipExModule.pbi = ;/ =========================== ;/ ;/ [ PB V5.7x / 64Bit / All OS / DPI ] ;/ ;/ Extended ToolTips for all Gadgets ;/ ;/ © 2019 by Thorsten Hoeppner (07/2019) ;/ ; Last Update: 13.07.2019 ; ToolTip is now a separate window and not just a gadget ;{ ===== MIT License ===== ; ; Copyright (c) 2019 Thorsten Hoeppner ; ; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ; of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal ; in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights ; to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell ; copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ; furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ; ; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all ; copies or substantial portions of the Software. ; ; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ; IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ; AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER ; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, ; OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE ; SOFTWARE. ;} ;{ _____ ToolTip - Commands _____ ; ToolTip::Gadget() - Add tooltip gadget ; ToolTip::SetAttribute() - similar to SetGadgetAttribute() ; ToolTip::SetColor() - similar to SetGadgetColor() ; ToolTip::SetContent() - set tooltip text & Title and define tooltip area ; ToolTip::SetFont() - similar to SetGadgetFont() ; ToolTip::SetImage() - adds an image to the tooltip ; ToolTip::SetState() - activates/deactivates tooltip ;} DeclareModule ToolTip ;- =========================================================================== ;- DeclareModule - Constants ;- =========================================================================== ;{ _____ Constants _____ Enumeration 1 #MouseX #MouseY EndEnumeration EnumerationBinary #MouseEnter #MouseLeave #MouseMove EndEnumeration #MouseEvents = #MouseEnter|#MouseLeave|#MouseMove Enumeration 1 ; Attribute #PaddingX #PaddingY #Spacing #Title #Text EndEnumeration Enumeration 1 ; Color #FrontColor #BackColor #BorderColor #TitleColor #TitleBackColor #TitleBorderColor EndEnumeration EnumerationBinary ; GadgetFlags #Border ; Draw a border EndEnumeration Enumeration #PB_Event_FirstCustomValue #Event_ToolTip EndEnumeration ;} ;- =========================================================================== ;- DeclareModule ;- =========================================================================== Declare.i Create(Gadget.i, Window.i, Flags.i=#False) Declare SetAttribute(GNum.i, Attribute.i, Value.i) Declare SetColor(GNum.i, ColorTyp.i, Value.i) Declare SetContent(GNum.i, Text.s, Title.s="", X.i=#PB_Default, Y.i=#PB_Default, Width.i=#PB_Default, Height.i=#PB_Default) Declare SetFont(GNum.i, FontNum.i, FontType.i=#Text) Declare SetImage(GNum.i, ImageNum.i, Width.i=#PB_Default, Height.i=#PB_Default, Flags.i=#False) Declare SetState(GNum.i, State.i) EndDeclareModule Module ToolTip EnableExplicit #MouseEventTimer = 20000 Enumeration 1 #MouseX #MouseY #Gadget EndEnumeration EnumerationBinary #MouseEnter #MouseLeave #MouseMove EndEnumeration #MouseEvents = #MouseEnter|#MouseLeave|#MouseMove ;- ============================================================================ ;- Module - Structures ;- ============================================================================ Structure MouseEvent_Window_Structure ;{ MouseEvent()\Window\... Num.i MouseX.i MouseY.i EndStructure ;} Structure MouseEvent_Gadget_Structure ;{ MouseEvent()\Gadget\... Num.i MouseX.i MouseY.i Last.i EndStructure ;} Structure MouseEvent_Structure ;{ MouseEvent('Window')\... Gadget.MouseEvent_Gadget_Structure Window.MouseEvent_Window_Structure lastHandle.i Flags.i EndStructure ;} Global NewMap MouseEvent.MouseEvent_Structure() Structure Timer_Structure ;{ Timer()\... GadgetNum.i WindowNum.i Focus.i State.i Active.i Delay.i Value.i EndStructure ;} Structure ToolTip_Image_Structure ;{ ToolTip\Image\... Num.i Width.i Height.i Flags.i EndStructure ;} Structure ToolTip_Area_Structure ;{ ToolTip\Area\... X.i Y.i Width.i Height.i EndStructure ;} Structure ToolTip_Content_Structure ;{ ToolTip\Content\... Title.s TitleFont.i TextFont.i List Text.s() EndStructure ;} Structure ToolTip_Color_Structure ;{ ToolTip()\Color\... Front.i Back.i TitleFront.i TitleBack.i TitleBorder.i Border.i EndStructure ;} Structure ToolTip_Size_Structure ;{ ToolTip()\Size\... X.f Y.f Width.f Height.f Flags.i EndStructure ;} Structure ToolTip_Structure ;{ ToolTip()\... Number.i WindowNum.i CanvasNum.i GadgetNum.i MouseX.i MouseY.i Type.i FontID.i PaddingX.f PaddingY.f Spacing.i Visible.i State.i Flags.i Area.ToolTip_Area_Structure Color.ToolTip_Color_Structure Content.ToolTip_Content_Structure Image.ToolTip_Image_Structure Size.ToolTip_Size_Structure EndStructure ;} Global NewMap ToolTip.ToolTip_Structure() Global ThreadID.i, ExitThread.i Global Mutex.i = CreateMutex() Global NewMap Timer.Timer_Structure() ;- ============================================================================ ;- Module - MouseEvents ;- ============================================================================ ;- _____ Import internal function _____ CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_OS = #PB_OS_Windows ; Code by mk-soft Import "" PB_Object_EnumerateStart( PB_Objects ) PB_Object_EnumerateNext( PB_Objects, *ID.Integer ) PB_Object_EnumerateAbort( PB_Objects ) PB_Gadget_Objects.i EndImport CompilerElse ImportC "" PB_Object_EnumerateStart( PB_Objects ) PB_Object_EnumerateNext( PB_Objects, *ID.Integer ) PB_Object_EnumerateAbort( PB_Objects ) PB_Gadget_Objects.i EndImport CompilerEndIf ;- ============================================================================ ;- Module - Internal ;- ============================================================================ Declare _TimerThread(Map *Timer()) Declare.i GetMouseEventAttribute_(Window.i, Attribute.i, Gadget.i=#PB_Default) UsePNGImageDecoder() Procedure.f dpiX(Num.i) ProcedureReturn DesktopScaledX(Num) EndProcedure Procedure.f dpiY(Num.i) ProcedureReturn DesktopScaledY(Num) EndProcedure Procedure StartTimerThread() If Not IsThread(ThreadID) ThreadID = CreateThread(@_TimerThread(), @Timer()) EndIf EndProcedure Procedure StopTimerThread() ExitThread = #True Delay(200) While IsThread(ThreadID) KillThread(ThreadID) Delay(50) Wend ThreadID = 0 ExitThread = #False EndProcedure Procedure GetFontID_(FontNum.i) If FontNum = #PB_Default ProcedureReturn ToolTip()\FontID ElseIf IsFont(FontNum) ProcedureReturn FontID(FontNum) Else ProcedureReturn ToolTip()\FontID EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.i MaxTextWidth(MaxWidth.i) ForEach ToolTip()\Content\Text() If TextWidth(ToolTip()\Content\Text()) > MaxWidth MaxWidth = TextWidth(ToolTip()\Content\Text()) EndIf Next ProcedureReturn MaxWidth EndProcedure Procedure DeterminePosition_(X.i, Y.i) Define.i gX, gY, wX, wY, gWidth, gHeight, wWidth, wHeight, PosX, PosY, Reverse If IsGadget(ToolTip()\GadgetNum) wX = dpiX(GadgetX(ToolTip()\GadgetNum, #PB_Gadget_ScreenCoordinate)) wY = dpiY(GadgetY(ToolTip()\GadgetNum, #PB_Gadget_ScreenCoordinate)) gX = dpiX(GadgetX(ToolTip()\GadgetNum)) gY = dpiY(GadgetY(ToolTip()\GadgetNum)) gWidth = dpiX(GadgetWidth(ToolTip()\GadgetNum)) gHeight = dpiY(GadgetHeight(ToolTip()\GadgetNum)) EndIf If IsWindow(ToolTip()\WindowNum) wWidth = dpiX(WindowWidth(ToolTip()\WindowNum)) wHeight = dpiY(WindowHeight(ToolTip()\WindowNum)) EndIf PosX = X + gX + ToolTip()\Size\Width PosY = Y + gY If PosX < wWidth ToolTip()\Size\X = X + wX Else ToolTip()\Size\X = X + wX - ToolTip()\Size\Width Reverse = #True EndIf If PosY - ToolTip()\Size\Height > 0 ToolTip()\Size\Y = Y + wY - ToolTip()\Size\Height + dpiY(1) ToolTip()\Size\X + dpiX(2) ElseIf PosY + ToolTip()\Size\Height > wHeight ToolTip()\Size\Y = Y + wY - ToolTip()\Size\Height + dpiY(1) ToolTip()\Size\X + dpiX(2) Else ToolTip()\Size\Y = Y + wY + dpiY(2) If Reverse = #False ToolTip()\Size\X + dpiX(8) EndIf EndIf EndProcedure Procedure DetermineSize_() Define.i Rows Define.f MaxWidth, TitleWidth, TitleHeight, textHeight If StartDrawing(CanvasOutput(ToolTip()\CanvasNum)) If ToolTip()\Content\Title DrawingFont(GetFontID_(ToolTip()\Content\TitleFont)) TitleWidth = TextWidth(ToolTip()\Content\Title) + dpiX(4) TitleHeight = TextHeight(ToolTip()\Content\Title) + dpiY(4) EndIf Rows = ListSize(ToolTip()\Content\Text()) DrawingFont(GetFontID_(ToolTip()\Content\TextFont)) textHeight = TextHeight("Abc") MaxWidth = MaxTextWidth(TitleWidth) ToolTip()\Size\Width = MaxWidth + (ToolTip()\PaddingX * 2) ToolTip()\Size\Height = TitleHeight + (textHeight * Rows) + (ToolTip()\PaddingY * 2) If IsImage(ToolTip()\Image\Num) ToolTip()\Size\Width + ToolTip()\Image\Width + ToolTip()\PaddingY If ToolTip()\Image\Height + (ToolTip()\PaddingY * 2) > ToolTip()\Size\Height ToolTip()\Size\Height = ToolTip()\Image\Height + (ToolTip()\PaddingY * 2) EndIf EndIf StopDrawing() EndIf EndProcedure ;- __________ Drawing __________ Procedure.i BlendColor_(Color1.i, Color2.i, Factor.i=50) Define.i Red1, Green1, Blue1, Red2, Green2, Blue2 Define.f Blend = Factor / 100 Red1 = Red(Color1): Green1 = Green(Color1): Blue1 = Blue(Color1) Red2 = Red(Color2): Green2 = Green(Color2): Blue2 = Blue(Color2) ProcedureReturn RGB((Red1 * Blend) + (Red2 * (1 - Blend)), (Green1 * Blend) + (Green2 * (1 - Blend)), (Blue1 * Blend) + (Blue2 * (1 - Blend))) EndProcedure Procedure Draw_() Define.i X, Y, Rows, TitleHeight, TextHeight, txtX, txtY, imgY If StartDrawing(CanvasOutput(ToolTip()\CanvasNum)) Rows = ListSize(ToolTip()\Content\Text()) ;{ _____ Background _____ DrawingMode(#PB_2DDrawing_Default) Box(0, 0, ToolTip()\Size\Width, ToolTip()\Size\Height, ToolTip()\Color\Back) ;} X = ToolTip()\PaddingX If ToolTip()\Content\Title Y = dpiY(2) DrawingFont(GetFontID_(ToolTip()\Content\TitleFont)) TitleHeight = TextHeight(ToolTip()\Content\Title) + dpiY(4) If ToolTip()\Color\TitleBack <> #PB_Default DrawingMode(#PB_2DDrawing_Default) Box(0, 0, ToolTip()\Size\Width, TitleHeight, ToolTip()\Color\TitleBack) EndIf DrawingMode(#PB_2DDrawing_Transparent) txtX = (ToolTip()\Size\Width - (ToolTip()\PaddingX * 2) - TextWidth(ToolTip()\Content\Title)) / 2 DrawText(X + txtX, Y, ToolTip()\Content\Title, ToolTip()\Color\TitleFront) Y + TextHeight(ToolTip()\Content\Title) EndIf Y + ToolTip()\PaddingY If IsImage(ToolTip()\Image\Num) TextHeight = ToolTip()\Size\Height - TitleHeight - (ToolTip()\PaddingX * 2) imgY = (TextHeight - ToolTip()\Image\Height) / 2 txtY = (TextHeight - (TextHeight("Abc") * ListSize(ToolTip()\Content\Text()))) / 2 DrawingMode(#PB_2DDrawing_AlphaBlend) DrawImage(ImageID(ToolTip()\Image\Num), X, Y + imgY, ToolTip()\Image\Width, ToolTip()\Image\Height) X + ToolTip()\Image\Width + ToolTip()\PaddingX EndIf DrawingMode(#PB_2DDrawing_Transparent) DrawingFont(GetFontID_(ToolTip()\Content\TextFont)) ForEach ToolTip()\Content\Text() DrawText(X, Y + txtY, ToolTip()\Content\Text(), ToolTip()\Color\Front) Y + TextHeight(ToolTip()\Content\Text()) Next ;{ _____ Border ____ DrawingMode(#PB_2DDrawing_Outlined) Box(0, 0, ToolTip()\Size\Width, ToolTip()\Size\Height, BlendColor_(ToolTip()\Color\Border, ToolTip()\Color\Back, 40)) If ToolTip()\Content\Title If ToolTip()\Color\TitleBorder <> #PB_Default DrawingMode(#PB_2DDrawing_Outlined) Box(0, 0, ToolTip()\Size\Width, TitleHeight, BlendColor_(ToolTip()\Color\Border, ToolTip()\Color\Back, 40)) EndIf EndIf ;} StopDrawing() EndIf EndProcedure ;- __________ Events __________ Procedure _TimerThread(Map *Timer()) While Not ExitThread Delay(100) LockMutex(Mutex) ForEach Timer() If Timer()\Focus And Timer()\State If Timer()\Active Timer()\Value + 100 If Timer()\Value >= Timer()\Delay PostEvent(#Event_ToolTip, Timer()\WindowNum, Timer()\GadgetNum) Timer()\Value = 0 Timer()\Active = #False EndIf EndIf EndIf Next UnlockMutex(Mutex) Wend EndProcedure Procedure _ToolTipHandler() Define.i GadgetNum = EventGadget() If FindMapElement(ToolTip(), Str(GadgetNum)) If ToolTip()\State = #True ResizeWindow(ToolTip()\Number, DesktopUnscaledX(ToolTip()\Size\X), DesktopUnscaledY(ToolTip()\Size\Y), DesktopUnscaledX(ToolTip()\Size\Width), DesktopUnscaledY(ToolTip()\Size\Height)) ResizeGadget(ToolTip()\CanvasNum, 0, 0, DesktopUnscaledX(ToolTip()\Size\Width), DesktopUnscaledY(ToolTip()\Size\Height)) Draw_() ToolTip()\Visible = #True HideWindow(ToolTip()\Number, #False) SetActiveWindow(ToolTip()\WindowNum) EndIf EndIf EndProcedure Procedure _MouseEventHandler() Define.i X, Y, Handle, Window, Gadget Window = GetActiveWindow() If FindMapElement(MouseEvent(), Str(Window)) X = WindowMouseX(Window) Y = WindowMouseY(Window) If X <> MouseEvent()\Window\MouseX Or Y <> MouseEvent()\Window\MouseY MouseEvent()\Window\MouseX = X MouseEvent()\Window\MouseY = Y ; Get Handle under mouse (mk-soft) CompilerSelect #PB_Compiler_OS CompilerCase #PB_OS_Windows ;{ Windows Protected.i DesktopX, DesktopY DesktopX = DesktopMouseX() Desktopy = DesktopMouseY() Handle = WindowFromPoint_(DesktopY << 32 | DesktopX) ;} CompilerCase #PB_OS_MacOS ;{ MacOS Protected WinID.i, WinCV.i, pt.NSPoint WinID = WindowID(Window) WinCV = CocoaMessage(0, WinID, "contentView") CocoaMessage(@pt, WinID, "mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream") Handle = CocoaMessage(0, WinCV, "hitTest:@", @pt) ;} CompilerCase #PB_OS_Linux ;{ Linux Protected DesktopX.i, DesktopY.i, *GdkWindow.GdkWindowObject *GdkWindow.GdkWindowObject = gdk_window_at_pointer_(@DesktopX,@Desktopy) If *GdkWindow gdk_window_get_user_data_(*GdkWindow, @Handle) Else Handle = #False EndIf ;} CompilerEndSelect If Handle <> MouseEvent()\lastHandle ;{ ___ Event: MouseLeave ___ (mk-soft) If IsGadget(MouseEvent()\Gadget\Last) If MouseEvent()\Flags & #MouseLeave If GadgetType(MouseEvent()\Gadget\Last) <> #PB_GadgetType_Canvas If MouseEvent()\Gadget\Num = #PB_Default Or MouseEvent()\Gadget\Last = MouseEvent()\Gadget\Num PostEvent(#PB_Event_Gadget, MouseEvent()\Window\Num, MouseEvent()\Gadget\Last, #PB_EventType_MouseLeave) EndIf EndIf EndIf MouseEvent()\Gadget\Last = #PB_Default EndIf ;} ; Find GadgetID over Handle (mk-soft) PB_Object_EnumerateStart(PB_Gadget_Objects) While PB_Object_EnumerateNext(PB_Gadget_Objects, @Gadget) If Handle = GadgetID(Gadget) MouseEvent()\Gadget\Last = Gadget ;{ ___ Event: MouseEnter ___ (mk-soft) If MouseEvent()\Flags & #MouseEnter If GadgetType(MouseEvent()\Gadget\Last) <> #PB_GadgetType_Canvas If MouseEvent()\Gadget\Num = #PB_Default Or MouseEvent()\Gadget\Last = MouseEvent()\Gadget\Num PostEvent(#PB_Event_Gadget, MouseEvent()\Window\Num, MouseEvent()\Gadget\Last, #PB_EventType_MouseEnter) EndIf EndIf EndIf ;} PB_Object_EnumerateAbort(PB_Gadget_Objects) Break EndIf Wend MouseEvent()\lastHandle = Handle EndIf ;{ ___ Event: MouseMove ___ (mk-soft) If MouseEvent()\Flags & #MouseMove If IsGadget(MouseEvent()\Gadget\Last) If GadgetType(MouseEvent()\Gadget\Last) <> #PB_GadgetType_Canvas If MouseEvent()\Gadget\Num = #PB_Default Or MouseEvent()\Gadget\Last = MouseEvent()\Gadget\Num MouseEvent()\Gadget\MouseX = MouseEvent()\Window\MouseX - GadgetX(MouseEvent()\Gadget\Last) MouseEvent()\Gadget\MouseY = MouseEvent()\Window\MouseY - GadgetY(MouseEvent()\Gadget\Last) PostEvent(#PB_Event_Gadget, MouseEvent()\Window\Num, MouseEvent()\Gadget\Last, #PB_EventType_MouseMove) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndIf ;} EndIf EndIf EndProcedure Procedure _MouseEnterHandler() Define.i GadgetNum = EventGadget() Define.i X, Y, aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight, gX, gY, gWidth, gHeight If FindMapElement(ToolTip(), Str(GadgetNum)) LockMutex(Mutex) Timer(Str(GadgetNum))\Focus = #True Timer(Str(GadgetNum))\Value = 0 Timer(Str(GadgetNum))\State = #False UnlockMutex(Mutex) EndIf EndProcedure Procedure _MouseLeaveHandler() Define.i GadgetNum = EventGadget() If FindMapElement(ToolTip(), Str(GadgetNum)) LockMutex(Mutex) Timer(Str(GadgetNum))\Focus = #False Timer(Str(GadgetNum))\Active = #True Timer(Str(GadgetNum))\Value = 0 Timer(Str(GadgetNum))\State = #False UnlockMutex(Mutex) SetActiveWindow(ToolTip()\WindowNum) EndIf EndProcedure Procedure _MouseMoveHandler() Define.i X, Y, aX, aY, aWidth, aHeight, gWidth, gHeight Define.i GadgetNum = EventGadget() If FindMapElement(ToolTip(), Str(GadgetNum)) If GadgetType(GadgetNum) = #PB_GadgetType_Canvas X = GetGadgetAttribute(GadgetNum, #PB_Canvas_MouseX) Y = GetGadgetAttribute(GadgetNum, #PB_Canvas_MouseY) Else X = GetMouseEventAttribute_(ToolTip()\WindowNum, #MouseX, GadgetNum) Y = GetMouseEventAttribute_(ToolTip()\WindowNum, #MouseY, GadgetNum) EndIf If X <> ToolTip()\MouseX Or Y <> ToolTip()\MouseY ToolTip()\MouseX = X ToolTip()\MouseY = Y ;{ Cursor move LockMutex(Mutex) Timer(Str(GadgetNum))\Active = #True Timer(Str(GadgetNum))\Value = 0 UnlockMutex(Mutex) If ToolTip()\Visible ToolTip()\Visible = #False HideWindow(ToolTip()\Number, #True) SetActiveWindow(ToolTip()\WindowNum) EndIf ;} If X >= ToolTip()\Area\X And X <= ToolTip()\Area\X + ToolTip()\Area\Width If Y >= ToolTip()\Area\Y And Y <= ToolTip()\Area\Y + ToolTip()\Area\Height DetermineSize_() DeterminePosition_(X, Y) LockMutex(Mutex) Timer(Str(GadgetNum))\State = #True UnlockMutex(Mutex) ProcedureReturn #True EndIf EndIf Timer()\State = #False EndIf EndIf EndProcedure Procedure _CloseWindowHandler() Define.i WindowNum = EventWindow() ForEach ToolTip() If ToolTip()\WindowNum = WindowNum StopTimerThread() If IsWindow(ToolTip()\Number) CloseWindow(ToolTip()\Number) EndIf DeleteMapElement(ToolTip()) EndIf Next EndProcedure ;- _____ Procedures - MouseEvents _____ Procedure.i AddMouseEvents_(Window.i, Gadget.i=#PB_Default, Flags.i=#MouseEvents) If IsWindow(Window) If AddMapElement(MouseEvent(), Str(Window)) MouseEvent()\Window\Num = Window If IsGadget(Gadget) MouseEvent()\Gadget\Num = Gadget Else MouseEvent()\Gadget\Num = #PB_Default EndIf MouseEvent()\Flags = Flags ; Code by mk-soft AddWindowTimer(MouseEvent()\Window\Num, #MouseEventTimer, 100) BindEvent(#PB_Event_Timer, @_MouseEventHandler()) ProcedureReturn #True EndIf EndIf EndProcedure Procedure.i GetMouseEventAttribute_(Window.i, Attribute.i, Gadget.i=#PB_Default) If FindMapElement(MouseEvent(), Str(Window)) If Gadget = #PB_Default Or MouseEvent()\Gadget\Last = Gadget Select Attribute Case #MouseX ProcedureReturn MouseEvent()\Gadget\MouseX Case #MouseY ProcedureReturn MouseEvent()\Gadget\MouseY Case #Gadget ProcedureReturn MouseEvent()\Gadget\Last EndSelect EndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn #PB_Default EndProcedure ;- ========================================================================== ;- Module - Declared Procedures ;- ========================================================================== Procedure.i Create(Gadget.i, Window.i, Flags.i=#False) Define DummyNum, GNum.i, WNum.i WNum = OpenWindow(#PB_Any, 0, 0, 0, 0, "ToolTip", #PB_Window_BorderLess|#PB_Window_Invisible, WindowID(Window)) If WNum StickyWindow(WNum, #True) GNum = CanvasGadget(#PB_Any, 10, 10, 200, 100) If GNum If AddMapElement(ToolTip(), Str(Gadget)) ToolTip()\Number = WNum ToolTip()\CanvasNum = GNum ToolTip()\GadgetNum = Gadget ToolTip()\WindowNum = Window ToolTip()\Type = #Gadget CompilerSelect #PB_Compiler_OS ;{ Default Gadget Font CompilerCase #PB_OS_Windows ToolTip()\FontID = GetGadgetFont(#PB_Default) CompilerCase #PB_OS_MacOS DummyNum = TextGadget(#PB_Any, 0, 0, 0, 0, " ") If DummyNum ToolTip()\FontID = GetGadgetFont(DummyNum) FreeGadget(DummyNum) EndIf CompilerCase #PB_OS_Linux ToolTip()\FontID = GetGadgetFont(#PB_Default) CompilerEndSelect ;} ToolTip()\Content\TitleFont = #PB_Default ToolTip()\Content\TextFont = #PB_Default ToolTip()\Area\X = #PB_Default ToolTip()\Area\Y = #PB_Default ToolTip()\Area\Width = #PB_Default ToolTip()\Area\Height = #PB_Default ToolTip()\PaddingX = dpiX(5) ToolTip()\PaddingY = dpiY(5) ToolTip()\Spacing = 0 ToolTip()\Flags = Flags ToolTip()\Color\Front = $000000 ToolTip()\Color\Back = $F0FFFF ToolTip()\Color\Border = $B4B4B4 ToolTip()\Color\TitleFront = $000000 ToolTip()\Color\TitleBack = #PB_Default ToolTip()\Color\TitleBorder = #PB_Default If GadgetType(ToolTip()\GadgetNum) <> #PB_GadgetType_Canvas AddMouseEvents_(ToolTip()\WindowNum, ToolTip()\GadgetNum) EndIf If IsGadget(ToolTip()\GadgetNum) BindGadgetEvent(ToolTip()\GadgetNum, @_MouseEnterHandler(), #PB_EventType_MouseEnter) BindGadgetEvent(ToolTip()\GadgetNum, @_MouseLeaveHandler(), #PB_EventType_MouseLeave) BindGadgetEvent(ToolTip()\GadgetNum, @_MouseMoveHandler(), #PB_EventType_MouseMove) EndIf BindEvent(#Event_ToolTip, @_ToolTipHandler()) If IsWindow(ToolTip()\WindowNum) BindEvent(#PB_Event_CloseWindow, @_CloseWindowHandler(), ToolTip()\WindowNum) EndIf If AddMapElement(Timer(), Str(Gadget)) Timer()\Delay = 500 Timer()\GadgetNum = ToolTip()\GadgetNum Timer()\WindowNum = ToolTip()\WindowNum EndIf StartTimerThread() ProcedureReturn WNum EndIf EndIf EndIf EndProcedure Procedure SetAttribute(GNum.i, Attribute.i, Value.i) If FindMapElement(ToolTip(), Str(GNum)) Select Attribute Case #PaddingX ToolTip()\PaddingX = dpiX(Value) Case #PaddingY ToolTip()\PaddingY = dpiY(Value) Case #Spacing ToolTip()\Spacing = dpiY(Value) EndSelect Draw_() EndIf EndProcedure Procedure SetColor(GNum.i, ColorTyp.i, Value.i) If FindMapElement(ToolTip(), Str(GNum)) Select ColorTyp Case #FrontColor ToolTip()\Color\Front = Value Case #BackColor ToolTip()\Color\Back = Value Case #BorderColor ToolTip()\Color\Border = Value Case #TitleColor ToolTip()\Color\TitleFront = Value Case #TitleBackColor ToolTip()\Color\TitleBack = Value Case #TitleBorderColor ToolTip()\Color\TitleBorder = Value EndSelect EndIf EndProcedure Procedure SetContent(GNum.i, Text.s, Title.s="", X.i=#PB_Default, Y.i=#PB_Default, Width.i=#PB_Default, Height.i=#PB_Default) Define.i r, Rows If FindMapElement(ToolTip(), Str(GNum)) ToolTip()\Content\Title = Title Rows = CountString(Text, #LF$) + 1 ClearList(ToolTip()\Content\Text()) For r=1 To Rows If AddElement(ToolTip()\Content\Text()) ToolTip()\Content\Text() = RTrim(StringField(Text, r, #LF$), #CR$) EndIf Next ToolTip()\Area\X = dpiX(X) If X = #PB_Default : ToolTip()\Area\X = 0 : EndIf ToolTip()\Area\Y = dpiY(Y) If Y = #PB_Default : ToolTip()\Area\Y = 0 : EndIf ToolTip()\Area\Width = dpiX(Width) ToolTip()\Area\Height = dpiY(Height) If IsGadget(GNum) If Width = #PB_Default : ToolTip()\Area\Width = dpiX(GadgetWidth(GNum)) : EndIf If Height = #PB_Default : ToolTip()\Area\Height = dpiY(GadgetHeight(GNum)) : EndIf EndIf DetermineSize_() ToolTip()\State = #True EndIf EndProcedure Procedure SetFont(GNum.i, FontNum.i, FontType.i=#Text) If FindMapElement(ToolTip(), Str(GNum)) Select FontType Case #Title ToolTip()\Content\TitleFont = FontNum Case #Text ToolTip()\Content\TextFont = FontNum EndSelect EndIf EndProcedure Procedure SetImage(GNum.i, ImageNum.i, Width.i=#PB_Default, Height.i=#PB_Default, Flags.i=#False) If FindMapElement(ToolTip(), Str(GNum)) If IsImage(ImageNum) If Width = #PB_Default : Width = ImageWidth(ImageNum) : EndIf If Height = #PB_Default : Height = ImageHeight(ImageNum) : EndIf ToolTip()\Image\Num = ImageNum ToolTip()\Image\Width = dpiX(Width) ToolTip()\Image\Height = dpiY(Height) ToolTip()\Image\Flags = Flags EndIf EndIf EndProcedure Procedure SetState(GNum.i, State.i) If FindMapElement(ToolTip(), Str(GNum)) ToolTip()\State = State EndIf EndProcedure EndModule ;- ======== Module - Example ======== CompilerIf #PB_Compiler_IsMainFile UsePNGImageDecoder() Enumeration #Window #Canvas #Font #Image #Button EndEnumeration LoadFont(#Font, "Arial", 9, #PB_Font_Bold) ;LoadImage(#Image, "Paper.png") If OpenWindow(#Window, 0, 0, 200, 100, "Example", #PB_Window_SystemMenu|#PB_Window_Tool|#PB_Window_ScreenCentered|#PB_Window_SizeGadget) If CanvasGadget(#Canvas, 10, 10, 80, 80, #PB_Canvas_Border) If StartDrawing(CanvasOutput(#Canvas)) DrawingMode(#PB_2DDrawing_Outlined) Box(DesktopScaledX(30), DesktopScaledY(30), DesktopScaledX(20), DesktopScaledY(20), $800080) StopDrawing() EndIf EndIf ButtonGadget(#Button, 100, 35, 90, 30, "Button") If ToolTip::Create(#Canvas, #Window) ToolTip::SetContent(#Canvas, "This is Tooltip area.", "CanvasGadget", 30, 30, 20, 20) ToolTip::SetFont(#Canvas, #Font, ToolTip::#Title) ToolTip::SetColor(#Canvas, ToolTip::#BorderColor, $800000) ToolTip::SetColor(#Canvas, ToolTip::#BackColor, $FFFFFA) ToolTip::SetColor(#Canvas, ToolTip::#TitleBorderColor, $800000) ToolTip::SetColor(#Canvas, ToolTip::#TitleBackColor, $B48246) ToolTip::SetColor(#Canvas, ToolTip::#TitleColor, $FFFFFF) ;ToolTip::SetImage(#Canvas, #Image) EndIf If ToolTip::Create(#Button, #Window) ToolTip::SetContent(#Button, "This is a tooltip.", "ButtonGadget") ToolTip::SetFont(#Button, #Font, ToolTip::#Title) ToolTip::SetColor(#Button, ToolTip::#TitleBorderColor, $0B86B8) ToolTip::SetColor(#Button, ToolTip::#TitleBackColor, $00D7FF) ToolTip::SetColor(#Button, ToolTip::#TitleColor, $0B2851) EndIf Repeat Event = WaitWindowEvent() Until Event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow CloseWindow(#Window) EndIf CompilerEndIf ; IDE Options = PureBasic 5.71 beta 2 LTS (Windows - x86) ; CursorPosition = 675 ; FirstLine = 315 ; Folding = 9AkAgxdMw ; EnableXP ; DPIAware