Interface PB_MIDI GetLastErrorText.s() GetLastErrorNr.l() Kill.l() OpenOutputDevice.l(DeviceID.l) CloseOutputDevice.l() OpenInputDevice.l(DeviceID.l) CloseInputDevice.l() StartInput.l() StopInput.l() ResetInput.l() ProgramChange.l(Channel.b, Voice.b) NoteOn.l(Channel.b, Note.b, Velocity.b) NoteOff.l(Channel.b, Note.b, Velocity.b) NoteOffAlternate.l(Channel.b, Note.b) AllNotesOff.l(Channel.b) ChangeController.l(Channel.b, Controller.b, Value.b) ChannelPressure.l(Channel.b, Value.b) KeyAftertouch.l(Channe.b, Note.b, Value.b) PitchWheel.l(Channel.b, Value.w) EndInterface Structure PB_MIDI_Struc VTable.l ;Functions fGetLastErrorText.l fGetLastErrorNr.l fKill.l fOpenOutputDevice.l fCloseOutputDevice.l fOpenInputDevice.l fCloseInputDevice.l fStartInput.l fStopInput.l fResetInput.l fProgramChange.l fNoteOn.l fNoteOff.l fNoteOffAlternate.l fAllNotesOff.l fChangeController.l fChannelPressure.l fKeyAftertouch.l fPitchWheel.l ;Data OutDevice.l InDevice.l InCallback.l hOutDevice.l hInDevice.l LastError.l LastErrorFunc.l EndStructure Structure PB_MIDI_Msg Channel.b Note.b Velocity.b Null.b EndStructure #MIDIERR_BADOPENMODE = #MIDIERR_BASE + 6 Procedure.s PB_MIDI_GetLastErrorText(*PM.PB_MIDI_Struc) Protected ErrorText.s ErrorText = "Error: " Select *PM\LastError Case #MMSYSERR_NOERROR : ErrorText + "No Error" Case #MIDIERR_NODEVICE : ErrorText + "No MIDI port was found. This error occurs only when the mapper is opened." Case #MMSYSERR_ALLOCATED : ErrorText + "The specified resource is already allocated." Case #MMSYSERR_BADDEVICEID : ErrorText + "The specified device identifier is out of range." Case #MMSYSERR_INVALPARAM : ErrorText + "The specified pointer or structure is invalid." Case #MMSYSERR_NOMEM : ErrorText + "The system is unable to allocate or lock memory." Case #MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE : ErrorText + "The specified device handle is invalid." Case #MIDIERR_BADOPENMODE : ErrorText + "The application sent a message without a status byte to a stream handle." Case #MIDIERR_NOTREADY : ErrorText + "The hardware is busy with other data." Case #MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING : ErrorText + "Buffers are still in the queue." Default : ErrorText + "Code " + Str(*PM\LastError) EndSelect ErrorText + #CRLF$ + "Function: " Select *PM\LastErrorFunc Case 0 : ErrorText + "No Function" Case 1 : ErrorText + "OpenOutptDevice" Case 2 : ErrorText + "OpenInputDevice" Case 3 : ErrorText + "StartInput" Case 4 : ErrorText + "StopInput" Case 5 : ErrorText + "ResetInput" Case 6 : ErrorText + "ProgramChange" Case 7 : ErrorText + "NoteOn" Case 8 : ErrorText + "NoteOff" Case 9 : ErrorText + "NoteOffAlternate" Case 10 : ErrorText + "AllNotesOff" Case 11 : ErrorText + "ChangeController" Case 12 : ErrorText + "ChannelPressure" Case 13 : ErrorText + "KeyAftertouch" Case 14 : ErrorText + "PitchWheel" Case 15 : ErrorText + "CloseOutputDevice" Case 16 : ErrorText + "CloseInputDevice" Default : ErrorText + "Unknown" EndSelect *PM\LastError = #MMSYSERR_NOERROR *PM\LastErrorFunc = 0 ProcedureReturn ErrorText EndProcedure Procedure PB_MIDI_GetLastErrorNr(*PM.PB_MIDI_Struc) Protected Error.l Error = *PM\LastError *PM\LastError = 0 ProcedureReturn Error EndProcedure Procedure PB_MIDI_OpenOutputDevice(*PM.PB_MIDI_Struc, DeviceID.l) Protected Error.l Error = midiOutOpen_(@*PM\hOutDevice, DeviceID, 0, 0, 0) If Error = #MMSYSERR_NOERROR *PM\OutDevice = DeviceID ProcedureReturn #True Else *PM\LastErrorFunc = 1 *PM\LastError = Error ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndProcedure Procedure PB_MIDI_CloseOutputDevice(*PM.PB_MIDI_Struc) Protected Error.l Error = midiOutClose_(*PM\hOutDevice) If Error = #MMSYSERR_NOERROR *PM\OutDevice = 0 *PM\hOutDevice = 0 ProcedureReturn #True Else *PM\LastErrorFunc = 15 *PM\LastError = Error ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndProcedure Procedure PB_MIDI_InCallback(hMidiIn.l, wMsg.l, *PM.PB_MIDI_Struc, dwMideMessage.l, dwTimeStamp.l) EndProcedure Procedure PB_MIDI_OpenInputDevice(*PM.PB_MIDI_Struc, DeviceID.l, Callback.l) Protected Error.l Error = midiInOpen_(@*PM\hInDevice, DeviceID, @PB_MIDI_InCallback(), *PM, #CALLBACK_FUNCTION) If Error = #MMSYSERR_NOERROR *PM\InDevice = DeviceID *PM\InCallback = Callback ProcedureReturn #True Else *PM\LastErrorFunc = 2 *PM\LastError = Error ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndProcedure Procedure PB_MIDI_CloseInputDevice(*PM.PB_MIDI_Struc) Protected Error.l Error = midiInClose_(*PM\hInDevice) If Error = #MMSYSERR_NOERROR *PM\InDevice = 0 *PM\hInDevice = 0 *PM\InCallback = 0 ProcedureReturn #True Else *PM\LastErrorFunc = 16 *PM\LastError = Error ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndProcedure Procedure PB_MIDI_StartInput(*PM.PB_MIDI_Struc) Protected Error.l Error = midiInStart_(*PM\hInDevice) If Error = #MMSYSERR_NOERROR ProcedureReturn #True Else *PM\LastErrorFunc = 3 *PM\LastError = Error ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndProcedure Procedure PB_MIDI_StopInput(*PM.PB_MIDI_Struc) Protected Error.l Error = midiInStop_(*PM\hInDevice) If Error = #MMSYSERR_NOERROR ProcedureReturn #True Else *PM\LastErrorFunc = 4 *PM\LastError = Error ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndProcedure Procedure PB_MIDI_ResetInput(*PM.PB_MIDI_Struc) Protected Error.l Error = midiInReset_(*PM\hInDevice) If Error = #MMSYSERR_NOERROR ProcedureReturn #True Else *PM\LastErrorFunc = 5 *PM\LastError = Error ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndProcedure ;Channel: 0-15 ;Voice: 0-127 ;Note: 0-127 ;Controller: 0-127 ;Value: 0-127 ;Value von PitchWheel: 0-32768 (?) Procedure PB_MIDI_ProgramChange(*PM.PB_MIDI_Struc, Channel.b, Voice.b) Protected Msg.PB_MIDI_Msg, Error.l Msg\Channel = $C0 + Channel Msg\Note = Voice Error = midiOutShortMsg_(*PM\hOutDevice, PeekW(@Msg)) If Error = #MMSYSERR_NOERROR ProcedureReturn #True Else *PM\LastError = Error *PM\LastErrorFunc = 6 ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndProcedure Procedure PB_MIDI_NoteOn(*PM.PB_MIDI_Struc, Channel.b, Note.b, Velocity.b) Protected Msg.PB_MIDI_Msg, Error.l Msg\Channel = $90 + Channel Msg\Note = Note Msg\Velocity = Velocity Msg\Null = 0 Error = midiOutShortMsg_(*PM\hOutDevice, PeekL(@Msg)) If Error = #MMSYSERR_NOERROR ProcedureReturn #True Else *PM\LastError = Error *PM\LastErrorFunc = 7 ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndProcedure Procedure PB_MIDI_NoteOff(*PM.PB_MIDI_Struc, Channel.b, Note.b, Velocity.b) Protected Msg.PB_MIDI_Msg, Error.l Msg\Channel = $80 + Channel Msg\Note = Note Msg\Velocity = Velocity Msg\Null = 0 Error = midiOutShortMsg_(*PM\hOutDevice, PeekL(@Msg)) If Error = #MMSYSERR_NOERROR ProcedureReturn #True Else *PM\LastError = Error *PM\LastErrorFunc = 8 ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndProcedure Procedure PB_MIDI_NoteOffAlternate(*PM.PB_MIDI_Struc, Channel.b, Note.b) Protected Msg.PB_MIDI_Msg, Error.l Msg\Channel = $90 + Channel Msg\Note = Note Msg\Velocity = 0 Msg\Null = 0 Error = midiOutShortMsg_(*PM\hOutDevice, PeekL(@Msg)) If Error = #MMSYSERR_NOERROR ProcedureReturn #True Else *PM\LastError = Error *PM\LastErrorFunc = 9 ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndProcedure Procedure PB_MIDI_AllNotesOff(*PM.PB_MIDI_Struc, Channel.b) Protected Msg.PB_MIDI_Msg, Error.l Msg\Channel = $B0 + Channel Msg\Note = $7B Msg\Velocity = 0 Msg\Null = 0 Error = midiOutShortMsg_(*PM\hOutDevice, PeekL(@Msg)) If Error = #MMSYSERR_NOERROR ProcedureReturn #True Else *PM\LastError = Error *PM\LastErrorFunc = 10 ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndProcedure Procedure PB_MIDI_ChangeController(*PM.PB_MIDI_Struc, Channel.b, Controller.b, Value.b) Protected Msg.PB_MIDI_Msg, Error.l Msg\Channel = $B0 + Channel Msg\Note = Controller Msg\Velocity = Value Msg\Null = 0 Error = midiOutShortMsg_(*PM\hOutDevice, PeekL(@Msg)) If Error = #MMSYSERR_NOERROR ProcedureReturn #True Else *PM\LastError = Error *PM\LastErrorFunc = 11 ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndProcedure Procedure PB_MIDI_ChannelPressure(*PM.PB_MIDI_Struc, Channel.b, Value.b) Protected Msg.PB_MIDI_Msg, Error.l Msg\Channel = $D0 + Channel Msg\Note = Value Msg\Velocity = 0 Msg\Null = 0 Error = midiOutShortMsg_(*PM\hOutDevice, PeekL(@Msg)) If Error = #MMSYSERR_NOERROR ProcedureReturn #True Else *PM\LastError = Error *PM\LastErrorFunc = 12 ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndProcedure Procedure PB_MIDI_KeyAftertouch(*PM.PB_MIDI_Struc, Channel.b, Note.b, Value.b) Protected Msg.PB_MIDI_Msg, Error.l Msg\Channel = $A0 + Channel Msg\Note = Note Msg\Velocity = Value Msg\Null = 0 Error = midiOutShortMsg_(*PM\hOutDevice, PeekL(@Msg)) If Error = #MMSYSERR_NOERROR ProcedureReturn #True Else *PM\LastError = Error *PM\LastErrorFunc = 12 ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndProcedure Procedure PB_MIDI_PitchWheel(*PM.PB_MIDI_Struc, Channel.b, Value.w) Protected Msg.PB_MIDI_Msg, Error.l Msg\Channel = $E0 + Channel Msg\Null = 0 PokeW(@Msg, Value) Error = midiOutShortMsg_(*PM\hOutDevice, PeekL(@Msg)) If Error = #MMSYSERR_NOERROR ProcedureReturn #True Else *PM\LastError = Error *PM\LastErrorFunc = 12 ProcedureReturn #False EndIf EndProcedure Procedure PB_MIDI_Kill(*PM.PB_MIDI_Struc) While midiInClose_(*PM\hInDevice) = #MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING : Wend While midiOutClose_(*PM\hOutDevice) = #MIDIERR_STILLPLAYING : Wend FreeMemory(*PM) ProcedureReturn #True EndProcedure Procedure PB_MIDI_Create() Protected *PM.PB_MIDI_Struc *PM = AllocateMemory(SizeOf(PB_MIDI_Struc)) If *PM = 0 : ProcedureReturn #False : EndIf *PM\VTable = *PM + 4 *PM\fGetLastErrorText = @PB_MIDI_GetLastErrorText() *PM\fGetLastErrorNr = @PB_MIDI_GetLastErrorNr() *PM\fKill = @PB_MIDI_Kill() *PM\fOpenOutputDevice = @PB_MIDI_OpenOutputDevice() *PM\fOpenInputDevice = @PB_MIDI_OpenInputDevice() *PM\fStartInput = @PB_MIDI_StartInput() *PM\fStopInput = @PB_MIDI_StopInput() *PM\fResetInput = @PB_MIDI_ResetInput() *PM\fProgramChange = @PB_MIDI_ProgramChange() *PM\fNoteOn = @PB_MIDI_NoteOn() *PM\fNoteOff = @PB_MIDI_NoteOff() *PM\fNoteOffAlternate = @PB_MIDI_NoteOffAlternate() *PM\fAllNotesOff = @PB_MIDI_AllNotesOff() *PM\fChangeController = @PB_MIDI_ChangeController() *PM\fChannelPressure = @PB_MIDI_ChannelPressure() *PM\fKeyAftertouch = @PB_MIDI_KeyAftertouch() *PM\fPitchWheel = @PB_MIDI_PitchWheel() ProcedureReturn *PM EndProcedure Procedure MIDIRequester(*OutDevice.l, *InDevice.l) Protected WinID.l Protected List1.l, List2.l, But1.l, But2.l, Txt1.l, Txt2.l, Txt3.l, Txt4.l Protected MaxOutDev.l, InfoOut.MIDIOUTCAPS, InDev.l, OutDev.l, Quit.l, Ok.l, EventID.l, a.l Protected Width.l, Column.l, Offset.l #MOD_WAVETABLE = 6 #MOD_SWSYNTH = 7 #MIDIRequ_InSet = 2 #MIDIRequ_OutSet = 1 Width = 400 WinID = OpenWindow(#PB_Any, 0, 0, Width, 270, #PB_Window_SystemMenu | #PB_Window_ScreenCentered, "MIDI-Requester") If WinID If CreateGadgetList(WindowID(WinID)) Column = (Width - 20) / 2 Offset = (Width / 2) + 5 TextGadget(#PB_Any, 5, 5, Column, 18, "Output-Device:", #PB_Text_Center | #PB_Text_Border) List1 = ListViewGadget(#PB_Any, 5, 23, Column, 100) MaxOutDev = midiOutGetNumDevs_() If MaxOutDev For a = -1 To MaxOutDev - 1 midiOutGetDevCaps_(a, InfoOut, SizeOf(MIDIOUTCAPS)) AddGadgetItem(List1, -1, PeekS(@InfoOut\szPname[0], 32)) Next Else AddGadgetItem(List1, -1, "(no output device)") DisableGadget(List1, 1) EndIf If *OutDevice = 0 : DisableGadget(List1, 1) : EndIf TextGadget(#PB_Any, Offset, 5, Column, 18, "Input-Device:", #PB_Text_Center | #PB_Text_Border) List2 = ListViewGadget(#PB_Any, Offset, 23, Column, 100) MaxInDev.l = midiInGetNumDevs_() InfoIn.MIDIINCAPS If MaxInDev For a = 0 To MaxInDev - 1 midiInGetDevCaps_(a, InfoIn, SizeOf(MIDIINCAPS)) AddGadgetItem(List2, -1, PeekS(@InfoIn\szPname[0], 32)) Next Else AddGadgetItem(List2, -1, "(no input device)") DisableGadget(List2, 1) EndIf If *InDevice = 0 : DisableGadget(List2, 1) : EndIf But1 = ButtonGadget(#PB_Any, 5, 240, Column, 24, "&OK") But2 = ButtonGadget(#PB_Any, Offset, 240, Column, 24, "&Cancel") Frame3DGadget(#PB_Any, 5, 130, Width - 10, 100, "Info of Output-Device", 0) Txt1 = TextGadget(#PB_Any, 10, 145, Width - 20, 18, "Version:") Txt2 = TextGadget(#PB_Any, 10, 165, Width - 20, 18, "Technology:") Txt3 = TextGadget(#PB_Any, 10, 185, Width - 20, 18, "Max. Voices:") Txt4 = TextGadget(#PB_Any, 10, 205, Width - 20, 18, "Polyphonie:") OutDev = 0 InDev = 0 Quit = #False Ok = #False Repeat If GetGadgetState(List1) > -1 Or GetGadgetState(List2) > -1 DisableGadget(But1, 0) Else DisableGadget(But1, 1) EndIf If InDev <> GetGadgetState(List2) InDev = GetGadgetState(List2) EndIf If GetGadgetState(List1) <> OutDev OutDev = GetGadgetState(List1) midiOutGetDevCaps_(OutDev - 1, InfoOut, SizeOf(MIDIOUTCAPS)) SetGadgetText(Txt1, "Version: " + Str(InfoOut\vDriverVersion >> 8) + "." + Str(InfoOut\vDriverVersion & FF)) Select InfoOut\wTechnology Case #MOD_MIDIPORT : TmpS.s = "Hardware Port" Case #MOD_SYNTH : TmpS.s = "Synthesizer" Case #MOD_SQSYNTH : TmpS.s = "Square Wave Synthesizer" Case #MOD_FMSYNTH : TmpS.s = "FM Synthesizer" Case #MOD_MAPPER : TmpS.s = "Microsoft MIDI Mapper" Case #MOD_WAVETABLE : TmpS.s = "Hardware Wavetable Synthesizer" Case #MOD_SWSYNTH : TmpS.s = "Software Synthesizer" Default: TmpS.s = "(Error Code " + Str(InfoOut\wTechnology) + ")" EndSelect SetGadgetText(Txt2, "Technology: " + TmpS) If InfoOut\wVoices = 0 : TmpS.s = "inf" : Else : TmpS.s = Str(InfoOut\wVoices) : EndIf SetGadgetText(Txt3, "Max. Voices: " + TmpS) If InfoOut\wNotes = 0 : TmpS.s = "inf" : Else : TmpS.s = Str(InfoOut\wNotes) : EndIf SetGadgetText(Txt4, "Polyphonie: " + TmpS) EndIf EventID = WaitWindowEvent() Select EventID Case #PB_EventCloseWindow Quit = #True Ok = #False Case #PB_EventGadget Select EventGadgetID() Case But1 If *OutDevice : PokeL(*OutDevice, OutDev - 1) : EndIf If *InDevice : PokeL(*InDevice, InDev) : EndIf Quit = #True Ok = 3 If (OutDev = -1 Or CountGadgetItems(List1) = 0) And Ok & #MIDIRequ_OutSet : Ok ! #MIDIRequ_OutSet : EndIf If (InDev = -1 Or CountGadgetItems(List2) = 0) And Ok & #MIDIRequ_InSet : Ok ! #MIDIRequ_InSet : EndIf Case But2 Quit = #True Ok = #False EndSelect EndSelect Until Quit CloseWindow(WinID) ProcedureReturn Ok EndIf EndIf ProcedureReturn #False EndProcedure ; jaPBe Version= ; FoldLines=00000017001800380039003E0042006B006C00710073007E007F008B008D008F ; FoldLines=0090009D009E00AB00AC00B700B800C300C400CF00D700E300E400F200F30101 ; FoldLines=010201100111011F0120012E012F013D013E014C014D015A015C01610163017C ; FoldLines=017E01F3 ; Build=0 ; CompileThis=Inc_Play.pbi ; FirstLine=8 ; CursorPosition=382 ; ExecutableFormat=Windows ; DontSaveDeclare ; EOF